DJ Wich feat. Moja Reč & Jakub Děkan - V tomto svete - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DJ Wich feat. Moja Reč & Jakub Děkan - V tomto svete

V tomto svete
In This World
Stále to píšem pre svojich démonov
I still write for my demons
Okrem nich málokto naozaj vie kto som
Apart from them few really know who I am
Letím nad Európou, desí sa černochov
I fly over Europe, blacks are scared
Nestíha z gayov
Gays can't keep up
Nám belochom lepí fakt z kdekoho
It sucks for us whites from everyone
Slovák je pod stolom nonstop
Slovaks are constantly under the table
Slopať ide rovno s kostola
Ready to gobble up anything
Svoj strach čo dostal od otcov
With the fear they got from their fathers
Dáva do potomkov dokola
They pass it on to their descendants
Žijem to Nintendo víkend čo víkend, som DJ-ov dealer
I'm living the Nintendo weekend after weekend, I'm a DJ dealer
Pod nickname-om spitnem svoj shit keď to kýve celým klubom
Spit my shit under a nickname when the whole club shakes
Stále je to cash čo rozhýbe stádo
It's still the cash that gets the herd moving
Nie pero ale teror píše zákon
Not a pen but terror writes the law
Stojíme v radoch volíme hajzlov, močíme na hrob
We stand in lines voting for assholes, pissing on graves
Horíme láskou, sporíme málo, prosíme často
We burn with love, save little, beg much
Potíme, topíme sádlo pod maskou, dobrý deň národ
We sweat, melt fat behind masks, good day nation
Točíme liveshow o tom, jak premier si po hymne zástavou vytrie zadok
We shoot live shows about how the prime minister wipes his ass with the flag after the anthem
Píšem to, kým mesto spí, stále verím že to vtipne skončí
I write this as the city sleeps, still believing it will end funny
Jou a my máme silu, songami potlačiť agresiu
Jou and we have the power to suppress aggression with songs
A čo ak vojaci majú zbrane, tie nezmenia čo chlapci majú v hlave, tie nevedia slovami zažnúť plameň
And what if the soldiers have weapons, they can't change what the boys have in their heads, they can't ignite the flame with words
Neriešia čo trápi našu mládež
They don't care what worries our youth
A to sere diktát, nevie vystáť ten dementný štát
And that's what makes the dictator mad, he can't stand that demented state
V mene Elvisa, Hendrixa, Ježiša Krista
In the name of Elvis, Hendrix, Jesus Christ
Za oceán pästí pení a dvíha
A fist across the ocean foams and rises
Ja nečekám že to príde, zostalo to iba v nás
I don't expect it to come, it's just left in us
Ja nečekám že to príde ak každý z nás je iba hráč
I don't expect it to come if every one of us is just a player
Tak ostane len v tomto svete
So it will only remain in this world
Lebo druhý svet sa zatvára
Because the other world is closing
Tak nájdi šťastie v tejto vete
So find happiness in this sentence
to nebude len predstava
It will no longer be just an idea
Ešte stále mám na háku, stále mám v piči
I still have it on the hook, I still don't give a damn
štím na svet zo strechy baráku
Shield to the world from the roof of the barrack
Otváram si žili do majku
I cut my veins open to my mother's
Basy, snéru a kopaku
Basses, snares and kick drums
Úsmev na ksichte, na krku oprátku
Smile on my face, noose around my neck
Do placu, rýmy bez obalu
Into the square, rhymes without wrapper
Faker ích pozlátku, život je stále bitch
Faker their gold leaf, life is still a bitch
Mne robí striptíz, ja ju plieskam po zadku
She strips for me, I spank her on the ass
Čisté sneakers, dotrhané rifle, brýle
Clean sneakers, torn jeans, glasses
Píšem lajny plné farby v tomto čiernobielom filme
I write lines full of color in this black and white movie
Na beate ma men Wich, fresh
On the beat my name's Wich, fresh
kým nás vypne
Until it turns us off
žiadny image, my sme real
No image, we're real
3D, viacej dope ako tvoj dealer
3D, more dope than your dealer
Stále istý pri mne, sedel som v izbe a sníval
Still the same ones by my side, I sat in my room and dreamed
Presne o tom čo teraz žijem
Exactly about what I'm living now
Stále sa strácam vo whiskey a pive
I still get lost in whiskey and beer
A na ďalší deň hľadám pravdu vo víne
And the next day I look for truth in wine
A nenosím ružové brýle
And I don't wear rose-colored glasses
Volám len na tích istých pár čísel
I only call those same few numbers
Stále kričím: "Vyser si oko systém!"
I keep shouting: "Fuck the system!"
Vidím ich ako chcú aby som visel
I can see how they want me to hang
Stále viem odkiaľ som prišiel
I still know where I came from
Kam idem a ským
Where I'm going and with whom
A že to zmysel
And that it makes sense
Ja nečekám že to príde, zostalo to iba v nás
I don't expect it to come, it's just left in us
Ja nečekám že to príde ak každý z nás je iba hráč
I don't expect it to come if every one of us is just a player
Tak ostane len v tomto svete lebo druhý svet sa zatvára
So it will only remain in this world because the other world is closing
Tak nájdi šťastie v tejto vete to nebude len predstava
So find happiness in this sentence it will no longer be just an idea

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