DMS - Des Mech Celi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DMS - Des Mech Celi

Des Mech Celi
Those Sky Cells
Ty si hore len vtedy keď nespíš
You're only up when you're not sleeping
Je-bem do papule celú prestíž
Fuck all the prestige in the mouth
Aj tak sme tam kde sme chceli byť
We're still where we wanted to be
My kde sme chceli byť
Us, where we wanted to be
Kde sme chceli byť my
Where we wanted to be, us
Kde sme chceli byť
Where we wanted to be
Bez bontónu a umelého ksichtu
Without manners and an artificial face
Zapĺňal zošity, minul nejednu fixu
He filled notebooks, used up more than one marker
Predurčený nemať z toho strach ako pitbull
Predestined not to be afraid of it like a pitbull
Mal nechutne presvedčivý výstup jak kristus amen
He had a disgustingly convincing performance like Christ, amen
Chladný jak panel
Cold as a panel building
Ktorý práve domaloval v novembrovej noci nasekaný Karel
Which was just painted by a stoned Karel on a November night
Nastrkaný v pojašenej hlave
Stuck in a crazy head
Tie rozdiely vtedy a teraz jak Fila a Coco Chanel
The differences then and now are like Fila and Coco Chanel
Ľudia z neho mali plešiny jak Palo Hamel
People got bald spots from him like Palo Hamel
Menili sa okolo ostal iba Laco a Dame
Everything changed around, only Laco and Dame remained
Asi bolo na nich moc že išiel striktne jak Hammer
It was probably too much for them, he went strictly like Hammer
Nepreslávila ho telka ani žiadny banner
He wasn't made famous by TV or any banner
Stáli, mali cieľ a museli ísť ďalej
They stood, had a goal, and had to keep going
Stále stoja tu nezastavili sa do piče pojebanej
They still stand here, they haven't stopped, damn it
Ty si hore len vtedy keď nespíš
You're only up when you're not sleeping
Je-bem do papule celú prestíž
Fuck all the prestige in the mouth
Aj tak sme tam kde sme chceli byť
We're still where we wanted to be
My kde sme chceli byť
Us, where we wanted to be
Kde sme chceli byť my
Where we wanted to be, us
Kde sme chceli byť
Where we wanted to be
Jebem celú slávu, ce-celé celebrity
Fuck all the fame, all the celebrities
Celý prehnitý šoubiznis, aj trčať z riti
The whole rotten showbiz, even sticking out of asses
Sme tam kde sme chceli aj bez kytíc cicín vidíš?
We're where we wanted to be even without bouquets of tits, see?
Žiadny Expres, Európa ani SiTy
No Expres, Europa or SiTy
Dropneme album, ruka hore je jak dynamit
We drop an album, hand up is like dynamite
Vybuchne server zatiaľ čo frajerí piča riť
The server explodes while the bitch's ass shows off
Tí, čo najviac kričali
Those who shouted the most
Nevedia nič vyčariť
Can't conjure up anything
Pár dní po vydaní
A few days after the release
Si ten shit nevieš ani vybaviť
You can't even remember that shit
Radšej nekričím, čo jak bude super
I'd rather not shout about how great it will be
Hudba je o hudbe, ne o super sľube
Music is about music, not about super promises
Kľudne vybuchuj jak polosladký teplý Hubert
Feel free to explode like a semi-sweet warm Hubert
Ale sláva aj tak vyprchá jak slabá show v klube
But fame will still fade away like a weak show in a club
Ty si hore len vtedy keď nespíš
You're only up when you're not sleeping
Je-bem do papule celú prestíž
Fuck all the prestige in the mouth
Aj tak sme tam kde sme chceli byť
We're still where we wanted to be
My kde sme chceli byť
Us, where we wanted to be
Kde sme chceli byť my
Where we wanted to be, us
Kde sme chceli byť
Where we wanted to be
Aka-fuka funda-luka
Aka-fuka funda-luka
Piča huba riť aj ruka
Bitch mouth ass and hand
Zameraj sa na mňa
Focus on me
Nasypem ti fakty do klobúka
I'll pour facts into your hat
Že máš rád len staré albumy
That you only like old albums
Si nedám za vinu
I won't blame you
Veď vďaka tomu
Because thanks to that
Aj buldozér po čase platinu
Even a bulldozer gets platinum after a while
No počúvaj ho pozorne
But listen carefully
Bo tvoja tvorba biedna
Because your creation is miserable
Je tak v piči, že by som ťa zožral
It's so fucked up, I would have eaten you
Aj keď som bol siedmak
Even when I was in seventh grade
Aj najnavštevovanejšia
Even the most visited
Tour je jediná jedna
Tour is just one
Kým si teba promotéri
While promoters are throwing you
Hádžu jak horúci zemiak
Like a hot potato
Chcel by si to poprieť
You'd like to deny it
Ale nedá sa, nevieš jak
But you can't, you don't know how
Lebo tvoje rapy len
Because your raps are just
Plné odpadu jak smetiak
Full of garbage like a dumpster
Frajer musíš byť
Dude, you have to be
Nenechať si pod tričkom vešiak
Don't let a hanger under your shirt
A klub musí byť plný
And the club has to be full
Lebo ľudia sa tam tešia
Because people are looking forward to it there
Vieš jak
You know how
Preto nemôžeš povedať nič
That's why you can't say anything
Na show ktorá šlape
About the show that's going well
Takže teraz naozaj sme tam
So now we're really there
Kde som chcel byť ako chlapec
Where I wanted to be as a boy
Najmä všetky roky tej práce
Especially all the years of that work
Nebol calcul ani plán
There was no calculation or plan
A práve preto ti teraz hráme
And that's why we're playing for you now
DMS nikdy neskape chápeš?!
DMS will never die, understand?!
Ty si hore len vtedy keď nespíš
You're only up when you're not sleeping
Je-bem do papule celú prestíž
Fuck all the prestige in the mouth
Aj tak sme tam kde sme chceli byť
We're still where we wanted to be
My kde sme chceli byť
Us, where we wanted to be
Kde sme chceli byť my
Where we wanted to be, us
Kde sme chceli byť
Where we wanted to be

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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