DMS feat. SMART - Horšia Pesnička - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DMS feat. SMART - Horšia Pesnička

Horšia Pesnička
Worse Song
Piča, huba, riiiť.
Cunt, mouth, as-s.
Huba, piča, riť. (ej)
Mouth, cunt, ass. (hey)
Huba, piča, riť.
Mouth, cunt, ass.
Huba, piča, riť. (ej)
Mouth, cunt, ass. (hey)
Huba, piča, riť. (ej)
Mouth, cunt, ass. (hey)
Nemóžu povedať nič. Nikto by nečakal takýto beat. (ej)
Can't say anything. Nobody would expect such a beat. (hey)
Sadol za stol, nevedel jak, ale zajebal takýto hit. (hit)
Sat down at the table, didn't know how, but he nailed such a hit. (hit)
Na ďalšom albume zamíšam karty a najebem ich tam tri. (ej)
On the next album, I'll shuffle the cards and put three of them in there. (hey)
A tvój producent móže prísť vypiť ma jak drink. (ej)
And your producer can come and drink me like a drink. (hey)
Porodil ťa otec riťou a tvoja mama. (ej)
Your father gave birth to you with his ass, not your mother. (hey)
Ten hnoj sa tiahol nemocnicou, smrdel si jak kanál.
That shit dragged through the hospital, you stank like a sewer.
Oddelenie hore pičou. Deku, potom kabát
The ward upstairs is fucked up. Blanket, then coat
Hodili cez teba, jak keby chytali hada. (sss)
They threw it over you like they were catching a snake. (sss)
Odvtedy smrdíš stále vác jak rozpatlané kulo. (kulo)
Since then, you've been stinking worse and worse, like a smashed ball. (ball)
celý panelák, že si v piči jak Marcinov humor. (humor)
The whole block knows you're fucked up like Marcin's humor. (humor)
Dokonalý príklad toho, prečo jebať s gumou, (ej)
A perfect example of why to fuck with a rubber, (hey)
Keď jebe brat so sestrou alebo len nula s nulou... (haha)
When a brother fucks with a sister or just a zero with a zero... (haha)
Jebala Diana s Milanom, (Milan)
Diana fucked with Milan, (Milan)
šúchali sa o seba cez pyžamo. (yeyee)
they rubbed against each other through their pajamas. (yeyee)
Keď to neviete vy mi áno. (ej)
If you don't know, I do. (hey)
Nebol si v pláne, bol to dialóg. (more)
You weren't planned, it was a dialogue. (more)
Ale nakoniec si vznikol. (ej)
But in the end you came into being. (hey)
Keby sa to dalo, by ťa skipol (tatino)
If it were possible, I would skip you (daddy)
A jebol to do slipov. (fuj)
And shove it in my underpants. (ew)
Ale si tu, tak uži si to. (ej)
But you're here, so enjoy it. (hey)
Laco (Smart):
Laco (Smart):
Stále nadhľad ako Otiiis. (Otiiis)
Always looking down like Otiiis. (Otiiis)
Rapery smrdia ako šproty. (ye-e)
Rappers stink like sprats. (ye-e)
Sme trocha ďalej ako oniii. (ouu)
We're a little further than the-e-ey. (ouu)
Jebem vás zozadu jak Boriiis. (ej)
I fuck you from behind like Boriiis. (hey)
Kokotom zrazu vadia drogyyy, (do pytle)
Suddenly, dicks are bothered by drug-gs, (damn it)
Zosypali sa jak pogy. (huo-o)
They collapsed like pogs. (huo-o)
Drž piču! Vadíš mi tu, odíííď! (e-e-e)
Shut the fuck up! You bother me here, get out! (e-e-e)
Pome sa rozjebať na schody. (uo-o, uo-o)
Let's go smash ourselves on the stairs. (uo-o, uo-o)
Kde je tvoja sestra, čo smrdí jak dobytok? (jaj)
Where's your sister who stinks like cattle? (yuck)
Včera som ti jebal matku aj s tvojím ocinom.
Yesterday I fucked your mother and your father.
Evelyn nemá tanier, ale iba koryto. (prasa)
Evelyn doesn't have a plate, just a trough. (pig)
Na obed zožere nohu koňa aj s kopytom. (AIDS)
For lunch she'll eat a horse's leg with the hoof. (AIDS)
Chlapci cez víkendy fúkajú jak vietor, (ay)
Boys blow like the wind on weekends, (ay)
Jak do sviečok z torty - želaj si niečo. (ye)
Like into candles on a cake - make a wish. (ye)
Myslia, že hype, potom jak im práve
They think they're hype, then just like them
Stieklo niečo jak rieky zmiešané s kriedou. (soj)
Something like rivers mixed with chalk has just flowed down. (soy)
Všetci majú po párty vo vagíne piesok. (uh)
Everyone has sand in their vagina after the party. (uh)
Vydržia málo ako sáčkové mlieko. (yey)
They don't last long like bagged milk. (yey)
Všetci rozbití jak po nás ten priestor. (oh)
Everyone is broken like the space after us. (oh)
Nemáme šancu vyspovedať sa z hriechov. (joj)
We have no chance to confess our sins. (oh)
Vy pijete mojito s mierou, my pijeme hocičo s liehom. (ey)
You drink mojito in moderation, we drink anything with alcohol. (ey)
Ty si brzdený sliepkou, my brzdíme všetko len smiechom. (smiech)
You're held back by a chick, we hold back everything with laughter. (laughter)
Na to že si chalan,
For a guy,
Vyzeráš jak v šiestom, jak prasa na silných liekoch. (uh)
You look like you're in sixth grade, like a pig on strong drugs. (uh)
A ty moja zlatá,
And you, my dear,
V tých štekloch chodíš jak keby máš niečo s miechou. (ye)
You walk in those heels like you have something wrong with your spine. (ye)
Nemáme dno jak pohár v Ikei. (ye)
We have no bottom like a glass in Ikea. (ye)
Tvoji rodičia boli pikéry. (párno)
Your parents were losers. (weird)
V posteli máš doteraz igelit, (kámo)
You still have plastic wrap in your bed, (dude)
Si došťaný, musíš ho vymeniť.
You're soaked, you have to change it.
Máš opicu aj vtedy, keď nepiješ alkohol. (brrra)
You have a hangover even when you don't drink alcohol. (brrra)
Tvoja sestra je jak keby ju máš s mamkou. (ye)
Your sister is like you have her with your mom. (ye)
V garzónke smrad, lebo nemá ani balkón. (AIDS)
The studio apartment stinks because it doesn't even have a balcony. (AIDS)
Výhľad iba na sklad, smeti a lis na kartón.
View only of the warehouse, garbage and cardboard press.

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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