DMS - Kardio - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DMS - Kardio

Jedno bezkofeinove latéčko poprosím.
One decaf latte, please.
Zatiaľ, čo davaš si kardio, maš legíny, tvoj
While you're doing cardio, wearing your leggings, your
Bicykel sa nehýbe a vyzeráš jak gay-ay-aay,
Bike ain't moving and you look kinda gay-ay-aay,
My nemusíme žiť takýto fejk.
We don't need to live this fake life.
Tvoje kardio, verím, že v tom bydliš, že
Your cardio, I believe you live in it, that
Ti neni zle, no aj tak každý vidí, že si fejk-ej-eejk,
You don't feel bad, but everyone can see you're fake-ay-eejk,
My bereme jak kardio ten stejk.
We take steak as our cardio.
Žereme jak stejk ten stage, inak to nejde,
We eat the stage like a steak, there's no other way,
Bordel jak Iron Maden, nejsme faded,
Messy like Iron Maiden, we're not faded,
Jediné, čo nám nejde, je asi iba breakdance,
The only thing we can't do is probably just breakdance,
Okrem toho máme všetky elementy, bejbeee.
Besides that, we have all the elements, baby.
Oukej eej,
Okay eej,
DMS je selfmade,
DMS is self-made,
Nikto neni faker,
Nobody's a faker,
Rodina, ne label.
Family, not a label.
Pred party s nami ulož si čislo na piatu,
Before the party with us, save the number for five,
Na pol šiestu dojde nechuť,
At half past five, disgust will come,
Potom odnesú ťa v mechu.
Then they'll carry you away in moss.
(Prikryjú ťa termoplachtov.)
(They'll cover you with a thermal blanket.)
(Tomu ver. Ty obyčajný smrtelník.)
(Believe that. You ordinary mortal.)
Sme rodina jak Shizzle my nizzlove sestry eeu,
We're family like the Shizzle my nizzlove sisters eeu,
Potom after, kardio, čert nikdy nespí, vieš,
Then afterparty, cardio, the devil never sleeps, you know,
Na tom stagei jak vykurvený, besný pes,
On that stage like a fucking mad dog,
Sme úplne hovadá, hovorím bez pičeee.
We're complete idiots, I'm saying it without a bitch.
Na turné bolo na mňa, brácho, 16 000,
On tour, there were 16,000 on me, bro,
Smutnučký ostal z toho nejeden kokotek,
Many a cockatoo was left sad,
Dlhé roky na vrchole scény, stále nejsom piči,
Long years at the top of the scene, I'm still not a bitch,
Som LeBron James SK rapu, tak to pochopte.
I'm the LeBron James of SK rap, so understand that.
Bodám tie alley oopy o betón,
I'm stabbing those alley oops on the concrete,
od tej doby, keď sme malovali s koetom,
Ever since we were painting with Koet,
Dám to aj po flaši rumu, čo brzdím moetom,
I'll do it even after a bottle of rum, which I slow down with Moet,
Kým chlapci zažierajú Rohypnoly kolesom.
While the boys are downing Rohypnol with wheels.
Je to jak insanity kardio
It's like insanity cardio
Není sranda udýchať tie riadky boy
It's not fun to breathe those lines, boy
Videl som tvoju show strašne to
I saw your show, it was terrible
Jebať na nich, všetci vedia, kto je tu šampión.
Fuck them, everyone knows who the champion is here.
Cítim to kardio, je to návyk,
I feel that cardio, it's an addiction,
Každá gádžiboy sa chce páriť,
Every gadjigirl wants to mate,
ľúbia sa krútiť jak vyjebaný závit,
They love to twist like a fucking screw,
Lebo cítia hudbu, kým ty cítiš závisť,
Because they feel the music, while you feel envy,
Eeeo, každý deň sobota,
Eeeo, every day is Saturday,
Neviem, čo s tebou,
I don't know what to do with you,
Keď si kus kokota,
When you're a piece of shit,
My si ideme to kardio,
We're going to do that cardio,
A ty sa odmotaj, eeeo.
And you unwind, eeeo.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Okay, okay, okay, okay.
DMS Prepáčte.
DMS Sorry.
Najlepšia párty je tam, kde hráme,
The best party is where we play,
Dvojdňový after, tak stiahni záves,
Two-day afterparty, so pull the curtains,
Silvester máme tak každý pátek,
We have New Year's Eve every Friday,
Dojdeš k nám, tak si napíš závet.
If you come to us, write your will.
Lebo tak to máme my,
Because that's how we do it,
Hajzli tupí, daj mi piť,
Stupid assholes, give me a drink,
Texty hovná a aj riť,
The lyrics are shit and so is the ass,
Nepovedia ti nič, prepáčte mi to naveky.
They won't tell you anything, forgive me for that forever.
Cítim to kardio, je to návyk,
I feel that cardio, it's an addiction,
Každá gádžiboy sa chce páriť,
Every gadjigirl wants to mate,
ľúbia sa krútiť jak vyjebaný závit,
They love to twist like a fucking screw,
Lebo cítia hudbu, kým ty cítiš závisť,
Because they feel the music, while you feel envy,
Eeeo, každý deň sobota,
Eeeo, every day is Saturday,
Neviem, čo s tebou,
I don't know what to do with you,
Keď si kus kokota,
When you're a piece of shit,
My si ideme to kardio,
We're going to do that cardio,
A ty sa odmotaj, eeeo.
And you unwind, eeeo.

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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