DMS - Stále Málo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DMS - Stále Málo

Stále Málo
Still Not Enough
to iba reči
It's all just talk
Jak fakeove veci
Like fake things
čo nemajú cenu
That have no value
To je nič, to je málo
It's nothing, it's not enough
Iba keci, jak mačka vo vreci
Just bullshit, like a cat in a bag
Pretočené jak tvoje dovezené bávo
Rolled back like your imported Beemer
Nikdy jak pred tým
Never like before
Nač opakovať vety
Why repeat sentences
Nemá to cenu, to je nič to je málo
It has no value, it's nothing, it's not enough
Prepáčte letí jak audio fetish
Sorry, it flies by like an audio fetish
A čo je pre vás cez je pre nás stále málo
And what's over the top for you is still not enough for us
čo je pre niekoho super
What's super for someone
Je pre nás iba škoda
Is just a pity for us
Pre niekoho koka
For someone, it's coke
Je pre nás iba kola
For us, it's just cola
Potrebujem vyhriate sedadlá aj volant
I need heated seats and steering wheel
Aj keď sa potom v aute správam ako Borat
Even though I then act like Borat in the car
Tak poraď mi jak to mám robiť
So tell me how to do it
Aj tak ťa jebem do hlavy
I'll fuck you in the head anyway
Lebo som dosť starý kretén
Because I'm old enough of a moron
Na to aby som vedel sám jak to chceme
To know myself how we want it
Teda jak to chce pancier ja sa len vezem
Well, how the tank wants it, I'm just riding along
Stále je to málo
It's still not enough
Chýba ti spánok
You lack sleep
A nevieš čo sám so sebou máš robiť
And you don't know what to do with yourself
To je nič to je málo, nezaujíma ma názor
It's nothing, it's not enough, I don't care about opinions
Zo všetkého čo urobím mám dobrý pocit
I feel good about everything I do
Pre nás není návod
There's no manual for us
Nepretekáme kámo
We're not racing, buddy
Len tak si ideme a neusíme hrotiť
We're just going our own way and we don't need to push it
Aj tak to ide samo
It goes by itself anyway
Jak potoček a čo bude tu
Like a stream and what will be here
To je len na nás aké zanecháme stopy
It's up to us what kind of footprints we leave
(Kuldne choď do piče)
(Kuldne go fuck yourself)
to iba reči
It's all just talk
Jak fakeove veci
Like fake things
čo nemajú cenu
That have no value
To je nič, to je málo
It's nothing, it's not enough
Iba keci, jak mačka vo vreci
Just bullshit, like a cat in a bag
Pretočené jak tvoje dovezené bávo
Rolled back like your imported Beemer
Nikdy jak pred tým
Never like before
Nač opakovať vety
Why repeat sentences
Nemá to cenu, to je nič to je málo
It has no value, it's nothing, it's not enough
Prepáčte letí jak audio fetish
Sorry, it flies by like an audio fetish
A čo je pre vás cez je pre nás stále málo
And what's over the top for you is still not enough for us
Keby som bol ty radšej chodím po kanáloch
If I were you, I'd rather walk through the sewers
Si trochu obyčajný a trochu nula áno
You're a bit ordinary and a bit of a zero, yes
Stále by si chcel viac, stále je to málo
You'd always want more, it's still not enough
Stále si len smetie, jak nasekané čáčo
You're still just trash, like chopped up crack
Aj keby si bol bez šiat, a bol si bez topánok
Even if you were naked, and without shoes
Nikdo by ti len tak nepomohol brácho
Nobody would just help you, bro
Stále si len štetka a nemáš na to nárok
You're still just a whore and you have no right to it
Lebo si len sifilis a mal by si mať stánok
Because you're just syphilis and you should have a stand
že si kúpiš hejt a si obslúžený károm
That you buy hate and are served by a car
Stále je to málo jak výhovorky, prečo ne?
It's still not enough, like excuses, why not?
Stále si len granadír na tenieri cez obed
You're still just a grenadier on a plate for lunch
Stále majú pocit že im dojebali renomé
They still feel like their reputation's been fucked up
Stále nedokážu priznať to ako byť fenomén
They still can't admit how to be a phenomenon
šeci tu kokoti a nič tu neni férové
Everyone here's a dickhead and nothing here is fair
Nikdo za to nemože, len tvoje menomé
Nobody's to blame but your menome
Lebo to vyjebanstvo v tebe je vedomé
Because the fuck-up in you is already conscious
Keď možeš dojebať ostatních poviš prečo
If you can fuck up others, you say why not
A to je tak málo jak premňa všetko medové
And that's as little as everything honey for me
Tvoje názory extrémne svetové
Your opinions are extremely worldly
Lebo si král iba že nikdo nevie kde to je
Because you're the king, only nobody knows where that is
A teraz vieš prečo si nula lebo pretože
And now you know why you're a zero because
to iba reči
It's all just talk
Jak fakeove veci
Like fake things
čo nemajú cenu
That have no value
To je nič, to je málo
It's nothing, it's not enough
Iba keci, jak mačka vo vreci
Just bullshit, like a cat in a bag
Pretočené jak tvoje dovezené bávo
Rolled back like your imported Beemer
Nikdy jak pred tým
Never like before
Nač opakovať vety
Why repeat sentences
Nemá to cenu, to je nič to je málo
It has no value, it's nothing, it's not enough
Prepáčte letí jak audio fetish
Sorry, it flies by like an audio fetish
A čo je pre vás cez je pre nás stále málo
And what's over the top for you is still not enough for us

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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