DMS - SÓS - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский DMS - SÓS

Chytím mikrofón a odjebém stróp
I grab the mic and spit a verse
Zarobené zamrazené,na ľad(éj na ľad)
Earned it frozen, on ice (Yeah, on ice)
Sleduj chalan na baze jak valach
Watch the boy on the couch like a stallion
Mole jak kury je to bagaš
Cops are like chickens, they're useless
Urobím a utratim narád
I'll make and spend it all, I don't care
Kto je s nami nauzaj ten ide za nás
Anyone who's really with us, they'll ride for us
Je mu jedno či nemám vlasy či máva na nás
They don't care if I'm bald or if they wave at us
My sme reálny jak život sa maju jak spermie v
We're as real as life, they're like sperm in
Hlavách čo nepočujú to je tu AIDS a to je šalát
The heads of those who can't hear, that's AIDS, that's fucked up
Robíme to popíči môžeš sa pojebáť
We do it awesome, you can go fuck yourself
Nestíhajú nás jak keby šli po kolenách ten
They can't keep up with us, like they're crawling on their knees
Reprečer to je v kolotoči je len v kolenách
That rep is on the merry-go-round, it's just on its knees
My Idem Flex Ice vy ste drevo polená
We're going full speed ahead, you're wooden logs
Dneska hráme doma zajtra letím do Prahy na Parížskej doby Máj cez
Today we're playing at home, tomorrow I'm flying to Prague on Paris Street in May
Vodu do Pary henti Gucci Luoise tančí od včera
Through the water to Paris, that Gucci Louis dancing since yesterday
Sme nespali,ohňostroj natchli búm vydrbané prepalý
We didn't sleep, fireworks in our faces, boom, burnt out and fucked up
Ziko není AIDS,Trep není BOSS,horí celý kráľ na každý jeden drón,
Ziko isn't AIDS, Trep isn't BOSS, the whole king burns on every single drone
Aby si mal AIDS musíš robiť SÓS extremný HYPE šou je fakt stróp 2x
To get AIDS, you've got to do S.O.S., extreme hype, that show is really the best, yeah 2x
Všetci hrajú formu a naháňajú Like
Everyone's acting like they're perfect and chasing likes
Len aby frajeri a platia za vás čajky
Just to impress the dudes, and you're paying chicks
Tváriť sa jak Boos
Acting like a boss
Vyzerať jak HAJPBÝST
Looking like a hypebeast
Gule mať SÓS jak šľahačka na hajzli
Having balls like whipped cream on the toilet
Ty si totiž story
You're just a story
Vytočíme love
We pull in cash
Postečom sme bolí, ty stojíš jak bože
We got fucked, you're acting like a god
Cítim z teba prasa a tvoj podpíše jak ryba
You smell like a pig, and your autograph is like a fish
Čo je pre niekoho moc to je pre nás iba
What's too much for some is just child's play for us
Musíme tie Flowi každý krok horý
We got to burn every step
Nesieme ten olympijský oheň tým ktorý
We carry the Olympic fire for those who
Chápu čo je bori
Understand what warriors are
Ktorý ideme tak sorry že sme nezostali
Who we're going to, so sorry we didn't stay
Zaseknutý jak análny koli
Stuck like an anal dildo
Ziko není AIDS,Trep není BOSS no horí
Ziko isn't AIDS, Trep isn't BOSS, but the whole king burns
Celý kráľ na každý jeden drón
On every single drone
Aby si mal AIDS musíš robiť SÓS
To get AIDS, you've got to do S.O.S.
Extremný HYPE šou je fakt stróp 2x
Extreme hype, that show is really the best, yeah 2x

Авторы: Adam Dame, Michael Kmeť

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