DMS - Tento Klub - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DMS - Tento Klub

Tento Klub
This Club
Dojdeme do klubu, smrad z riti
We arrive at the club, a stench of ass
Jak keby tam bezdomovci boli cvičiť
Like homeless dudes just worked out here, en masse
Na stagei stopy po odrezanej tyči
On stage, marks of a pole, chopped and crass
Tento podnik je úplne v piči
This whole joint is fucked up, alas
Dojdeme do klubu, smrad z riti
We arrive at the club, a stench of ass
Jak keby tam bezdomovci boli cvičiť
Like homeless dudes just worked out here, en masse
Na stagei stopy po odrezanej tyči
On stage, marks of a pole, chopped and crass
Tento podnik je úplne v piči
This whole joint is fucked up, alas
Dojdeme do klubu, smrad z riti
We arrive at the club, a stench of ass
Jak keby tam bezdomovci boli cvičiť
Like homeless dudes just worked out here, en masse
Na stagei stopy po odrezanej tyči
On stage, marks of a pole, chopped and crass
Tento podnik je úplne v piči
This whole joint is fucked up, alas
V backstagei 200-ročné prepálené epedá, lepkavá zem
Backstage, burnt-out speakers from centuries past, sticky floor
V rohu leží tyčka, aj keď mali na ňu celý deň
In the corner, a pole lies, ignored all day, and more
Nechali ju tam a nedali nám na výber
They left it there, no choice for us, that's for sure
Takže s nami felí natrávené pečivo, Sahibov sen
So, we're stuck with digested pastries, Sahib's dream, so pure
Vítame catering, fľaše a kdejaké vody
We welcome catering, bottles, and waters galore
Ale vraj sa teraz nedá, lebo za barom je veľký pohyb
But they say it's impossible now, the bar's a busy chore
Neviem, či máme ísť na pumpu, alebo len odísť
Should we head to the gas station, or just leave and soar?
Prichádza majiteľ, ten raklo, čo mu smrdia nohy
The owner arrives, that creep with smelly feet, we abhor
Ja mám pocit, že by sme sa mali pobiť
I feel like we should just fight, it's clear
Dotlačiť ho na kraj schodov, a potom sotiť
Push him to the edge of the stairs, and send him down, my dear
Náklady v litroch, ale zvuk hrkúta jak holub
Costs in liters, but the sound rattles like a dove's coo
Povedz, jak máme hrať na zostave za päť korún
Tell me, how are we supposed to play on this five-crown zoo?
Nejak to musíme dať, ale so zvukárom máme smolu
We gotta make it work somehow, but with the sound guy, we're screwed
Nenávidí rap, takže odišiel na Kofolu
He hates rap, so he went for a Kofola, it's true
Pozerám na to, čo mi Lipi dáva do rúk
I look at what Lipi puts in my hand, I ponder
Je to mikrofón, alebo len pokus o vtip?
Is this a microphone, or just a joke, I wonder?
V klube je vyjebaný moshpit
The club has a fucked-up mosh pit, it's absurd
Ale my miesto mikrofónov máme rožky
But instead of microphones, we have bread rolls, how absurd
A stage vyjebané trosky
And the stage is a pile of wreckage, it's unheard
Tento klub krváca, nakúpte mu vložky
This club is bleeding, buy it some pads, like a bird
Dojdeme do klubu, smrad z riti
We arrive at the club, a stench of ass
Jak keby tam bezdomovci boli cvičiť
Like homeless dudes just worked out here, en masse
Na stagei stopy po odrezanej tyči
On stage, marks of a pole, chopped and crass
Tento podnik je úplne v piči
This whole joint is fucked up, alas
Dojdeme do klubu, smrad z riti
We arrive at the club, a stench of ass
Jak keby tam bezdomovci boli cvičiť
Like homeless dudes just worked out here, en masse
Na stagei stopy po odrezanej tyči
On stage, marks of a pole, chopped and crass
Tento podnik je úplne v piči
This whole joint is fucked up, alas
Dojdeme do klubu, smrad z riti
We arrive at the club, a stench of ass
Jak keby tam bezdomovci boli cvičiť
Like homeless dudes just worked out here, en masse
Na stagei stopy po odrezanej tyči
On stage, marks of a pole, chopped and crass
Tento podnik je úplne v piči
This whole joint is fucked up, alas
Backstage je jak opičí výbeh
Backstage is like a monkey enclosure, it's insane
Niečo tu píše jak riť, daj mi kýbel
Something stinks like ass here, give me a bucket, it's plain
Hnoj jak tvoj ocino cez víkend
Dung like your dad on the weekend, it's a pain
Toto bude zase ďalší príbeh
This will be another story to tell, again and again
Kde to dnes zas hráme, čo to byť?
Where are we playing today, what is this place, I ask?
Na mikrofóne hnus, jak hlien z kávy
Disgusting stuff on the microphone, like coffee slime, so crass
Zvukár je vrátnik, ten promotér sa zbláznil
The sound guy is the bouncer, the promoter's gone mad, alas
Tu to dávno mali zavrieť a spáliť
They should have shut this place down and burned it, in the past
Zvukár je jak z Notabene
The sound guy is like from Notabene, it's true
Zvuk je zlý jak jeho sveter
The sound is as bad as his sweater, through and through
Nevie, čo znamená reverb
He doesn't know what reverb means, it's a shame
Lebo nevie, kde je sever
Because he doesn't even know where north is, it's insane
Zvuk jak mobil v hrubom čreve
Sound like a cellphone in the large intestine, it's a strain
Keby vieme, jak vám jebe
If we knew how fucked up you were, it's plain
Tak sem ani za dvojitý honorár nedojdeme
We wouldn't even come here for double the pay, it's insane
Never again
Dojdeme do klubu, smrad z riti
We arrive at the club, a stench of ass
Jak keby tam bezdomovci boli cvičiť
Like homeless dudes just worked out here, en masse
Na stagei stopy po odrezanej tyči
On stage, marks of a pole, chopped and crass
Dojdeme do klubu, smrad z riti
We arrive at the club, a stench of ass
Jak keby tam bezdomovci boli cvičiť
Like homeless dudes just worked out here, en masse
Na stagei stopy po odrezanej tyči
On stage, marks of a pole, chopped and crass
Tento podnik je úplne v piči
This whole joint is fucked up, alas
Dojdeme do klubu, smrad z riti
We arrive at the club, a stench of ass
Jak keby tam bezdomovci boli cvičiť
Like homeless dudes just worked out here, en masse
Na stagei stopy po odrezanej tyči
On stage, marks of a pole, chopped and crass
Tento podnik je úplne v piči
This whole joint is fucked up, alas

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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