DMS feat. Dame & Separ - H8Klub - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DMS feat. Dame & Separ - H8Klub

Všetci čo na nás kydali, zastali a zaspali,
All those who threw shade at us, stopped and fell asleep,
To čo mohli zmeškali na hoteli Piešťany,
They missed out on what they could at the Piešťany hotel,
Darmo sľubovali veci čo sa nikdy nestali,
They promised things in vain that never happened,
Všetko máte iba v textoch, vonku neviem kde starý,
You only have it all in your lyrics, I don't know where you are outside, old man,
Polovica z vás chcela postaviť meno na mne,
Half of you wanted to build a name on me,
Keď to nevyšlo za chrbtom ma dissovať to bol plán B,
When it didn't work out, dissing me behind my back was plan B,
Vonku držia piču lebo by zostali v hanbe
They keep their mouths shut outside because they'd be left in shame,
A viem také veci že ich ľudia nezoberú naspäť,
And I know things that people won't take back,
Keď poviem nahlas, tak vás spáli magma,
If I say it out loud, magma will burn you,
A keď vás nerozkopú fans tak to bude zázrak,
And if the fans don't kick you out, it'll be a miracle,
Chceš battle rap?
You want a battle rap?
Vyhral som toľko battle rapu že sa
I've won so many battle raps that
Ti kamoši môžu rovno skladať na ruže...
Your buddies can go straight to putting together roses...
... a položiť ich na hrob,
... and lay them on your grave,
Nikto sa nepostaví medzi nás dvoch lebo majú haluze,
No one will stand between the two of us because they're tripping,
Si zmätený jak kokot zasunutý v medúze,
You're confused like a dick stuck in a jellyfish,
Sypem do teba rýmy ako lóve do VÚB.
I'm pouring rhymes into you like money into VÚB.
Milión flow-ov a preto mi, nemôžeš povedať vôbec nič,
A million flows and that's why you can't say anything to me at all,
žerem tých raperov berem im sny, stratení debili konec hry,
I eat those rappers, I take their dreams, lost idiots, end of the game,
Zavri piču a sadni si, zapál si a daj si piť,
Shut your mouth and sit down, light up and have a drink,
Rob si poznámky o rape, o tom jaký mal by byť,
Take notes about rap, about what it should be like,
Toto je môj svet - môj rap,
This is my world - my rap,
Zavri piču lebo dojde pohreb,
Shut your mouth or the funeral will come,
im nepúšťaj ten ojeb - vôbec,
Don't play that bullshit anymore - at all,
Ja mám ten vyjebaný vzorec - konec.
I have that fucking formula - the end.
Prepáčte, že keď píšeme, píšeme bestseller,
Sorry that when we write, we write a bestseller,
Anonymný hejter nechce nech vie sa kto presne je,
The anonymous hater doesn't want to let it be known who exactly he is,
DMS mreže jak hashtag cez tie nevstrebe
DMS has bars like a hashtag, he won't absorb through them,
Tie bezcené reči pleskneme pravdu aj keď nechcete,
We'll slap the truth with priceless words, even if you don't want it,
Extremne ceníme tie vaše duše väznené,
We extremely appreciate those imprisoned souls of yours,
Vyklepané v trojobale presne jak tie rezne že,
Battered and breaded just like those schnitzels, right,
Western je v detskej len dovtedy kým nejdeš ven,
The Western is only in the nursery until you go out,
Naživo by si ostal stáť ticho jak betlehem,
Live, you would stand still like Bethlehem,
Keby povieme čo vieme tak jak to presne je,
If we say what we know, how it exactly is,
Tak polka zozelenie jak pleseň ešte dnes,
Then half will turn green like mold even today,
Málokto v meste dodrží to svoje čestné žé,
Few in the city keep their honest promise,
Tak neprejeb hranicu kým nejaká ešte jé,
So don't fuck up the line while there's still one left,
Separ nemá tepláky ani buldozér si mimo, viéš,
Separ doesn't have sweatpants or a bulldozer, you're out of it, you know,
Jak vaše reči keď začali chodiť s Tinou, rieš,
Like your words when they started dating Tina, solve it,
Radšej svoj obyčajný dojebaný život,
Rather your ordinary fucked up life,
Nedarí sa ti lebo si drevený jak pinokio,
You're not succeeding because you're wooden like Pinocchio,
Každý vidí ten posun kým ty stojíš jak náš rozum,
Everyone sees the progress while you stand like our reason,
Vidím spätne ľudí a dobu, že sa smiali neverili tomu,
I see people and the times in retrospect, that they laughed and didn't believe it,
čo kryjú svoju smolu, tým že idú starú školu,
Those who cover their misfortune by going old school,
By si paradoxne dali kludne vŕtať kolená za pár korún.
Paradoxically, they would even drill their knees for a few crowns.
Pre žebrákov,
For beggars,
Ty skurvená nula,
You fucking zero,
Ty underground.
You underground.

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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