DMS feat. Kali - Colštok - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DMS feat. Kali - Colštok

Colštok (Crowbar)
Štúdio laboratory, zišli sa všetci chorí,
Studio laboratory, all the sick ones gathered,
Po polnoci všetko tu horí, jak keby sme zapálili oheň sorry,
After midnight everything burns here, like we lit a fire, sorry,
Hasiči na párty dovi, nemá kto hasiť story,
Firefighters at the party, goodbye, there's no one to extinguish this story,
Ktorá sa tu stretla po mesácoch, Dame je tu volaj Separovi.
Which met here after months, Dame is already here, call Separo.
Osťo s nami došiel z párty, tam sa rozdali tie karty,
Osťo came with us from the party, the cards were already dealt there,
Že musíme zavolať ženám, že dneska nedôjdeme za nimi za tmy,
That we have to call our women, that we won't come home to them tonight,
Že nevedeli sme aj skratky, Peter Pann zavrel tie zámky,
That we didn't even know the shortcuts, Peter Pan closed those locks,
A my sme tu ostali 24 hodín písať tie jebnuté riadky.
And we stayed here for 24 hours writing those damn lines.
Zas volá mi Osťo, chlapec z Prievidze dlhý jak colštok,
Osťo calls me again, a guy from Prievidza, tall as a crowbar,
Vždy keď ozve sa je tam možnosť, že zas si jak hovno,
Every time he calls, there's that chance that you're like shit again,
Sprostosť po strop,
Rudeness up to the ceiling,
Krstíme ohňom, každý deň voľno,
We baptize with fire, every day is free,
Keď výjdeme von tak bokom ide celý bonton správanie.
When we go out, all etiquette and behavior goes sideways.
Si pripadáme jak zvíratá sme, tak nepúšťajte nás spolu von,
We feel like animals, so don't let us out together,
Vypadáme jak tretia cenová aj tak dojdeme zhorí dom, sorry mou,
We look like third-rate goods, we'll still burn down the house, sorry mom,
Mám piči čo si myslia o nás chapeš?
I don't give a fuck what they think of us, you get it?
čo súdia nás musia ísť spať, lebo ráno sa vstáva do práce.
Those who judge us must go to sleep, because they have to get up for work in the morning.
Nevieme čo so sebou a nevieme sa vpratať do kože,
We don't know what to do with ourselves and we can't fit into our skin,
Všetci shot-ex mou
Everyone is a shot-ex, babe,
Nikto nevie čo sme urobili ale
Nobody knows what we did but
Všetci naokolo tu pobúrení, bože mój
Everyone around here is outraged, my God
Pozerám sa na Dameho oči jak zdechnutý kapor a Kali je konec hnój
I look at Dame's eyes, he's like a dead carp and Kali is a complete mess
Zavolajte veterinárovi, lebo budete mať preplnenú budovu so záchytkou.
Call the vet, because you're gonna have an overcrowded building with a drunk tank.
Chlapci idú prvú ligu urob koridor,
The boys are playing first league, make a corridor,
Zatial čo degeši len píšu jak Koh-i-Noor,
While the losers just write like Koh-i-Noor,
Pazuchy ci štípu jako aglio olio,
Your armpits sting like aglio olio,
Nepochopil si, noc je trochu o inom.
You didn't get it, this night is a little different.
Keď sa ide smažiť more musíš vypadať,
When you go to fry the sea, you have to look the part,
Musíš si to vedieť užiť, ne si to iba dať,
You have to know how to enjoy it, not just take it,
Zašitý v štúdiu netvor, idem to vyrábať,
A monster sewn up in the studio, I'm going to make it,
Posunuté vedomie je iný level, sila, fakt.
Shifted consciousness is another level, power, fact.
V tom kde sa oni strácaju my sme doma,
In the place where they get lost, we are at home,
Tam kde do bolo v pohode doteraz príde vlna,
Where it was cool until now, a wave will come,
Ona pičovina, sorry neviem jak sa voláš,
She's a bitch, sorry I don't know your name,
No ja sa tu dneska u teba rozjebem jak školák.
But I'm gonna fuck myself up here tonight like a schoolboy.
Mestu sme spravili službu, že ostali sme všetci v štúdiu,
We did the city a favor by staying in the studio,
A robíme to, čo nás baví aj keď ráno uvidíš múmiu,
And we do what we enjoy even though you'll see a mummy in the morning,
Zajebali sme ju s Damem za hodinu aj keď odsúdi ju
Dame and I fucked it up in an hour even though everyone will condemn it
Každý ten sakár čo kerky nám ráta a doma jebnutú fúriu.
Every asshole who counts our tattoos and has a crazy fury at home.
Jebeme fondy, máme tu vlastnú euroúniu,
We fuck funds, we have our own euro union here,
Aj bez toho saka sme viac ako čakáš, kamarát cúvni už,
Even without the suit, we're more than you expect, buddy back off,
Kali je srdiečkar, robí to pre lóve, peniaze ľúbi furt,
Kali is a sweetheart, he does it for the money, he always loves money,
Aj keď je starý jak rozhlas, bez lásky zozadu núti ju.
Even though he's as old as the radio, without love he forces her from behind.
Damemu jebe a dneska tu dal som mnou, lebo som v telke bol,
Dame is going crazy and today he messed with me because I was on TV,
Chcel ísť do Modrého neba, no ja som ho nechutne predbehol,
He wanted to go to Blue Heaven, but I disgustingly overtook him,
Osťo na ceste zo show s nami na Fiate flašu dnes jebol,
Osťo on the way from the show, smashed a bottle with us in the Fiat today,
A teraz tri hodiny ráno a my sa skrývame v štúdiu pred nebom.
And now it's three in the morning and we're hiding in the studio from the sky.
Presne to je to, prečo nemáme žiadne shows more,
That's exactly why we don't have any shows, babe,
Ideme poslať životopisy na
We're going to send our resumes to
To je to, čo po nás chceli rodičia, lebo sme stále dole,
That's what our parents wanted from us, because we're always down,
Nemáme nič, náš život je jeden obrovksý ojeb.
We have nothing, our life is one big rip-off.

Авторы: Michael Kmeť

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