DNA - Tumandy Qala - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни DNA - Tumandy Qala

Tumandy Qala
Foggy Castle
Aramyzda sham janbaıdy
There's a wind blowing between us
Búkil álem sónip qalǵandaı
Like the whole world has come to an end
Men áli izdeımin jaryq sáýleni
I'm searching for a bright light
Bizge táýeldi, kózińe qaraımyn áli de...
It's been granted to us, I'll look into your eyes...
Júregińe jylý taraı ma?
Does a warm wind blow on your heart?
Ol da tynyshtyqty qalaıdy
It also calms the storm
Bul qala bizdermen oınaıdy
This castle plays with us
Al biz qalaıyq shynaıy bop
Let's be patient and graceful
Sezimderdiń bári saǵan unaıdy
All the feelings sound good to you
Ol da tur saz jáne laı bop
It also appears as a beautiful sound
Qalaǵanyńdy oryndap beretindeı búgin
Like today, it will make everything happen
Juldyzdar aǵyp barady, biraq qulamaıdy
The stars flow, but they don't fall
Bizdeı jylamaıdy
They don't cry like us
Bizdeı bola almaıdy
They can't be like us
Aıdyń sáýlesi saǵan túskeni unaıdy
The shadow of the moon falls on you, you like it
Kóz jas jyltyraıdy
Tears glitter
Bir zatty suraıdy...
It asks for something...
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Bárinen bıik
Higher than everything
Kóziń aldaıdy, sezim bilinbeıdi
Your eyes deceive you, feelings are unknown
Oılaǵanyńnan endi keıin
From now on, beyond your imagination
Oılaǵanymnan endi keıin
From now on, beyond my imagination
Bostandyqta ushqan bulbulym da meniń
My nightingale that flies free is mine
Saırashy meniń kúlgin kúnderime kelip
My hoopoe comes to my happy days
Bárin ózgertý kerek ekenin de bilesiń
You also know that everything needs to change
Tilekter aǵyp barady juldyzdarǵa da ilesip
Wishes flow through the stars
Saǵynyshtyń da dámin beredi erinderiń, ıá
The taste of longing is also given by your lips, oh
Edenge qulap bara jatqan kıimderiń, ıá
Your clothes that are falling into Eden, oh
Osyndaı sátte umytasyń
You are my hope in such a moment
Kimdiki durys degen áńgimelerdi
Whose right is it to talk about it?
"Men sóndim!" - deıdi
"I'm done!" he said
"Qaıda keshegi aıtqan bizdiń úı?"
"Where is the house we talked about yesterday?"
Áli de úmit bar, biraq osy túnniń sońǵy sózi
There is still hope, but it's the last word of tonight
"Qosh bol, men saǵan baqyt tileımin!"
"Farewell, I wish you happiness!"
Juldyzdar aǵyp barady, biraq qulamaıdy
The stars flow, but they don't fall
Bizdeı jylamaıdy
They don't cry like us
Bizdeı bola almaıdy
They can't be like us
Aıdyń sáýlesi saǵan túskeni unaıdy
The shadow of the moon falls on you, you like it
Kóz jas jyltyraıdy
Tears glitter
Bir zatty suraıdy...
It asks for something...
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Tumandy qalany jaryp shyǵyp, júgireıik
Let's run through the foggy castle
Súı, súı! Súıgenge kiná joq
Love, love! There is no grudge for love
Men áli de kútip turmyn!
I'm still waiting!
Burylyp ketsem de
Even if I turn away
Bul júrek sendik
This heart is yours
Ómirde san-túrli jol, bilem
There are many different paths in life, I know
Qalaǵan uıańa qon,
Go back to your nest
Sońǵy ret alǵashqydaı
For the last time, like the first time
Myna meni tanymaı...
Don't recognize me here...
Súı, súı! Súıgenge kiná joq
Love, love! There is no grudge for love
Men áli de kútip turmyn!
I'm still waiting!
Burylyp ketsem de
Even if I turn away
Bul júrek sendik
This heart is yours
Ómirde san-túrli jol, bilem
There are many different paths in life, I know
Qalaǵan uıańa qon,
Go back to your nest
Sońǵy ret alǵashqydaı
For the last time, like the first time
Myna erinderdi súı!
Kiss these lips!

Авторы: айбек жанысбаев, данияр кулымшин

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