12 faces of the season pass by in a flash, I feel the passage of time with 12 faces, I play with the 12 faces of the 12 months, and behind them is the hidden 13th month after December
32nd volume of ???, birthday of the following year after death,
3 minutes after celestial observation, Back to the Future 4, Karaage-kun has increased by 1, bank robbery after payday, in the end we have to know the end
1 is the month when I met the world,
2 is the first conversation,
3 to talk about dreams,
4 to exchange favorite movies,
5 to feel the difference of opinion,
6 to gently point it out,
7 to laugh at each other,
8 to feel uncomfortable,
9 to know the other side of the world, the end of the world, 10 but still I thought I'd go on with him, and then I didn't see him for 11 months, December, I decided to meet the world again
Fake wheelchair rentals have started, everyone is looking for an excuse to sit down, fake birthday cakes are bought, everyone is celebrating a non-existent day, fake crutches are in vogue, among high school girls, writing messages on fake casts, writing excuses like encouragement
This year, my friend was chosen as the straw man, one more, who is the other straw man, I don't know, but if my friend gets hurt, so does the other, the probability of death has doubled, a girl in the next class was chosen as the straw man, in fact I am going out with her, I am imagining what will happen to her if the other straw man has an accident
師走12月1年最後のリズムが急になるその後にもう1月あればとか考えてたら忘れかけた正月がバトンを持ってラストスパート追ってくる持ってくる来年の春夏秋冬フィーバー Z
0 end イノシシの次の干支 あいうえおのんの後ろ ディッセンバーの後ろ 背後 限度 最後 全ての終わりの右サイドに現れる もしとか ならとか いつかとかの中 夢見たわれらのコントローラーの隠しキャラ
In December, the last rhythm of the year suddenly hastens, then if there was another January, I would think about it, but I forgot that January was holding the baton, coming in a last spurt, bringing next year's spring, summer, autumn, winter fever, Z,
0 end, the next zodiac sign after the boar, the back of onn, behind December, behind, limit, end, all the way to the right of the end, if, then, someday, inside the hidden character of the controller of our dreamed
If there were 25 hours in a day, if there were 13 months in a year, I could have done something with that time, but I think I would just get used to it, if there were 61 seconds in a minute, if there were 13 months in a year, I would try to do something, even if I got used to it, I would try to do something
Making Peyoung in stopped time, there are ingredients, but get the sauce, add hot water and wait
3 minutes, but it never happens, who's to blame, oh yes, now go outside the 12 months, the noodles suddenly become soggy, eat the soggy noodles
Life is like an excuse, and an excuse is like life, talking while blaming someone, but that's okay, you laugh, a murder mystery is solved before the murder happens, a great detective is called before the crime is committed
A four-panel comic book summarizes life, it's good to add one more panel, if every day was special, it wouldn't be special, you're special, love grows without being noticed, love is taken for granted
We were born to consult, what to do with the saddle we stole at that time, I couldn't consult and I felt like dying, what to do with the saddle we stole at that time
1st month, pretended to be a good person, mean, 2nd month, the weekend theory of ends, 3rd month, positive pleasure, 4th month, heals by hurting, 5th month, burns the cooled breast, 6th month, turns black, spits out poison, 7th month, cynicism without malice, 8th month, right because it's right, 9th month, nodding, worthless, 10th month, weekend on Monday, 11th month, start paying attention, 12th month, always freeze, 13th month...
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