Dabu Fantastic - So genau - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dabu Fantastic - So genau

So genau
So precisely
Er schlurft i de badeschlappe zum chaschte abe!
He shambles to the bathroom in his slippers!
Leit zwei täller uf de tisch und de zopf und bitz anke ane!
He puts two plates on the table, a loaf of bread, and a bit of cheese!
Si hockt au no häre, immer no chli farb am ohr und!
She's still alert, still some color in her ear and!
Paar konfetti gheiied langsam us de haar an bode!!
A few pieces of confetti slowly fall from her hair to the ground!
Er frögt ohni z luege: vo wo bisch jetz grad cho?!
He asks without looking: Where did you come from just now?!
Si seit keis wort ussert: gib mer doch en egge brot!!
She doesn't say a word except: Give me a piece of bread!
Er seit: diini fasnachtsparty isch sit stunde verbii!
He says: Your Carnival party has been over for hours!
Und diis underliibli isch verhudlet und diini!!
And this underwear is dirty and your!!
Underlippe verbisse und diini schminki verschmiert!
Lower lip bitten and your lipstick smeared!
Si seit: gisch mer bitte mal no bitzli schinke vo dir!
She says: Please give me some more of that ham!
Er schreit: diini ängelsflügel die sind zimli im arsch!
He shouts: Your angel wings are pretty much in the gutter!
Säg mer äntli, was passiert isch nach em vieri die nacht si seit:!!
Tell me finally, what happened after four in the morning she says:!!
S isch irgendwie so xii (so genau weiss i s nüm)!
It's somehow around twelve (I don't remember exactly)!
Ganz sicher so xii (so genau weiss i s nüm)!
Definitely around twelve (I don't remember exactly)!
S isch irgendwie so xii (so genau weiss i s nüm)!
It's somehow around twelve (I don't remember exactly)!
Aber so genau, so genau, so genau weiss i s nüm!!
But so precisely, so precisely, so precisely I don't remember!!
Si lacht ihn aa zwüsched eier und zopf!
She laughs at him between eggs and bread!
So guet wie lache ebe gaht mit däne hämmer im chopf!
As well as is possible to laugh with that hangover!
Es bländet, si luegt, blinzlet blinzlend ume im ruum!
It dazzles, she looks, blinking around the room!
Bitz verläge zerscht, doch dänn fiiret si de triumph!!
A bit embarrassed at first, but then she celebrates her triumph!
Si frögt: schatz jetz mal im ernscht, wer isch da xii hüt nacht?!
She asks: Honey, seriously, who was there at twelve last night?!
Er seit: niemert, das isch es ja, was mi wahnsinnig macht!
He says: No one, that's just what's driving me crazy!
Nöd mal du i diim bett, gib mer di pfanne mit ei!
Not even you in your bed, give me the pan with the egg!
Si staht uf, schmeisst de stuehl um und de knallt uf em stei!!
She stands up, knocks over her chair and bangs it on the stone!
Und schüüsst ihm das spiegelei aa, salz himalaya!
And throws the fried egg at him, Himalayan salt!
Si lacht oder schreit oder beides uf eimal:!
She laughs or cries or both at once:!
Die maske uf em sofa isch im fall nöd vo mir!
The mask on the sofa, by the way, is not mine!
Und au die blinkende hörner, was isch hüt nacht nur passiert? er seit:!!
And those flashing horns, what happened last night? He says:!!
Aber irgendwie chunnt s scho guet mit üüs!
But somehow we'll manage just fine!

Авторы: stefanie peter, andreas christen

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