Dame - Chcel by Som - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dame - Chcel by Som

Chcel by Som
I Wish
Chcel by som naspäť prázdniny, ne
I wish I had the holidays back, to n
Mať žiadnu zodpovednosť, 2 mesiace volno jak vtedy.
ot have any responsibility, 2 months off like back then.
Jediné čo sme riešili bolo kde
The only thing we cared about was where
Zohnať alkohol, cigarety, trávu a kredit.
To get alcohol, cigarettes, weed and credit.
Prežiť sme vedeli aj z kila, t
We could survive even with a kilo, y
O kilo bylo vtedy 10 euro, kámo fakt, musíš mi veriť.
ou know, a kilo was 10 euros back then, dude, for real, you gotta believe me.
Beatbox a rapy v bráne vo výklenku venčil
Beatbox and raps in the gateway, in the niche, walked
Sa Separov pes, volal sa Vezir, sorry Freddy.
Separ's dog, his name was Vezir, sorry Freddy.
Celé dni vonku sme behali a všade kam
We ran outside all day and everywhere we
Sme došli boli fixky, cany a naše tagy.
Went there were markers, spray cans and our tags.
Všetci mali nervy,
Everyone was on edge,
Len my sme boli v kľude ako deti keď sme o živote nič nevedeli.
Only we were chill like kids when we knew nothing about life.
A život bol skvelý, tak skvelý,
And life was great, so great, every
Etko sme smeli, aj keď nemohli mi, aj tak sme to spravili.
thing was allowed, even though we couldn't, we did it anyway.
Vôbec neľutujem nič čo sa stalo, brá
I don't regret anything that happened, bro,
Cho nič, kde sme boli, nič z toho čo sme zažili.
Nothing, where we were, none of what we experienced.
Chcel by som naspäť ten čas, ke
I wish I could go back to that time, wh
ď sme chodili len tak von a nemali
en we just went out and didn't have
Starosti, neboli falošný kamoši, nem
Worries, there were no fake friends, we didn't
Ali v čom, neboli penáze, neboli hádky, ne
Care about clothes, there was no money, no arguments, no
Bol stres že není na splátky, neboli facky, ke
Stress that there's nothing to pay the bills, no slaps, wh
ď tak od matky keď nás zatkli za tie grafitti.
en mom would slap us like that when we got arrested for those graffiti.
Furt sme sa bavili.
We were always having fun.
Nonstop u mňa doma.
Nonstop at my place.
Furt sme kalili, to bola super doba.
We were always partying, it was a great time.
Občas mám chuť zavolať všetkým ľudom a spraviť to zas.
Sometimes I feel like calling everyone and doing it again.
Je mi to ľúto, že nikdo z nás nenájde na to čas.
I'm sorry that none of us can find the time for that anymore.
Ref: Je to smutné,
Chorus: It's sad,
Chcel by som vrátiť dobu, ísť sa vrátiť do domu kde som rástol.
I wish I could bring back that time, go back to the house where I grew up.
Chcel by som vrátiť terasu a vrátiť tých
I wish I could bring back that terrace and bring those
ľudí k tomu stolu a byť aspoň chvíľu zas v tom.
people back to that table and be in that moment again, at least for a while.
Tam u mňa za stolom,
There at my table,
Kde nás vždy viac bolo jak hockde vonku stále bola párty.
Where there were always more of us than anywhere else, there was always a party going on.
Chcel by som naspäť vrátiť ten čas, hneď
I wish I could bring back that time, right
Teraz aspoň na chvíľu, aspoň na pár dní.
Now, at least for a while, at least for a few days.
Čo som mal vtedy na mesiac, teraz viac miniem za deň.
What I had for a month back then, now I spend more in a day.
Teraz mám sto párov tenisiek za kérky a za rap.
Now I have a hundred pairs of sneakers from tattoos and rap.
Kedysi mal každý jedny kým netrčal palec, aj t
Everyone used to have one pair until their thumb stuck out, even if
Ak to mám stále správne usporiadané v hlave.
I still have it all arranged correctly in my head.
Zodraté rifle nebol trend, ale realita.
Worn-out jeans weren't a trend, but a reality.
Reštaurácia bola tabu, každý si nechal vydať do koruny, nebo
Restaurants were taboo, everyone got their change to the last crown, we weren't
Li sme z rodín kde sa plýtva, a
From families where money was wasted, and
J tak to bola jedna z vecí, čo ma netrápila.
So that was one of the things that didn't bother me.
Celé leto, celé dni hádzali na koš, bol
All summer, all day long they threw it in the trash, it was
O to top, nič nám nechýbalo, na čo.
The best, we didn't miss anything, what for.
Nikto nemal zlato, žiadne love, žiadne auto, i
Nobody had gold, no money, no car, even
Ba liter a pol ríbezlaku, cigy mal vždy Laco.
A liter and a half of currant liqueur, Laco always had cigarettes.
V dyme sme stály vo výklenku aj keď mrzlo.
We stood in the smoke in the niche even when it was freezing.
Každé vianoce chrom na zamrznutých prstoch.
Every Christmas we had frostbite on our frozen fingers.
Maly sme málo aj tak nikto nebol držgroš.
We had little and yet no one was stingy.
Stačilo nám víno z hocijakou lacnou brzdou.
Wine with any cheap soda was enough for us.
Ref: Je to smutné,
Chorus: It's sad,
Chcel by som vrátiť dobu, ísť sa vrátiť do domu kde som rástol.
I wish I could bring back that time, go back to the house where I grew up.
Chcel by som vrátiť terasu a vrátiť tých
I wish I could bring back that terrace and bring those
ľudí k tomu stolu a byť aspoň chvíľu zas v tom.
people back to that table and be in that moment again, at least for a while.
Tam u mňa za stolom,
There at my table,
Kde nás vždy viac bolo jak hockde vonku stále bola párty.
Where there were always more of us than anywhere else, there was always a party going on.
Chcel by som naspäť vrátiť ten čas, hneď
I wish I could bring back that time, right
Teraz aspoň na chvíľu, aspoň na pár dní.
Now, at least for a while, at least for a few days.

Авторы: Adam Dame

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