Dame - Intro (Vert) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dame - Intro (Vert)

Intro (Vert)
Intro (Green)
Nerátam kliky, len tie čo dám, na zemi ja
I'm not counting push-ups, just the ones I do on the ground
Nejsom tak plytký v túžbe po sláve stratený ah
I'm not so shallow, lost in the desire for fame, ah
Ja to jebem! Ja to jebem!
Fuck it! Fuck it!
Ja si to nejdem, ja to nerobím pre fame
I'm not doing it, I'm not doing it for fame
Nejdem si #like4like, follow4follow
I'm not going for #like4like, follow4follow
Pochop to pozor nepočúvaj
Understand, listen carefully
Toto fakt neni o tom
This really isn't about that
Sadám ku stolu s hudbou
I sit down at the table with music
čo srdce aj mozog
that has both a heart and a brain
Pre tých čo cenia toho
For those who value
Kto si bude stáť za tým slovom
those who stand by their word
Pre tých čo cenia toto sólo
For those who appreciate this solo
Cítia v ňom že koľko
They feel in it how many
Hodín sedel som za kompom
hours I sat at the computer
že som hlavný sponzor
that I'm the main sponsor
Koľko som bol
How much I was
Zas som v tom
I'm in it again
štúdiu za micom
in the studio behind the mic
Aby vychytal som bomby
To catch the bombs
Na tie hlavy jak Mike Tyson
On those heads like Mike Tyson
Pre tých ľudí čo nejsú tupý
For those people who are not stupid
Cenia tie riadky, ne tie deti
They value the lines, not the kids
Ktoré nepustia na koncert ich matky
Whose mothers won't let them go to the concert
Robím hudbu ktorú nepochopí každý soplák
I make music that not every snot-nosed kid will understand
Nejsom potkan, poď k nám a kľudne sa zoznám
I'm not a rat, come to us and feel free to get acquainted
Keď si nepripúšťam hneď ľudí k sebe
If I don't let people in right away
O to lepšie držím s nimi potom jak cement
Then I hold on to them better than cement
Podržím jak hever
I'll hold on like a jack
Keď treba jak hluchý dvere
When needed, like a deaf door
Som introvert ale v tom správnom smere
I'm an introvert, but in the right way
Sústredím sa na seba, na to čo mám v sebe
I focus on myself, on what I have inside
Aby som bol taký istý aj keď zavrem dvere
So I can be the same even when I close the door
Aby som nebol dement čo si do papule sere
So I'm not a dement who shits in his mouth
Aby som v sebe nemenil osobnosti jak herec
So I don't change personalities like an actor
Je mi takto skvele
I feel great this way
ďakujem mojim ľudom, mojej žene
thank you to my people, to my wife
Vstávam denne s vďakou že to vieme
I wake up every day grateful that we know it
Nechcem všetko hneď
I don't want everything at once
Niektorý ani netušia
Some don't even know
že sme v hre roky
that we've been in the game for years
A čo tu robíme pre rap
And what we do here for rap
Musíš sa snažiť vkladať
You have to try to put in
Toľko koľko bereš
As much as you take
Keď nedáš, nečakaj nič iba reset
If you don't give, don't expect anything but a reset
Roky to chceme
We've wanted this for years
Zadali sme si ciele
We set our goals
Ideme pre ne
We're going for them
Lebo na tom sa mi fakt veľa dreme
Because I really dream a lot about that
Som rád že máme miesto na scéne
I'm glad we have a place on the scene
Ako skupina no tento album je o mojom mene
As a group, but this album is about my name
Teraz neriešim to okolie len seba
Now I'm not worried about the surroundings, just myself
Idem pokorne a o tom je to pre mňa vlastne celé
I go humbly and that's what it's all about for me
Pre niekoho je výhra byť slávny
For some, winning is being famous
Pre slávnych je výhra zas pokoj
For the famous, winning is peace
Pochop že čas je fakt vzácny
Understand that time is really precious
A výhra je mať ho dosť pre seba bokom
And winning is having enough of it for yourself on the side
Výhra je štastie a sloboda ne čísla
Winning is happiness and freedom, not numbers
Ale každý to bere po svojom
But everyone takes it their own way
Pre niekoho slovo výhra iný význam
For some, the word "winning" has a different meaning
Záleží aj od toho koľko máš rokov
It also depends on how old you are
Aj keď som v sebe zavretý
Even though I'm closed off
Tak niesom stratený
I'm not lost
Nemusím sa hľadať
I don't have to look for myself
Nepadnem lebo som na zemi
I won't fall because I'm on the ground
Neulietavam si lebo viemnemám pätnásť
I don't get carried away because I know I'm not fifteen
Vážim si ľudí lebo viem kde som bez vás
I value people because I know where I am without you
Nehrám sa na nič lebo v tedy keď to ne-hráš
I don't play at anything because then when you don't play it
Neni možnosť že sa zapáliš a pre-hráš
There's no chance you'll catch fire and lose
Ale to ne-znamená aj keď sa ne-zdá
But that doesn't mean, even if it doesn't seem like it
že nejsom jeden z tých ktorý sa ne-vzdá
that I'm not one of those who doesn't give up

Авторы: adam dame

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