Dame - Počuješ?! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dame - Počuješ?!

Can You Hear Me?!
POČUJEŠ?! prod.Smart - text
CAN YOU HEAR ME?! prod.Smart - lyrics
Can You Hear Me?!
Teraz by som mal povedať asi niečo múdre, len nič nenapadá práve.
Right now I should probably say something wise, but nothing comes to mind.
Počuješ?! Nebol som vôbec rozmaznaný chlapec,
Can You Hear Me?! I wasn't a spoiled boy at all,
Vždy som mal svoj pohľad, svoj vlastný názor na vec,
I always had my own perspective, my own opinion on things,
Počuješ?! Aj keď som nemal bol som pohode,
Can You Hear Me?! Even when I had nothing, I was okay,
V živote mi nikdy v ničom nešlo vôbec o lóve,
In life, it was never about the money for me,
Teraz máme toho, čo nebolo dosť vtedy,
Now we have what we didn't have enough of back then,
Prvýkrát som bol pri mori ako dospelí,
The first time I saw the sea was as an adult,
Neboli lóve aj tak všetko bolo skvelé,
We didn't have money, but everything was still great,
Aj keď som vyrástol a nezmestil sa do postele,
Even when I grew up and couldn't fit in my bed anymore,
(Počuješ?!) Nemali sme izbu ako malé deti,
(Can You Hear Me?!) We didn't have our own room as little kids,
Vďaka tomu si aspoň vieme vážiť bežne veci,
Thanks to that, we at least know how to appreciate ordinary things,
Dík Separova mama za New Éru ktorú sprala,
Thanks to Separa's mom for the New Era she washed,
(Počuješ?!) nosil som ju kým sa roztrhala,
(Can You Hear Me?!) I wore it until it fell apart,
Teraz ich mám viac jak 200 sa ujebavam,
Now I have over 200, I'm just kidding,
Nemám ich kam dávať aj tak si stále ulietavam,
I have nowhere to put them, but I still keep buying them,
Plním si to čo som nemohol vtedy, teraz mám
I'm fulfilling what I couldn't back then, now I have
(Počuješ?!) pretože som sa snažil veľa sám,
(Can You Hear Me?!) because I tried hard on my own,
O tom čo každý mame každý sníval jak decko,
About what everyone dreamed of as a child,
čo zažili že sme nemali na cigy bez slov,
Those who experienced that we didn't have money for cigarettes are speechless,
Mám všetko čo som chcel, mne to nezmení charakter,
I have everything I wanted, it doesn't change my character,
Stále som chalan ako keď som mal dvanásť ver,
I'm still the same guy as I was when I was twelve, believe me,
(Počuješ?!) Sedeli sme na terase môjho domu,
(Can You Hear Me?!) We were sitting on the terrace of my house,
Za zelenú bránu chodievali poza školu,
They used to come behind the green gate after school,
(Počuješ?!) V spálni nahrávali prvé slohy,
(Can You Hear Me?!) In the bedroom, we recorded the first verses,
Robili spolu prvé beaty, stále spolu boli,
Made the first beats together, always together,
(Počuješ?!) Bongo pod stolom a lacný chlast,
(Can You Hear Me?!) Bong under the table and cheap booze,
Desiny cigy, leto ríbezľák, basketball,
Ten-packs of cigarettes, summer, currant wine, basketball,
(Počuješ?!) na komp napojená stará veža,
(Can You Hear Me?!) an old stereo connected to the computer,
úplne zlý zvuk pre nás znamenal tak veľa,
completely bad sound meant so much to us,
(Počuješ?!) Teraz mám štúdio, furt sme tu,
(Can You Hear Me?!) Now I have a studio, we're still here,
Od prvého koncertu do afurovho skitttu,
From the first concert to Afuro's skit,
Cez pár ľudí pod stageom, pod nohami vpredu,
Through a few people under the stage, under our feet at the front,
Po plne kotle na vrchol slovenského repu,
To a full mosh pit to the top of Slovak rap,
(Počuješ?!) Starý, toto nepochopí každý,
(Can You Hear Me?!) Dude, not everyone will understand this,
Zažili sme veľa stále ostali sme pravý,
We've been through a lot, still stayed true,
Zostárli sme, vravím nech je hocičo navždy,
We got old, I say let it be whatever forever,
Zostáva každý krok v našich hlavách zapísaný,
Every step remains etched in our minds,
(Počuješ?!) Aj keď boli nejaké malé skraty,
(Can You Hear Me?!) Even though there were some small shortcuts,
Roky roky to len tak nevyprcha z hlavy,
Years are years, it doesn't just disappear from your head,
(Počuješ?!) DMS je štvrť života,
(Can You Hear Me?!) DMS is a quarter of life,
Do noci kecali nevedeli sa vymotať
They talked until night, couldn't get out of it
(Tu hudbu robil Laco...)
(Laco made this music...)
(Očuješ? Počúvaj tu hudbu! Ja mám husiu kožu)
(Can you hear? Listen to this music! I have goosebumps)
(Počuješ?!) Keď ťa vyhodili z forumu,
(Can You Hear Me?!) When they kicked you out of the forum,
Požičal som ti dve kilá nemal si korunu,
I lent you two kilos, you didn't have a crown,
A sedeli sme stále u mňa, beatov spravili snáď tristo,
And we still sat at my place, made maybe three hundred beats,
Mysleli sme jak šlapú a úplne nič moc,
We thought they were banging, but they were nothing special,
(Počuješ?!) Stále to funguje aj po rokoch,
(Can You Hear Me?!) It still works after all these years,
Kolotoč, stále istá chuť ísť do toho,
Carousel, still the same desire to go for it,
Pokokot nápadov, šľape to nielen naoko
A bunch of ideas, it works not just for show
(Počuješ?!) Všetko je jak to byť maloo,
(Can You Hear Me?!) Everything is as it should be,
Počuješ tu nostalgiu, ja som z toho v piči,
Can you hear the nostalgia, it's fucking me up,
čo všetko bolo ako to počase celé vidím,
I can see everything that happened as if it were yesterday,
Malo kto z tej doby veril v tie decké sny, (eeee)
Few people from that time believed in those childhood dreams, (eeee)
Teraz kde ty čo neverili a kde sme my,
Now where are those who didn't believe and where are we,
Z tej provizórnej akože izby v predsieni,
From that makeshift so-called room in the hallway,
Dnes neni to hudba len pre nás, ne dnes neni,
Today it's not just music for us, no, it's not,
Tisíce prezrení, pozeraj kde sme dnes,
Thousands of views, look where we are today,
Toto je pre mňa najviac, Počuješ?! DMS
This is the most important thing for me, Can You Hear Me?! DMS
(Ale to nemyslím pre tie videnia, pretože to nieje najviac. N
(But I don't mean it for the views, because that's not the most important thing. N
Ajviac je to že sme to dosiahli sami. Nič sme nemali, n
The most important thing is that we achieved it ourselves. We had nothing, n
Eboli sme zo žiadnych rozmaznaných rodín. To je najviac.)
We weren't from any spoiled families. That's the most important thing.)
Počuješ ten pocit, to je výhra,
Can you feel that feeling, that's the win,
A všetky kroky mali za tie roky význam,
And all the steps over the years had meaning,
Ďakujem a prosím, zároveň príjmam,
Thank you and please, at the same time I accept,
Všetko čo príde do cesty je výzva,
Everything that comes my way is a challenge,
Ďakujem za pocit že viem kadiaľ ísť mám,
Thank you for the feeling that I know which way to go,
A hlavne nezabúdam s kým ja,
And most importantly, I don't forget with whom I am,
Ďakujem a prosím, zároveň vnímam,
Thank you and please, at the same time I realize,
To že podrží má, ten koho podržím ja
That the one I support will support me

Авторы: Adam Dame

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