Dame feat. Čistychov & P.A.T. - Playhate - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dame feat. Čistychov & P.A.T. - Playhate

Ame: Ona chcela by lásku,
Ame: She wants love,
Lenže loví tie kokoty,
But she hunts those assholes,
Od stredy do soboty,
From Wednesday to Saturday,
Zberá po meste choroby.
Collecting diseases around the city.
Chce nájsť ju a o hodnotách hovorí,
He wants to find her and talk about values,
Pod fotkou, kde vyzerá že točila pornofilm.
Under a photo where she looks like she filmed a porno.
Do posilky sa chodí točiť sorry,
They go to the gym to film themselves, sorry,
Miesto jednoručiek majú v ruke mobil.
Instead of dumbbells, they hold a phone in their hands.
Jak Vám jebe z tejto prijebanej doby,
How this fucked up time fucks with you,
Nemám záujem to sledovať, tak dovi.
I'm not interested in watching it, so bye.
Série fotiek, miesto série cvikov, baby nevedia nič,
Series of photos, instead of a series of exercises, girls don't know anything,
Aj tak si zarobia pičou v praxi. To znamená to, ž
They still earn with their pussy in practice. This means that
E nepotrebujú znamenať nič, aj
They don't need to mean anything, and
Tak je lepšie mať čo najmenej na ramenách, víš.
It's better to have as little as possible on your shoulders, you know.
Stačí len umelý ksicht,
Just a fake face is enough,
Porádne vypučiť riť.
Stick your ass out properly.
Nech chlapcom pulzuje dick
Let the boys' dicks pulsate
A potom plnia tie sny, dovi.
And then fulfill those dreams, bye.
Každá hoe,
Every hoe,
Je do reality show,
Is into reality shows,
Keď večer sa prejdeš tmou,
When you walk through the darkness in the evening,
Tou našou Bratislavou.
Through our Bratislava.
Ref: 2x Heeej, bejby, mala by si spomaliť. A uvedomiť si, ž
Chorus: 2x Hey, baby, you should slow down. And realize
E ako žiť. Tvoj život skazený dať dokopy a možno vtedy sa Ti zadarí.
How to live. Get your ruined life together and maybe then you'll succeed.
Čistychov: Predtým ju všetci chceli,
Čistychov: Everyone wanted her before,
Potom ju všetci mali,
Then everyone had her,
Cez to ju iní jebávali,
Through that, others fucked her,
Nakoniec na ňu srali.
Finally, they shit on her.
Prišla v dobrom za snami,
She came to us in good faith,
Nech není bremeno mami.
So she wouldn't be a burden to her mother.
Cíti sa krásna, škoda jej za honami(škodáá).
She feels beautiful, it's a pity for her hunts (pity).
Kým je to len o jebačke je to OK,
As long as it's just about fucking it's OK,
Prines zdierky, urob jobs, zober lóva.
Bring the holes, do the job, take the money.
Správna prosty sa chová jako Divadi,
A proper prostitute behaves like Divadi,
Hráš dámu na úrovni a pri tom si piča(krivá).
You play a lady at a level and you're a bitch (crooked).
vtedy sa cíti kvasa, keď ju príjmu do roty.
Only then does the yeast feel good when they accept her into the company.
V zakysanke ich kopy, šlok a kôpky, cucá cocky, strk
There are heaps of them in the sour milk, swallows and piles, sucks cocks, shoves
á hroty, snívá nech ju fotí Macháčik (fotí goty).
points, dreams of being photographed by Macháčik (photographs goths).
V nobl spoločnosti chce byť dáma,
She wants to be a lady in noble company,
Huba napustená jak riť paviána.
Mouth filled like a baboon's ass.
4x od debilov preplateé cecky,
4x boobs overpaid by idiots,
Do pár rokov sama, riedke vlasy,
In a few years alone, thinning hair,
Depky, žiadna fáma.
Depression, no fame.
Ref: 2x Heeej, bejby, mala by si spomaliť. A uvedomiť si, ž
Chorus: 2x Hey, baby, you should slow down. And realize
E ako žiť. Tvoj život skazený dať dokopy a možno vtedy sa Ti zadarí.
How to live. Get your ruined life together and maybe then you'll succeed.
Dame: Na párty sa škerí,
Dame: She grins at the party,
Dva párky na pery,
Two sausages on her lips,
Ten umelý úsmev ti od dverí nikto neverí.
Nobody believes that artificial smile from the door anymore.
Tvôj život začíná byť celý mimo jak tvôj melír,
Your life is starting to be all over the place like your highlights,
Všetci majú z teba dilemu jak Nelly a Kelly.
Everyone has a dilemma about you like Nelly and Kelly.
V hlavičke nemáš moc rozum,
You don't have much sense in your head,
Od základnej školy nejak nenastal posun,
There hasn't been any progress since elementary school,
Ešte že vieš hýbať tým krkom jak holub.
It's good that you can move your neck like a pigeon.
Mama ti nadává zas za ten zaschnutý jogurt.
Mom scolds you again for that dried yogurt.
Pod UV-čkom flak cez celý crop top
Under the UV light, a stain across the entire crop top
Niečo jak vosk, ale smrdí to jak rozkrok.
Something like wax, but it smells like a crotch.
Svieti aj nos čo je zajebaný koksom,
The nose that's clogged with cocaine also shines,
Si hviezda len preto že si v meste a nonstop,
You're a star just because you're in the city and non-stop,
Pekná sprostosť, si rozjebaná ako Gotko,
Beautiful stupidity, you're fucked up like Gotko,
Jak keby si si sa pretekala s kamoškou,
As if you were racing with your friend,
že kdo skôr bude na hnôj,
who will be on the shit first,
Kdo skôr bude tou troskou.
Who will be the wreck first.
Prvnotriedna hoe čo sa poslala jak poštou.
First-class hoe who sent herself like by mail.
Ref: 2x Heeej, bejby, mala by si spomaliť. A uvedomiť si, ž
Chorus: 2x Hey, baby, you should slow down. And realize
E ako žiť. Tvoj život skazený dať dokopy a možno vtedy sa Ti zadarí.
How to live. Get your ruined life together and maybe then you'll succeed.
P.A.T.: Na čo sa nám hráš ty kurva vyjebaná, pach
P.A.T.: What are you playing at, you fucked up bitch, the smell
Semena preráža aj cez to čím si navoňaná. Všetk
Of semen breaks through even through what you're perfumed with. You're all
ým tu ukazuješ jak si vyrovnaná,
Showing here how balanced you are, more
čšia prostitutka bola asi len tvoja mama.
Of a prostitute was probably just your mother. Already
Na škole si bola kurvou prvej triedy,
At school you were a first-class whore,
Jebali ťa do huby všetci cigáni a aj biely. Na
All the gypsies and even the whites fucked you in the mouth. On
Hajzli sa na teba vystriekali siedmi, nestačilo ti to,
The toilet seven of them splashed on you, that wasn't enough for you,
No a tak ťa pojebal aj triedny.
So the class teacher fucked you too.
Vrcholom všetkého je celý tvôj fakeový profil, celý
The highlight of it all is your entire fake profile, your entire
Tvôj fakeový život aj čávo ktorý ťa zkrotil, fakeov
Fake life and the guy who tamed you, fake
é dovolenky na fakoevom faetone, sorry musím to povedať ľudom, nec
Vacations on a fake Phaeton, sorry I have to tell people, don't
H ta tvoja hrdosť zhorí. Prestaň sa smiať normálným babám za to, že
Let your pride burn. Stop laughing at normal girls for being
Verné. Dobre vieme že to čo majú by si tiež brala rada. Pres
Faithful. We know very well that you would also like to have what they have. Stop
Taň sa hrať na lásku, keď ho máš zo zúfalosti. Po toľ
Playing at love when you have it out of desperation. After so
Kých kokotoch by si bez neho ostala sama bejby.
Many assholes, you would be alone without him, baby.
Ref: 2x Heeej, bejby, mala by si spomaliť. A uvedomiť si, ž
Chorus: 2x Hey, baby, you should slow down. And realize
E ako žiť. Tvoj život skazený dať dokopy a možno vtedy sa Ti zadarí.
How to live. Get your ruined life together and maybe then you'll succeed.

Авторы: adam dame

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