Dan Gibson - Credo III - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dan Gibson - Credo III

Credo III
Credo III
Credó in únum Déum,
I believe in one God,
Pátrem omnipoténtem,
The Father almighty,
Factórem cæli et térræ,
Maker of heaven and earth,
Visibílium ómnium,
Of all things visible,
Et invisibílium.
And invisible.
Et in únum Dóminum
And in one Lord
Jésum Chrístum,
Jesus Christ,
Fílium Déi unigénitum.
The only-begotten Son of God.
Et ex Pátre nátum ante
Born of the Father before
ómnia sæcula.
all ages.
Déum de Déo,
God from God,
Lúmen de lúmine,
Light from Light,
Déum vérum de Déo véro.
True God from True God.
Génitum, non fáctum,
Begotten, not made,
Consubstantiálem Pátri:
Consubstantial with the Father:
Per quem ómnia fácta sunt.
Through whom all things were made.
Qui propter nos hómines,
Who for us men,
Et propter nóstram salútem
And for our salvation
Descéndit de cælis.
Came down from heaven.
Et incarnátus est
And was incarnate
De Spíritu Sáncto
By the Holy Spirit
Ex María Vígine:
Of the Virgin Mary:
Et hómo fáctus est.
And was made man.
Crucifíxus étiam
He was crucified also
Pro nóbis:
For us:
Sub Póntio Piláto
Under Pontius Pilate
Pássus, et sepúltus est.
He suffered and was buried.
Et resurréxit tértia díe
And the third day he rose again
Secúndum scriptúras.
According to the Scriptures.
Et ascéndit in cælum;
And ascended into heaven;
Sédet ad déxteram Pátris.
He sits at the right hand of the Father.
Et íterum ventúrus est
And he shall come again
Cum glória,
With glory,
Judicáre vívos et mórtuos:
To judge the living and the dead:
Cújus régni non érit fínis.
His kingdom shall have no end.
Et in Spíritum Sánctum,
And in the Holy Spirit,
Dóminum, et vivificántem:
The Lord, and giver of life:
Qui ex Pátre Filióque procédit.
Who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
Qui cum Pátre et Fílio
Who with the Father and the Son
Simul adorátur,
Together is worshipped,
Et conglorificátur:
And glorified:
Qui locútus est
Who spoke
Per Prophétas.
Through the Prophets.
Et únam sánctam cathólicam
And one holy catholic
Et apostólicam Ecclésiam.
And apostolic Church.
Confíteor únum baptísma
I confess one baptism
In remissiónem peccatórum.
For the remission of sins.
Et exspécto
And I look for
Resurrectiónem mortuórum.
The resurrection of the dead.
Et vitam ventúri sæculi.
And the life of the world to come.

Авторы: Joseph Micallef

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