Danger Man - Bienvenido a Bagdad - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Danger Man - Bienvenido a Bagdad

Bienvenido a Bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Hey tu rasta falso doble cara
Hey you, fake two-faced Rasta
Se te olvido que la moneda tiene dos cara
You forgot the coin has two sides
Aqui esta tu respuesta
Here's your answer
Esto va hacer, va hacer un vietnam
This is gonna be, gonna be a Vietnam
Bienvenido a bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Batman no usa falda
Batman doesn't wear a skirt
Va pa el cuero ay no da la espalda
He goes for the leather, he doesn't turn his back
Y firme se para
And stands firm
Si hay guerra bueno te dispara
If there's war, well, he shoots you
Pero a ti hay que escupite la cara
But you, I need to spit in your face
Algunos gansters me piden
Some gangsters ask me
Me ven en la calle y me dicen
They see me on the street and tell me
Que te escupa y la cara te pise
To spit on you and step on your face
No se que te hice
I don't know what I did to you
Pero conmigo tu te metiste
But you messed with me
Y hare que tu rabia la vomites
And I'll make you vomit your rage
Yo no creo en caina
I don't believe in caina
Son pura fucking cizaña
It's pure fucking discord
Y tu tienes esa malamaña
And you have that bad habit
No creo en ese lazy
I don't believe in that lazy
Yo creo en dios escuchame facil
I believe in God, listen to me, it's easy
Y vengo como un mismo nazi por que:
And I come like a Nazi myself because:
Ni un rostro cueco me habla asi
Not even a crooked face talks to me like that
Mucho menos un rasta man que es un big pussy
Much less a Rasta man who's a big pussy
Come cuec* come puerco y tu eres asi
Eats cuec*, eats pork and that's how you are
Oi que tu te hagachas y te dan a ti
I heard you bend over and they give it to you
Que te cogen por el pelo como una bitch
That they grab you by the hair like a bitch
Y te sacan todo el shit
And they take all the shit out of you
Desde hace tiempo viene tirandome pulla a mi
You've been throwing punches at me for a while now
Rasta man ya yo estoy ready
Rasta man, I'm ready
Bienvenido a bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Esto va hacer serio (tu sabes ah)
This is gonna be serious (you know ah)
Bienvenido a bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Esto va hacer, va hacer un vietnam
This is gonna be, gonna be a Vietnam
Bienvenido a bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Me dicen los fuc gansters
The fuc gangsters tell me
Cortale los moños al rasta
Cut the Rasta's dreads
Y pon los en subasta
And put them up for auction
Y compren el ataud con la plata
And buy the coffin with the money
Que voy a sepultar a la rata
That I'm gonna bury the rat
Y que nadie se meta
And nobody better interfere
Que el no se salva de esta
He won't be saved from this one
Ya tengo lista mi tanqueta
I already have my tank ready
Y tengo la metra
And I have the machine gun
Con rafaga de fuc letra
With bursts of fuc lyrics
Por que a scaredem crew se le respeta
Because the scaredem crew is respected
Yo no quiero oir nada
I don't want to hear anything
Bienvenido a mi armada
Welcome to my armada
Te voy a poner a bailar lampada
I'm gonna make you dance the lampshade
Tu eres un payaso
You're a clown
Que alado de mi siempre ha sido un raso
Who next to me has always been a private
No busques que te meta un cachazo por que:
Don't make me hit you with a slap because:
Ni un rasta en jamaica actua asi
Not even a Rasta in Jamaica acts like that
Rasta manes no critican que te pasa ati
Rasta men don't criticize, what's wrong with you?
Quien chuch* tu eres pa decime a mi
Who the fuck are you to tell me
Lo que tengo que cantar o lo que debo decir
What I have to sing or what I should say
Los que estan de acuerdo que me digan is
Those who agree, let me hear you say yes
La invacion trajo la violencia a el pais
The invasion brought violence to the country
Muchas armas quedaron regadas por ahi
Many weapons were left scattered around
No me acuses mucho menos me critique a mi
Don't accuse me, much less criticize me
Bienvenida a bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Cuando me van a dar vacaciones?, 18 años guerriando
When are they gonna give me a vacation? 18 years of fighting
Bienvenido a bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Tu sabes como mueve scaredem crew
You know how the scaredem crew moves
Bienvenido a bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Siempre imponiendo el respeto, en el ghetto
Always imposing respect, in the ghetto
Pasa la metra, la metra
Pass the machine gun, the machine gun
La metra, la metra
The machine gun, the machine gun
Di blasio
Say blasio
Pasa la metra, la metra
Pass the machine gun, the machine gun
La metra, la metra.
The machine gun, the machine gun.
Bienvenido a bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Mutherfucker you know
Mutherfucker you know
Bienvenido al bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Que le paso al, a la moñita
What happened to the, to the little dreads
Bienvenido a bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Disque rasta y te tas metiendo a guerra, rasta falso.
You call yourself Rasta and you're getting into war, fake Rasta.
Bienvenido a Bagdag
Welcome to Baghdad
No te fijes en mi, fijate en ti
Don't look at me, look at yourself
Bienvenido a bagdad
Welcome to Baghdad
Mr. Fox Ta mas pegao q tu ¡
Mr. Fox is more popular than you!
Bienvenido a la guerra
Welcome to the war
Muther fuc you know!
Muther fuc you know!
Oye lo que dice el real, real, real, real Bad Boy
Listen to what the real, real, real, real Bad Boy says
Representando el Ghetto
Representing the Ghetto
Siempre imponiendo el respeto
Always imposing respect
Tu eres nuevo en la pista
You're new to the game
No voy a quitar que eres un buen artista
I won't deny you're a good artist
Pero eres estúpido
But you're stupid
Nunca debistes joder con un veterano de guerra
You should never have messed with a war veteran
Mas de 20 mil estrellas, tu sabes no?
More than 20 thousand stars, you know, right?
Quiero mandarle un saludo a todos los veteranos de guerras, Respect!
I want to send a shoutout to all the war veterans, Respect!
Rene Renegado, Aldo Ranas, Jam & Suppose, Cachaco, Toky
Rene Renegado, Aldo Ranas, Jam & Suppose, Cachaco, Toky
Todos los manes, tu sabes todos los manes
All the guys, you know, all the guys
Tony Bull, Nando Boom, Chicho Man que estan en la iglesia
Tony Bull, Nando Boom, Chicho Man who are in the church
Todos los real, real veteranos
All the real, real veterans
Renato, todos los real real veteranos
Renato, all the real real veterans
Estos pocos de chiquillos de la nueva ola
These few kids from the new wave
Quieren estar tirandole pulla a los veteranos y no quieren respetar
They want to be throwing punches at the veterans and they don't want to respect
Manes que creian en manes, tu sabes como ah?
Guys who believed in guys, you know how ah?
Porque todo el mundo sabe que tu creias en
Because everyone knows you believed in me
Y te uniformabas en la escuela e ibas a verme cantar a mi
And you used to wear your school uniform and go see me sing
Y ahora me estas tirando pulla a mi
And now you're throwing punches at me
Lo mismo hicistes con René, lo mismo hicistes con Japa
You did the same with René, you did the same with Japa
Que clase de Rasta man tu eres?
What kind of Rasta man are you?
Tienes que ser mas serio en el negocio
You have to be more serious in the business
Rastamanes no se comportan asi como te comportas
Rastamen don't behave the way you do
Rastamanes viven su vida y no viven la vida ajena
Rastamen live their life and don't live the life of others
O tu eres un que?
Or are you a what?
Donde tu estabas cuando yo cantaba en la Elegancia?
Where were you when I sang at Elegancia?
Cuando me tiraban lata y tuve que ganarme mi respeto humildemente
When they threw cans at me and I had to earn my respect humbly
Donde tu estabas, ah?
Where were you, huh?
Tu sabes que el público de Colón, es el público mas exigente
You know that the Colón audience is the most demanding audience
Y yo me gané mi respeto humildemente en el Town
And I earned my respect humbly in the Town
So no trates de confundir a la gente
So don't try to confuse people
Donde tu estabas cuando yo cantaba en el Éxtasis?
Where were you when I sang at Extasis?
Donde tu estabas?
Where were you?
Tu eras un chiquillo tu estabas en la escuela
You were a kid, you were in school
Donde tu estabas cuando yo cantaba en el club Intel?
Where were you when I sang at the Intel club?
Que venia de la capital bien flaquito e iba pa allá
I came from the capital, very skinny, and I went there
A cantar en el club Intel
To sing at the Intel club
Donde tu estabas? Donde tu estabas?
Where were you? Where were you?
Payaso de la Vida
Clown of Life
Tu estabas en la escuela loco
You were in school, crazy
Tu estabas escribiendo con lapices de colores loco
You were writing with colored pencils, crazy
Tu creias en mi loco
You believed in me, crazy
Tu ibas a mi show's uniformado a verme a mi loco
You used to go to my shows in uniform to see me, crazy
Quiero mandarle un Saludo a Ness y a todos los One Love
I want to send a shoutout to Ness and all the One Love
Tu tas fuera de orden
You're out of order
Rastamanes no se meten en esto, mutherfucker You know!
Rastamen don't get involved in this, mutherfucker You know!
Esto va a ser una guerra seria, prepárate
This is gonna be a serious war, get ready
Que voy a a acabar con tu carrera
I'm gonna end your career
Tu sabes como mueve scaredem crew?
You know how the scaredem crew moves?
You know have we rule
You know have we rule
Yoh shotin pa toda la banda
Yoh shotin pa toda la banda
Tu sabes que e lo que e
You know what it is
El West Side, Bambu, todo el Ton
The West Side, Bambu, the whole Ton
Ustedes saben cual e la que es? Mutherfucker you know
You know what's up? Mutherfucker you know
Ah y apurate y respondeme
Oh, and hurry up and answer me
Que tengo rantan de vainas serias pa' ti ahi
I have so many serious things for you there
Yo se que yo toy pegao y tu quieres pegarte a costillas mias
I know I'm popular and you want to stick to my ribs
Eso te va a salir caro
That's gonna cost you
Porque después que tu me contestes la gente va
Because after you answer me, people are gonna
A querer un man 2 man
Want a man 2 man
Y voy a acabar con tu carrera, payaso
And I'm gonna end your career, clown
Mutherfucker you know
Mutherfucker you know

Авторы: Alonso David

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