Daniel Calderón y Los Gigantes - Tienes - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Daniel Calderón y Los Gigantes - Tienes

You have
Te vi partir y el amor en mi silencio se hizo llanto
I watched you leave and the love in my silence became a cry
Vi juguetear sobre tu espalda siendo ola tus cabellos
I saw your hair playing on your back like waves
Fija mirada en la distancia yo iba siguiendo tus pasos
With my gaze fixed on the distance, I followed in your footsteps
Vi diluir en tus pupilas empañadas mi embelezo
I saw my fascination in your fogged pupils
Pensé vivir donde jamás lograra palpar tu presencia
I thought I could live where I could never feel your presence
Habito el cielo del olvido y me di cuenta
I inhabit the sky of forgetfulness and I realized
Que estoy perdido en el camino de mis sueños
That I am lost on the path of my dreams
Pensé vivir donde jamás lograra palpar tu presencia
I thought I could live where I could never feel your presence
Habito el cielo del olvido y me di cuenta
I inhabit the sky of forgetfulness and I realized
Que estoy perdido en el camino de mis sueños
That I am lost on the path of my dreams
Mujer tu eres mi presidio mi corazón es cobarde
Woman, you are my prison, my heart is a coward
En ti quiero refugiarme aunque existen mil motivos
I want to take refuge in you, although there are a thousand reasons
Que ha sido imposible darme amor tesoro escondido
That it has been impossible to give me love, hidden treasure
Que ha sido imposible darme amor tesoro escondido
That it has been impossible to give me love, hidden treasure
Como felino en acechanza yo iba siguiendo tus pasos
Like a feline on the prowl, I followed in your footsteps
Me siento esclavo de la noble y sublime intención de tenerte
I feel like a slave to the noble and sublime intention of having you
Y no te enojes si por sincero un día te pido lo deseado
And don't be angry if one day, because I'm sincere, I ask you for what I desire
Quiero que sepas solo al mirarte la ansiedad loco me vuelve
I want you to know that just by looking at you, madness makes me anxious
Y tu has notado que no es antojo simplemente el que me asiste
And you have noticed that it is not a whim, but simply what I feel
Es una amor que he combatido pero insiste
It is a love that I have fought but it insists
Y me seduce para que te siga amando
And it seduces me to keep loving you
Y tu has notado que no es antojo simplemente el que me asiste
And you have noticed that it is not a whim, but simply what I feel
Es una amor que he combatido pero insiste
It is a love that I have fought but it insists
Y me seduce para que te siga amando
And it seduces me to keep loving you
Tu escrutadora mirada, tu voz callada me avisa
Your scrutinizing gaze, your silent voice tells me
Que me quieres con el alma, lo confirma tu sonrisa
That you love me with your soul, your smile confirms it
Y que tal vez sea mañana que acudirás a mi cita
And that maybe tomorrow you will come to my appointment
Y que tal vez sea mañana que acudirás a mi cita
And that maybe tomorrow you will come to my appointment

Авторы: Rolando Ochoa

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