Daniel Landa - Waltr. Tommy. Ute a Marry - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Daniel Landa - Waltr. Tommy. Ute a Marry

Waltr. Tommy. Ute a Marry
Walter. Tommy. Ute and Mary
Nizounko nad mraky
Below the clouds
Letí Walter v Messerschmittu.
Walter is flying in a Messerschmitt.
Zbouraný baráky
Destroyed barracks
Připomenou realitu.
Remind him of reality.
Walter právě snil
Walter had just been dreaming
O svojí Ute.
About his Ute.
Messerschmitt je kamarád,
The Messerschmitt is a friend,
Vozí Waltera po obloze
It takes Walter through the skies
A ten lítá děsně rád
And he loves to fly terribly
Zapomíná na exploze.
He forgets about the explosions.
Když potkal Ute,
When he met Ute,
Byl mladým rekrutem.
He was a young recruit.
Letí smrt, letí šedivou oblohou nad ztichlou linií.
Death flies, flies through the grey sky over the silent line.
Letí smrt a myslí na svou lásku, než nasadí si masku.
Death flies and thinks of his love, before he puts on his mask.
Nizounko nad mraky
Below the clouds
Na spitfiru letí Tommy.
Tommy is flying in a Spitfire.
Nemyslí na vraky,
He doesn't think about wrecks,
Rozstřílený na atomy.
Blown to atoms.
Tommy právě snil,
Tommy had just been dreaming
O svojí Marry.
About his Mary.
Spitfire to je kamarád,
The Spitfire is a friend,
Lítá s Tommym po obloze,
It flies with Tommy through the skies,
A ten lítá děsně rád,
And he loves to fly terribly,
Zapomíná na exploze,
He forgets about the explosions,
Na bombardéry
About the bombers
A sní jen o Marry.
And dreams only of Mary.
Letí smrt, letí šedivou oblohou nad ztichlou linií.
Death flies, flies through the grey sky over the silent line.
Letí smrt a myslí na svou lásku, než nasadí si masku.
Death flies and thinks of his love, before he puts on his mask.
Kleine Ute,
Little Ute,
Útlá dívka jemných rysů,
Slender girl with delicate features,
Kvítky žluté,
Yellow flowers,
Přikládá mu do dopisů,
She encloses in his letters,
Walter stáčí stroj,
Walter turns the machine,
Na Tommyho roj.
Towards Tommy's swarm.
Marry slouží
Mary serves
Dobrovolně v lazaretu.
As a volunteer in the infirmary.
Letadla si krouží,
The planes circle each other,
A zdraví se z kulometů.
And greet each other with machine guns.
Pozdrav z Berlína,
Greetings from Berlin,
Pro Marry z Londýna,
For Marry from London,
Letí smrt, letí šedivou oblohou nad ztichlou linií.
Death flies, flies through the grey sky over the silent line.
Letí smrt a myslí na svou lásku, než nasadí si masku.
Death flies and thinks of his love, before he puts on his mask.

Авторы: Daniel Landa

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