Daniyal - Zamine Gorga - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Daniyal - Zamine Gorga

Zamine Gorga
Wolf's Land
برا رپ بوده همه اشكام
All my tears have been for rap
منو توو رپرایِ اين دهه نشمار
Don't count me among this decade's rappers
حقيقت اينه ولی نره پشمات
The truth is, but don't let it blow your mind
شروع كردم از اواخرِ دهه هشتاد
I started in the late 2000s
يهو هروئين طرفم شد
Suddenly, heroin came my way
پا چشمام سياه شد و دهنم خشك
My eyes blackened and my mouth dried
سرم رفت تو خشتكم و قلمم مرد
My head went into my pants and my pen died
ولی ترك كردم تا كه نَرَم از گود
But I quit so I wouldn't leave the game
از بچگی نداشتم وقتِ تفريح
Since childhood, I had no time for fun
دنيا ميكردتم زنگ تفريح
The world used to make me its laughing stock
پس، بهم بگو مردِ سختی
So, call me a tough man
مدال شيرينِ چونكه سختِ تمرين
A sweet medal because the training is hard
جا دویدن نزن هی حرف منفی
Don't talk negative while running
عينِ پيرمردهای دست به تسبيح
Like old men with prayer beads
رام شدنيه حتی اسبِ وحشی
Even a wild horse can be tamed
پس تكون بخور و بشو دست به تغيير
So move your ass and make a change
برا بردن لازمه * باختن
To win, you need * to lose
كه خوشبختانه من اين * داشتم
Fortunately, I had this *
بايد جر بخوری از پشتِ باسن
You have to get fucked from behind
بايد پررو وايسی پشتِ خواستن
You have to stand up boldly behind wanting
هر شب ميكنم روی برگه تمرين
I practice on paper every night
وقتی همه تو حاشيه ان و گرمِ تعريف
When everyone is on the sidelines and busy praising
پس بدون حقمه يه روز
So one day it's my right
جهان فرود بياره سر به تعظيم
The world should bow its head in submission
با اينكه تيرِ رفيقم توو پامه سر پام
Even though my friend's bullet is in my leg, I'm on my feet
مثل درخت پا ميشم من از خاك
Like a tree, I rise from the ground
طوری رپ ميكنم كه بريزه برگا
I rap in a way that makes the leaves fall
وقتي من ميرسم تو جمع همه برپا
When I arrive, everyone in the crowd stands up
مثل گرگ ميگرمت و با فكّم ميدرمت كم شه شرّت
Like a wolf, I grab you and tear you with my jaw, let your evil diminish
تو اين شطرنج ميبرمت تق تق ميزنمت گرم شه تنت
In this chess game, I beat you, tap-tap, I hit you, let your body heat up
با اينكه دسته خرابِ هميشه دستِ منه
Even though the bad hand is always in my hand
* هر كی يه مصرعش به سمتِ منه
* Everyone's verse is directed at me
فقط بگو همينه قربان
Just say that's it, sir
باج ميگيرم ، مالِ منه زمينِ گرگها
I take ransom, the wolf's land is mine
توو مدرسه معلما زور ميگفتن
Teachers used to force us in school
من چک زدم به دبيرِ قرآن
I slapped the Quran teacher
لخت شدم ديگه وقتِ پُورنِ
I got naked, it's porn time
ميكروفونمو ميكنم تا دسته پشتِت
I stick my microphone up to the handle behind you
لفظ ميای؟ بازيه دست به مهره
Do you pronounce? It's a game of chess
من خودم با خودم توو جنگِ *
I'm at war with myself
كلِّ مسيرم و تنهايی رفتم
I walked the whole path alone
زخمِ پاهام و تنها ميبستم
I bandaged my wounds alone
با دسته بد بازی كردم و
I played with a bad hand and
خشت به خشت خودم و بَنايی كردم
I built myself brick by brick
تُخس بودنم باعثِ رشدم شد
My rudeness caused my growth
نيست به احدی پشتم قرص
My back is not strong against anyone
هميشه دو تا پيشنهاد دارم
I always have two suggestions
يه مشتم گلِ و يه مشتم كُلت
A handful of flowers and a handful of guns
كار ميكردم با يه پيكان قرضی
I worked with a borrowed Paykan
جفتی با اوس كريم پيمان بستيم
We made a pact with Uncle Karim
قلمم خوب شد و ورسام ترخيص
My pen got better and my verses were released
يه آلبوم دادم تهران لرزيد
I released an album and Tehran shook
نيستم آدم كم خواستن
I am not a person of little desire
باج نميدم و ميكنم من كت باز رپ
I don't pay ransom and I rap openly
تو رگهام خونِ فرماندست
The blood of a commander runs in my veins
نميكنم هيچجوره عين سرباز جنگ
I don't do it like a soldier in war
با اينكه تيرِ رفيقم توو پامه سر پام
Even though my friend's bullet is in my leg, I'm on my feet
مثل درخت پا ميشم من از خاك
Like a tree, I rise from the ground
طوری رپ ميكنم كه بريزه برگا
I rap in a way that makes the leaves fall
وقتي من ميرسم تو جمع همه برپا
When I arrive, everyone in the crowd stands up
مثل گرگ ميگرمت و با فكّم ميدرمت كم شه شرّت
Like a wolf, I grab you and tear you with my jaw, let your evil diminish
تو اين شطرنج ميبرمت تق تق ميزنمت گرم شه تنت
In this chess game, I beat you, tap-tap, I hit you, let your body heat up
با اينكه دسته خرابِ هميشه دستِ منه
Even though the bad hand is always in my hand
* هر كی يه مصرعش به سمتِ منه
* Everyone's verse is directed at me
از فيس و استيلش ميگيره خندت
You laugh at his face and style
وقتي ميگن چي گوش ميدی ميگه رپ نه
When they ask what he listens to, he says not rap
خب می خواد بياد رو بورس اينه ترفند
Well, he wants to be popular, that's the trick
بی هنرِ بنجلِ چيپِ احمق
Talentless, cheap, stupid jerk
اون مجری دوزاری كه ميگه از رپ
That two-bit host who talks about rap
من و ببينه كه ريده از ترس
He sees me and shits himself in fear
قول ميدم تا وقتی ميزنه نبضم
I promise as long as my pulse beats
مثل الماس ميدرخشم
I will shine like a diamond
اين سوالرو ميشه حل كرد
This question can be solved
كه چرا داره وجدانت ميشه اذيت
Why is your conscience being bothered
وقتی برا رپكن اجرأ ميشه حسرت
When there's regret for the rapper's performance
منم اسلحه م قلمِ، تيرِ هر خط
My weapon is my pen, every line is a bullet
ماها نرفتيم زيرِ پرچم
We didn't go under the flag
سرپاييم توویِ طبقه ی زيرِ همكف
We stand on the floor below the ground floor
همه سبكها بايد بيان زيرِ سبكم
All styles should come under my style
وقتی لطفِ مردم هست زيرِ عكسم
When people's favor is under my picture
تو كه ترحم ميكني ديگه بدتر
You who pity are worse
نوك خلافی ميره كلّت
The tip of the offense goes to your gun
خلاصه كه اينه مطلب
In short, this is the point
باج به شغال نميده كه شيرِ جنگل
The king of the jungle doesn't pay ransom to the jackal
چرا توپِ ما فقط ميره زيره جدول
Why does our ball only go under the curb
به قرآن نميگيری چيه حرفم
I swear you don't get what I'm saying
پولِ امثال من تویِ جيبتن نقد
The money of people like me is in your pocket, cash
من توو حسرت اجرأم گيره حقّم
I'm stuck in the longing for my performance, my right is stuck
با اينكه تيرِ رفيقم توو پامه سر پام
Even though my friend's bullet is in my leg, I'm on my feet
مثل درخت پا ميشم من از خاك
Like a tree, I rise from the ground
طوری رپ ميكنم كه بريزه برگا
I rap in a way that makes the leaves fall
وقتي من ميرسم تو جمع همه برپا
When I arrive, everyone in the crowd stands up
مثل گرگ ميگرمت و با فكّم ميدرمت كم شه شرّت
Like a wolf, I grab you and tear you with my jaw, let your evil diminish
تو اين شطرنج ميبرمت تق تق ميزنمت گرم شه تنت
In this chess game, I beat you, tap-tap, I hit you, let your body heat up
با اينكه دسته خرابِ هميشه دستِ منه
Even though the bad hand is always in my hand
* هر كی يه مصرعش به سمتِ منه
* Everyone's verse is directed at me

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