Danny D'Leon feat. Indiomar "El Vencedor" - Campo de Guerra (feat. Indiomar el Vencedor) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Danny D'Leon feat. Indiomar "El Vencedor" - Campo de Guerra (feat. Indiomar el Vencedor)

Campo de Guerra (feat. Indiomar el Vencedor)
Battlefield (feat. Indiomar the Victor)
Fui engañado, quizas te has burlado, te podras reir pero no me has derrotado.
I was fooled, maybe you made fun of me, you can laugh but you haven't defeated me.
Creiste que yo iba a caer con tu labia muy bonita pero nah pudiste hacer.
You thought I was going to fall for your pretty talk, but you couldn't do anything.
Padre de mentira te llaman así, fui separado por Jehova desde que nací, y aunque tu vengas con el disfraz de luz tengo ADN de aquel que venció en la cruz.
They call you a false father, I was separated by Jehovah from the time I was born, and even if you come in the guise of light, I have the DNA of the one who triumphed on the cross.
Conmigo andan angeles y arcangeles.
Angels and archangels walk with me.
Soldados celestiales que le sirven al Rey.
Heavenly soldiers who serve the King.
En el campo de guerra interceden con el, y ante su presencia lo tienen que reconocer.
On the battlefield, they intercede with him, and in his presence they must acknowledge him.
Conmigo andan angeles y arcangeles.
Angels and archangels walk with me.
Soldados celestiales que le sirven al Rey.
Heavenly soldiers who serve the King.
En el campo de guerra interceden con el, y ante su presencia lo tienen que reconocer.
On the battlefield, they intercede with him, and in his presence they must acknowledge him.
Cuando el aparece toda la tierra se estremece, tiembla el infierno y los demonios emudecen.
When he appears, the whole earth trembles, hell trembles, and the demons are silenced.
No existe contrincante que pueda vencerle, todo lo que respira tiene que obedecerle.
There is no opponent who can defeat him, everything that breathes must obey him.
Asi que no vengas con cuentos, historietas y falacias, no voy a dar mas lugar a la desgracia.
So don't come with stories, tales, and fallacies, I won't give more room to misfortune.
Con eficacia voy a caminar, con mi galardon en mano tengo que celebrar.
I will walk with effectiveness, with my reward in hand, I have to celebrate.
Siendo mas que vencedor por aquel que me escogio, por la sangre de guerrero que en mis venas coloco.
Being more than a victor by the one who chose me, by the warrior's blood that he placed in my veins.
No doblare rodillas ante bahales que sonsaquen, que recojan sus cosas y empaquen.
I will not bow my knees before baals who coax, who collect their things and pack.
Conmigo andan angeles y arcangeles.
Angels and archangels walk with me.
Soldados celestiales que le sirven al Rey.
Heavenly soldiers who serve the King.
En el campo de guerra interceden con el, y ante su presencia lo tienen que reconocer.
On the battlefield, they intercede with him, and in his presence they must acknowledge him.
Conmigo andan angeles y arcangeles.
Angels and archangels walk with me.
Soldados celestiales que le sirven al Rey.
Heavenly soldiers who serve the King.
En el campo de guerra interceden con el, y ante su presencia lo tienen que reconocer.
On the battlefield, they intercede with him, and in his presence they must acknowledge him.
Yo que tu saldria, ahora conozco bien tu biografia, yo se muy bien cual es tu jerarquia.
I would leave if I were you, I know your biography well now, I know very well what your hierarchy is.
Angeles caidos, demonios, potestades, principados y los que juntamente contigo fueron expulsados del cielo.
Fallen angels, demons, powers, principalities, and those who were expelled from heaven along with you.
Y ahora en el cielo queda un abacante, la llenas tu, la lleno yo y eso es lo interesante.
And now there is a vacancy in heaven, you fill it, I fill it, and that's what's interesting.
Ahora somos tu y yo los que dirijimos la adoracion y causamos maniefestacion del espirutu santo que mora en nustras vidas.
Now it is you and I who direct worship and cause the manifestation of the Holy Spirit who dwells in our lives.
El que expulso a lucifer vive en nustras vidas, por lo tanto vamos y estamos estamos encima de el, lo que declares por tu boca el tiene que obedecer.
The one who expelled Lucifer lives in our lives, therefore we go and we are above him, what you declare with your mouth he must obey.
Fui engañado, quizas te has burlado, te podras reir pero no me has derrotado.
I was fooled, maybe you made fun of me, you can laugh but you haven't defeated me.
Creiste que yo iba a caer con tu labia muy bonita pero nah pudiste hacer.
You thought I was going to fall for your pretty talk, but you couldn't do anything.
Padre de mentira te llaman así, fui separado por Jehova desde que nací, y aunque tu vengas con el disfraz de luz tengo ADN de aquel que venció en la cruz.
They call you a false father, I was separated by Jehovah from the time I was born, and even if you come in the guise of light, I have the DNA of the one who triumphed on the cross.
Conmigo andan angeles y arcangeles.
Angels and archangels walk with me.
Soldados celestiales que le sirven al Rey.
Heavenly soldiers who serve the King.
En el campo de guerra interceden con el, y ante su presencia lo tienen que reconocer.
On the battlefield, they intercede with him, and in his presence they must acknowledge him.
Conmigo andan angeles y arcangeles.
Angels and archangels walk with me.
Soldados celestiales que le sirven al Rey.
Heavenly soldiers who serve the King.
En el campo de guerra interceden con el, y ante su presencia lo tienen que reconocer.
On the battlefield, they intercede with him, and in his presence they must acknowledge him.

Авторы: Daniel De Leon Velez

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