Dara Bubamara - Tebi Nije Nishta Sveto - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dara Bubamara - Tebi Nije Nishta Sveto

Tebi Nije Nishta Sveto
Nothing Is Sacred to You
Blago tebi, ti nisi tuzan, nisi sam
Lucky you, you're not sad, you're not lonely
Kao po kazni ja za tebe samo znam
As if by punishment, I only know about you
Lako je tebi, ti se negde ljubis s njom
It's easy for you, you're somewhere making love to her
A nazalost ja i nocas slutim to
But unfortunately, I have this premonition tonight
E, kamo srece, da sam bila kao ti
Oh, lucky me, if I were like you
Ja bih za sebe najbolje znala birati
I would have known how to choose the best for myself
Bilo je onih sto su me hteli voleti
There were those who wanted to love me
A meni prija posle tebe opet ti
But after you, I prefer you again
Tebi nije nista sveto
Nothing is sacred to you
Da si sa njom bar daleko
If you were at least far away with her
Mozda bi me manje bolelo
Maybe it would hurt me less
A ja nisam dete srece
And I'm not a lucky child
Za baksuz te cesto sretnem
I often meet you for bad luck
Nazalost te zelim ponovo
Unfortunately, I want you again
Zavidim ti ja na sreci s njom
I envy you for your happiness with her
Sta se tu moze, ljubav mi nije bila drug
What can I do, love was not my friend
Iz ove koze ja, nazalost, nemam kud
Unfortunately, I have no choice but to stay in this skin
Za tobom gledam, kako i nocas ides njoj
I watch you as you go to her tonight
U mojoj sobi jos je svuda miris tvoj
Your scent still lingers everywhere in my room

Авторы: Drazen Damjanovic, Atila Tot, Bojan J Vasic

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