Darko Rundek - Stojim i gledam se kako postojim - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Darko Rundek - Stojim i gledam se kako postojim

Stojim i gledam se kako postojim
I Stand and Watch Myself Existing
Jedno dijete je zagrizlo jabuku izazovno gledaju? i psa
A child has taken a bite out of an apple, looking defiantly at the dog
Koji je s nerazumijevanjem okrenuo glavu
Who turned its head away in incomprehension
I ne primjetiv? i ma? ku
And didn't notice the cat
Koja ga je vec neko vrijeme imala na oku
Who had had its eye on him for some time
I sad mekim pokretom preko svinutog stabla
And now with a soft movement over a bent tree
Pre? la u dvori? te
Leapt into the yard
Stari? ovjek izvr? e Slobodnu dalmaciju na? av? i? lanak koji ga zanima
An old man finished reading his Slobodna Dalmacija newspaper, the article that interested him
I bolje namje? ta nao? ale
And adjusted his glasses better
Kroz prozor prvo izlije? e plahta
Through the window the first sheet flutters
A za njom ruke neke mo? da mlade? ene
And behind it the hands of a young woman
Mo? da mlade? ene
Young woman
U kafi? u su poja? ali muziku
In the cafe they played music
Ti ima? bijelu bluzu i crnu suknju
You have a white blouse and black skirt
I kosa ti je uredna
And your hair is neat
Mislio sam da je Borosana izumrla
I thought the Borosans had died out
Zami? ljena si
You're distracted
Mo? da misli? na mene
Maybe you're thinking of me
Mo? da nismo dovoljno pazili
Maybe we weren't careful enough
Mo? da si dobila
Maybe you've got
Sje? anje na dodir mije? a se sa o? trim prisustvom palminih grana
The memory of a caress washes over me with the present presence of palm fronds
I posebnom akustikom koju donosi? uckast zrak toplog ranog sumraka
And the special acoustics brought by a fine breath of warm early twilight
I mirisom plastike od jeftinih igra? ki za pla? u
And the smell of plastic from cheap toys for the beach
Koje polagano pakiraju dnevni prodava? i
Which the day vendors slowly pack away
Mije? a se sa dodirom fri? ke bijele majice na slanoj ko? i
A caress washes over me with the touch of a white T-shirt on salty skin
I nao? trenim bradavicama.
And I shake my nipples for a moment.
Sa mirisom davno otopljenog sladoleda
With the smell of long-melted ice cream
Iz nedojedenih korneta i papira
From half-eaten cones and paper
Iz kante pored sladoledarice u gornjem dijelu badekostima
From the bin next to the ice cream seller in the upper part of Bačvice
I sa upijenim suncem koje zra? i iz? goljavih tijela
And with the absorbed sun that radiates from the bare bodies
Dva musava klinca koji se tu muvaju kao psi lutalice
Of two muscular boys who move around here like stray dogs
U daljini prolazi brod cruiser na kojem kao da se
In the distance a cruise ship passes by, as if
Prprema bal
A ball is being prepared
Na kojem kao da se priprema bal
As if a ball is being prepared
A ja stojim i gledam se kako postojim
And I stand and watch myself existing
Ajmo ve? eras uzet barku od tvog starog
Come on baby, let's take your old man's boat
I krenuti na vesla
And start rowing
Kroz trag mjese? ine prema velikom brodu
Across the trace of the moon towards the big ship
The cruiser
Ti ve? u ve? ernjoj haljini
You in your evening dress
Ja ve? u taksidu
Me in my tuxedo
Ti si ponjela nakit od tvoje bake
You've brought jewelry from your grandmother
Tiho se? uljamo
We sneak quietly
I popnemo se po onom? triku koji ve? e sidro za brod
And climb up the ladder that is already the anchor for the ship
I umje? amo se u gomilu
And mix in with the crowd
Gore ve? gore lampioni to? i se? ampanjac
Up above, up above the lamps are shining, champagne is flowing
A na najve? oj palubi
And on the largest deck
Meksikanska kapela svira onu staru pjesmu
A Mexican band plays that old song
Na koju smo se zajedno je? ili ti i ja draga.
That we used to dance to together, you and I, my dear.
Draga? Aha.
My dear? Yeah.
Popnemo se na podij
We climb onto the podium
Pjesma po? inje
The song takes off
I frajer sa sombrerom pjeva:
And a guy with a sombrero sings:
Cantando bajo la luna
Cantando bajo la luna
Yo se que la vida es sue
Yo se que la vida es sue

Авторы: Darko Rundek, Dusan Vranic, Blaise Catala, Djani Pervan

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