Darna - Héroes de Ciudad - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Darna - Héroes de Ciudad

Héroes de Ciudad
Heroes of the city
Ahora que has dejado ya de creer
Now that you have stopped believing
Esas historias que tanto te gustaba leer
Those stories that you loved to read
Observas que nada han tenido que ver
You see that they have nothing to do with
Con lo que día a día te ha hecho crecer
What has made you grow day by day
Pues el héroe está junto a tu casa
Because the hero is next to your house
Su misión es la de resistir
His mission is to resist
Su princesa es fea y desgraciada
His princess is ugly and unfortunate
Su dragón, el final de mes
His dragon, the end of the month
Y su desdicha un piso en alquiler
And his misfortune an apartment for rent
Ahora que ha cambiado tu forma de ver
Now that your way of seeing has changed
Oyes historias que en el
You hear stories that in the
Fondo te cuesta creer
At heart you find it hard to believe
Mientras observas que en la
While you watch that in the
Vida los protagonistas
Life the protagonists
Se encuentran con monstruos
They meet monsters
Que a diario les cuesta
That they fight every day
To overcome
Las guerreras están en tu barrio
The warriors are in your neighborhood
Y su misión es la de resistir
And their mission is to resist
En un camino tal vez solitario
In a path perhaps lonely
Su prisión, el final de mes
Their prison, the end of the month
Y su desdicha un piso en alquiler
And his misfortune an apartment for rent
Héroes de ciudad
City heroes
Que tratan de avanzar
Trying to move forward
Intentando conquistar
Trying to conquer
Un poco de felicidad
A bit of happiness
Van dejando atrás
Leaving behind
Los triunfos y derrotas
The triumphs and defeats
Que tallan en vida, su historia
That carve in life, their story
Los pliegues de su piel
The folds of his skin
Esconden las hazañas
Hide the feats
Que día a dia les marcan
That mark them day by day
Y en su sonrisa tal vez
And in his smile perhaps
Se reflejen victorias
Victories are reflected
Ocultas tantas veces por llantos.
So many times hidden by tears.
Héroes de ciudad
City heroes
Que tratan de avanzar
Trying to move forward
Intentando conquistar
Trying to conquer
Un poco de felicidad
A bit of happiness
Van dejando atrás
Leaving behind
Los triunfos y derrotas
The triumphs and defeats
Que tallan en vida, su historia
That carve in life, their story

Авторы: Ruth Maria Suarez Alvarez, Daniel Gonzalez Gonzalez, Rafael Yugueros Fernandez

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