Dasan - Me Presento - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dasan - Me Presento

Me Presento
Me Presento
Paso horas sentado escribiendo, componiendo
I spend hours sitting down writing, composing
Las mejores rimas salen casi cuando estoy durmiendo
The best rhymes come out almost when I'm sleeping
Honestamente levitando o simplemente freestyleando
Honestly levitating or just freestyling
Mi via es el hip hop en español y en ingles
My way is hip hop in Spanish and English
Escucho todo el dia
I listen all day
Las melodias de cancer
The melodies of cancer
Segundos de alegria
Seconds of joy
Motivos para aprender
Reasons to learn
No se lo que dirias
I don't know what you would say
Por eso tengo que ver
That's why I have to see
Todo el contexto del texto
The entire context of the text
Pa Saber que comprender
To know what to understand
Asi pasa cuando sucede la vida se ve
That's how it goes when life happens you see
Desde un perspectiva nueva nada es lo que crees
From a new perspective nothing is what you think
La vida no es una aventura tambien es tortura
Life is not an adventure it is also torture
La vida no solo es cultura tambien en cintura
Life is not only culture it is also in the waist
Entramos todos si lo permitimos
We all go in if we allow it
Sabios son los que admitimos que en el camino perdimos
Wise are those who admit that we have lost our way
Solo primos
Only cousins
Solo hermanos
Only brothers
Han levantado las manos
Have raised their hands
Esperando ayudar como amigo un ser humano si
Hoping to help as a friend a human being yes
Es la mision comunicar y que estemos unidos
The mission is to communicate and that we are united
Hasta que unamos fuerza y juntemos esos latidos
Until we join forces and bring those heartbeats together
Solo pa entonces lo sabremos que estamos perdidos
Only then will we know that we are lost
Y que el amor es lo unico que nos mantuvo vivos
And that love is the only thing that kept us alive
Soy una victima inocente Victor Manuel Vicente
I am an innocent victim Victor Manuel Vicente
Ahora veo claramente que soy presa de mi subconsciente
Now I see clearly that I am a prisoner of my subconscious
Un panorama diferente al que se siente presente
A different panorama than the one that is felt present
Describiendo mi persona de una forma consciente
Describing my person in a conscious way
Existir no es tan facil como suelo pensar
Existing is not as easy as I usually think
Creo que se debe analizar hasta poder reafirmar
I believe that one should analyze until being able to reaffirm
Hemos de aprender a amar antes de aprender a gatear
We have to learn to love before learning to crawl
Solo asi es que seremos como queremos en verdad
Only then will we be as we truly want to be
Es algo logico querer ser gande
It is logical to want to be great
Pero como sin entender que somos nada ante lo grande
But how without understanding that we are nothing before the great
Es algo ilogico pensar de esta manera
It is illogical to think this way
Cuando solo una vida entera es otra estrella en mi playera
When only one whole life is another star in my shirt
Eras... pasaran y ser iran
Eras... will pass and be
Mientras no sabes relamente si un dia te recordaran
While you don't really know if one day you will be remembered
Derajas tu huella como los demas
You leave your mark like the rest
No hay victoria sin luchar
There is no victory without fighting
No hay camino sin andar
There is no path without walking
Mira no es por molestar
Look it's not to bother you
Yo solo vine a opinar
I just came to give my opinion
Para el que no me conoce
For those who don't know me
Me Presetno
I present myself
Hay tanto en mi cabeza que no se por donde iniciar
There is so much in my head that I don't know where to start
Solo desahogar, sacar y no pensar
Just vent, get it out and don't think
Por probelamas navegar
At sail through problems
Si soy un naufrago sin money sugar no hay para este hommie
If I'm a castaway with no money sugar there is none for this homie
Hoy solo un hobbie nos tiene aqui
Today just a hobby has us here
Comunicando mi persona
Communicating my person
Alojando en el beat
Lodging in the beat
Conviertiendome en espacio para sobresalir
Turning into space to stand out
Instruyendo a mi persona hacia todo un por venir
Instruction my person towards a whole future
Hay un poco de todo y siempre ha sido asi
There is a little bit of everything and it has always been that way
Casi todo lo que vivido siempre estuvo ahi
Almost everything that I've lived has always been there
Mi subconsiente es la memoria de lo que senti
My subconscious is the memory of what I felt
El corazon testigo de lo que me hizo latir
The heart witness of what made me beat
Hoy sonreir es lo que necesito
Today smiling is what I need
Declaro soy feliz y quiero serlo hasta Diosito
I declare I am happy and I want to be until God
Agradecer es un placer que necesito
Saying thank you is a pleasure that I need
Sin requisito
No requirement
Solo felicidad me Solicito
Only happiness I request

Авторы: Daniel Alcala

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