Sharifah Aini - Sebelum Rindu Tercalar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sharifah Aini - Sebelum Rindu Tercalar

Sebelum Rindu Tercalar
Before Longing Intervenes
Ku sisip janjimu di tabir hatiku
My dear, I cherish our promise in the tapestry of my heart
Betapa ku merindui belaian kasihmu
How dearly I yearn for the caress of your love
Terselip naluri rindu bila jasad berjauhan
Desire creeps in when our bodies are apart
Jiwaku meronta, bertandang sepi
My soul yearns and loneliness sets in
Tak rela ku hanyut terdampar berlumut
I refuse to drift and surrender to decay
Di lautan tak bersahut, seakan ku lemas
In a sea of silence, I feel as if I may sway
Dihempas badai asmara yang tiada penghujungnya
Tossed by storms of love that seem to have no end
Membenarkan segalanya impianku
Justifying all my dreams
Dulu, engkaulah
Once, it was you
Yang pengasih dan penyayang
Who were loving and affectionate
Tapi mengapa
But why then
Senyummu tak segirangnya semalam, kekasih?
Does your smile no longer beam with joy, my beloved?
Sebelum rindu tercalar dan cinta menjadi dendam
Before longing turns to resentment and love to bitterness
Izinkanlah aku mengundurkan diri
Allow me to withdraw
Ku tak rela dilukai
I will not be hurt
Di dalam memburu cinta yang tak pasti
In the pursuit of a love that is uncertain
Cukuplah sekali ku diperdayakan
Once was enough for me to be deceived
Oleh kilauan pelangi yang hanya sementara
By the shimmer of a rainbow that was but temporary
Mungkin ini satu hikmah mengajarku erti hidup
Perhaps this is a lesson to teach me the meaning of life
Cinta tidak semudah yang kau lafazkan
Love is not as simple as you profess
Dulu, engkaulah
Once, it was you
Yang pengasih dan penyayang
Who were loving and affectionate
Tapi mengapa
But why then
Senyummu tak segirangnya semalam, kekasih?
Does your smile no longer beam with joy, my beloved?
Sebelum rindu tercalar dan cinta menjadi dendam
Before longing turns to resentment and love to bitterness
Izinkanlah aku mengundurkan diri
Allow me to withdraw
Ku tak rela dilukai
I will not be hurt
Di dalam memburu cinta yang tak pasti
In the pursuit of a love that is uncertain
Cukuplah sekali ku diperdayakan
Once was enough for me to be deceived
Oleh kilauan pelangi yang hanya sementara
By the shimmer of a rainbow that was but temporary
Mungkin ini satu hikmah mengajarku erti hidup
Perhaps this is a lesson to teach me the meaning of life
Cinta tidak semudah yang kau lafazkan
Love is not as simple as you profess

Авторы: Awang Bpr

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