Sharifah Aini - Taman Rohani - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sharifah Aini - Taman Rohani

Taman Rohani
Spiritual Garden
Sang cahaya mula meninggi
The light of dawn begins to rise
Aku harus berangkat pergi
I must once again leave
Gelap malam pasti kembali
The darkness of the night will surely return
Gelap jalan arah mencari
Dark is the path that I must seek
Menangislah bonda mengiring cita
My mother weeps as I follow my dreams
Sepi Berkunjung lagi di tepi perigi
Loneliness returns to the edge of the well
Di sawah padi Di lubuk hati
In the rice field in the depths of my heart
Tanah ini
This land
Tanah ini taman rohani
This land is a spiritual garden
Jasmani ayah beresemadi
My father's body rests here
Dan bunga berpuisi
And flowers recite poetry
Gagah berani dia berdiri
He stood tall and brave
Gema suara harga diri
His voice echoed with self-respect
Jerit merdeka untuk generasi
His cry for independence for generations to come
Balasan budi yang sekali
A single act of gratitude
Untuk kita berjuang lagi
For us to fight again
Mengenal diri di muka hari
To know ourselves in the face of adversity
Saatnya tiba untuk melangkah
The time has come to move forward
Menjunjung kasih tanah ini
To cherish this land
Terus merdeka selagi mengerti
To remain independent while understanding
Arah sendiri dalam arus
Our own direction in the current
Untuk kita mengenal pasti
For us to truly recognize
Jual dan beli muslihat seni
The art of buying and selling
Tanah ini...
This land...
Taman rohani...
Spiritual garden...

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