Puderisi cuntaf su qualsiasi storia invece te cunti su
I could tell you any story, but instead, I'll tell you
La storia di i ann selvadegh del Francu.
The story of Franco's wild years.
El Francu el sera piazzà su per la Val d'Intelvi
Franco was settled up in the Val d'Intelvi
E l'era atacaa i so ann selvadegh a un ciò chel ghera
And he had nailed his wild years to a peg that was
Picàà dent a la sua dona senza neanca dumandà l' permess, yes.
Stuck inside his woman without even asking her permission, yes.
El vendeva cadregh muderni per qui che lavùra in di ufizi
He sold modern chairs for those who work in offices
Qui cadregh che per fai sta fermi a ta ghet de tirac una sciupetada
Those chairs that to keep still you have to shoot them
El ghera la sua bela vedrina, e l' so negozi sü la tagenzial
He had his beautiful window display, and his shop on the bypass
I gheran fa un prestito de 30 milioni e l' tatuac de una pesciada in del cü
They had given him a loan of 30 million and a tattoo of a kick in the ass
E lü lera dà un anticip per una sorta de stanberga cunt un para de stanz de lec, lù che tant el durmiva mai
And he had given a down payment for a kind of shack with a couple of bedrooms, he who never slept much
La sua dona la faseva propri schivi, l'era bruta come il pecàà
His woman was really disgusting, she was as ugly as sin
Ma la preparava una pulenta e brasàà che ta restavat lì cuma un gat de marmu
But she made a polenta and stew that you stayed there like a marble cat
La verdeva quasi mai la buca, la parlava mai
She hardly ever opened her mouth, she never spoke
La ghera un cagnorel volt in scì che vanzava mia sù de tera,
She had a little dog this tall that didn't get off the ground,
Spurcelent cuma una bula cunt la rogna
Dirty as a bula with mange
El se ciamaca Carlo, el ghe vedeva un cazo
His name was Carlo, he couldn't see a damn thing
La sua dona la ghera anca vuna de qui cusin muderni de la salvarani
His woman also had one of those modern kitchens from Salvarani
Cunt dent tutt i sò rop a posta e anca al furnu che se neta de parlù
With all her stuff in place and even the oven that cleans itself
El Francu guidava un 128 cunt i sedil de pel de cricetu
Franco drove a 128 with hamster skin seats
E a ghera un vulant cunt su la decalcomania del Papa Giuvan in sul clacson
And he had a steering wheel with a decal of Pope John on the horn
I faseven propri una bela copia, propri una bela copia
They made a really nice couple, a really nice couple
Una sira, chi sa cusa cazo ghe gira in per la crapa, l'è scià del lavurà
One evening, who knows what the hell was going on in his head, he left work
El se ferma lì de fò del cunsorzi agrari, el va dent in del tarcisio gazusa
He stopped outside the agricultural consortium, went into the Tarcisio Gazosa
Crumpa un par de butegli de Vermout e ia stinca giò in tant che guida
Bought a couple of bottles of Vermouth and gulped them down while driving
El se ferma lì al'Agip el tira sù una tola de benzina el punta driz a ca sua
He stopped at the Agip, picked up a can of gasoline, and headed straight for his house
El vert la porta el pasà dent, benzina de scià benzina de la benzina de surà
He opened the door, went inside, gasoline here, gasoline there, gasoline above,
Benzina de suta benzina sul tec benzina in del lec e brüsa brüsa brüsa brüsa
Gasoline below, gasoline on the roof, gasoline on the bed and burn burn burn burn
Una spüza de benzina che pareva de ves dent in un accendino
A smell of gasoline that seemed like you were inside a lighter
El parcheggia de lultra part del la strada el varda la sua cà che brusa
He parked across the street and watched his house burn
El rid el bambù fermu lì cunt chi denc in buca pareva la nocc de San Giuvan
He laughed, the idiot standing there with all his teeth showing, it looked like St. John's Eve
Pareva l'ultim del ann, pareva la nocc de Natal quan che fan il falò e i beven el vin broulè
It looked like New Year's Eve, it looked like Christmas Eve when they make the bonfire and drink mulled wine
El vardava la cà che brusava el rideva el rideva
He watched the house burn and he laughed and laughed
El solta dent in macchina el piza el va via el se sintonizza su radio maria el ciapa
He jumped in the car, started it up and drove away, tuned into Radio Maria and took
La strada che pasà dent per la Valsolda el punta il cunfin el va dent traversa la dugana
The road that goes through Valsolda, pointed to the border, crossed the customs
E scapa in Svizzera
And escaped to Switzerland
A lera propri mai podù supurtàl quel cagnurel de merda
He had never been able to stand that little shit of a dog
Mai podù supurtal quel cagnurel de merda varda, propri mai podù sopurtal
He had never been able to stand that little shit of a dog, look, he had never been able to stand him
... mai
... never
Potrei raccontarvi qualsiasi storia invece vi racconterò la storia de "Gli anni selvatici del Franco"
I could tell you any story, but instead, I'll tell you the story of "The Wild Years of Franco"
Franco si era piazzato sulla Val d'Intelvi e aveva piantato i suoi anni selvatici ad un chiodo che era conficcato dentro la sua donna senza chiedergli neanche il permesso.
Franco had settled in the Val d'Intelvi and had planted his wild years on a nail that was stuck inside his woman without even asking her permission.
Vendeva sedie moderne per quelli che lavorano negli uffici quelle sedie che per farle star ferme dovevi tirargli una schioppettata.
He sold modern chairs for those who work in offices, those chairs that to keep still you have to shoot them.
Aveva la sua bella vetrina, e il suonegozio sulla tangenziale
He had his beautiful window display, and his shop on the bypass
Gli avevano fatto un prestito di 30 milioni e il tatuaggio di un calcio nel culo
They had given him a loan of 30 million and a tattoo of a kick in the ass
Lui aveva dato un'anticipo per una sorta di casa con un paio di stanze da letto, lui che non dormiva mai
He had given a down payment for a kind of shack with a couple of bedrooms, he who never slept much
La sua donna faceva veramente schifo, era brutta come il peccato, ma preparava una polenta e brasato che restavi lì come un gatto di marmo
His woman was really disgusting, she was as ugly as sin, but she made a polenta and stew that you stayed there like a marble cat
Non apriva quasi mai la bocca, non parlava mai
She hardly ever opened her mouth, she never spoke
Aveva un cagnolino alto così che non avanzava su da terra sporco come una bula con la rogna
She had a little dog this tall that didn't get off the ground, dirty as a bula with mange
Si chiamava Carlo e non ci vedeva un cazzo
His name was Carlo and he couldn't see a damn thing
La sua donna aveva anche una di quelle cucine moderne della salvarani con dentro tutte le sue robe a posto e anche il forno che si puliva da solo
His woman also had one of those modern kitchens from Salvarani with all her stuff in place and even the oven that cleans itself
Franco guidava un 128 con i sedili di pelle di criceto
Franco drove a 128 with hamster skin seats
Aveva un volante con la decalcomania del Papa Giovanni sul clacson
He had a steering wheel with a decal of Pope John on the horn
Facevano proprio una bella coppia, proprio una bella coppia
They made a really nice couple, a really nice couple
Una sera, chissà cosa cazzo gli girava in testa, tornando dal lavoro,
One evening, who knows what the hell was going on in his head, on his way back from work,
Si ferma fuori dal consorzio agrario, entra nel tarciso gazosa, compra un paio di bottiglie di Vermout e le beve mentre guida
He stopped outside the agricultural consortium, went into the Tarciso Gazosa, bought a couple of bottles of Vermouth and gulped them down while driving
Si ferma all'Agip prende una tolla di benzina e punta dritto verso casa sua
He stopped at the Agip, picked up a can of gasoline, and headed straight for his house
Apre la porta va dentro, benzina di quà, benzina di là, benzina di sopra,
He opened the door, went inside, gasoline here, gasoline there, gasoline above,
Benzina di sotto, benzina sul tetto, benzina sul letto e brucia brucia brucia brucia
Gasoline below, gasoline on the roof, gasoline on the bed and burn burn burn burn
Una puzza di benzina che sembrava di essere dentro un accendino
A smell of gasoline that seemed like you were inside a lighter
Parcheggia dall'altra parte della strada e guarda la sua casa che brucia
He parked across the street and watched his house burn
Ride lo stupido permo lì con tutti i denti in bocca, sembrava la notte di San Giovanni
He laughed, the idiot standing there with all his teeth showing, it looked like St. John's Eve
Sembrava l'ultimo dell'anno, sembrava la notte di Natale quando fanno il falò e bevono il vin broulè
It looked like New Year's Eve, it looked like Christmas Eve when they make the bonfire and drink mulled wine
Guardava la casa che bruciava e rideva e rideva
He watched the house burn and he laughed and laughed
Salta dentro in macchina, l'accende e va via, si sintonizza su radio maria e prende
He jumped in the car, started it up and drove away, tuned into Radio Maria and took
La strada che va in Valsolda punta il confine attraversa la dogana
The road that goes through Valsolda, pointed to the border, crossed the customs
E scappa in Svizzera
And escaped to Switzerland
Non aveva mai potuto sopportare quel cagnolino di merda
He had never been able to stand that little shit of a dog
Non aveva mai potuto sopportarlo quel cagnolino di merda guarda,
He had never been able to stand that little shit of a dog, look, he had never been able to stand him
Non aveva proprio mai potuto sopportarlo... mai
... never
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