Davide Van De Sfroos - Il duello - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Davide Van De Sfroos - Il duello

Il duello
The Duel
Un pàss... un pàss... e un oltru pàss...
One step... one step... and then another step...
Capèll sbassàa i öcc... pistola giò in bàss...
Hat pulled down over the eyes... gun held low...
La geent la fiàda piö e l'ha cambiaa culuu
The people hold their breath and have changed color
De che a ciinq menütt se spàra suta el su...
Because in five minutes they'll shoot under the sun...
L'aria l'è ferma e trèmen anca i sàss
The air is still and even the stones tremble
Düü omen ne la via hann decidüü de cupàss
Two men in the street have decided to kill each other
Fiulitt a bùca verta che tègnen fermu el càn
Kids with mouths open holding their dogs still
El becamòort el vàrda e intaant el frèga i mànn
The undertaker watches and rubs his hands in the meantime
"Te spari per la Juve e per la partìda a scùpa
"I'm shooting you for Juve and for the card game
Vàrdum drizz in fàcia... sun quèll che te cùpa!
Look me straight in the face... I'm the one who'll kill you!
E prèma de sparàtt te en dìsi ammo' vöena:
And before I shoot you, I'll tell you one more thing:
Ieer sìra al burdèll ho incuntraa la tua dòna..."
Last night at the brothel I met your woman..."
"Parla pirla... che fra un te pàrlett piö
"Talk, you idiot... because soon you won't talk anymore
Te màndi all'infernu cul vestii che te gh'eet
I'll send you to hell with the clothes you're wearing
E dighell al demòni quaand te la dumànda:
And tell the devil when he asks you:
- A quell che m'ha cupaa, gh'eri sfrisaa la Pànda-"
- The one who killed me, his Panda was scratched-"
"CORRETE! CORRETE! I hènn dree a el düell
"RUN! RUN! They're about to duel
L'è mej de la pàrtida e de quaand gh'era el carusèll
It's better than the game and when the carousel was here
Mariangela mövess che g'hann el culp in càna
Mariangela hurry up, they have the bullet in the chamber
Registra tücoos che gh'el vèndum al Mentana"
Record everything, we'll sell it to Mentana"
"Preparess che tra un àttim la pistòla la vùsa...
"Get ready because in a moment the gun will roar...
El fiöö a l'è un drugaa... el ruvìna la mia tùsa!"
Your son is a drug addict... he's ruining my girl!"
"Seet te che in i öcc gh'eet i fètt de sàlamm
'It's you who has salami slices over your eyes
La tua tùsa l'è cumè la credenza dle pàn!
Your girl is like the bread cupboard!
Te seet sempru ciucch, te steet gnànca in pee,
You're always drunk, you can't even stand,
Ma taant adèss te'l lèvi me el pensee
But anyway now you'll get rid of the thought
La mia pistòla spàra e la fa mea parè
My gun shoots and makes a nice noise
L'è mea un cioo cumè queèll che gh'eet scià te!"
It's not a dud like the one you have!"
"CORRETE! CORRETE! I hènn dree a el düell
"RUN! RUN! They're about to duel
L'è mej de la pàrtida e de quaand gh'era el carusèll
It's better than the game and when the carousel was here
Mariangela mövess che g'hann el culp in càna
Mariangela hurry up, they have the bullet in the chamber
Registra tücoos che gh'el vèndum al Mentana"
Record everything, we'll sell it to Mentana"
"CORRETE! CORRETE! I hènn dree a fàss la pèll
"RUN! RUN! They're about to skin each other
Per che che g'ha prublemi gh'è pruunt el sgabèll
For those who have problems, the stool is ready
Madòna che tensiòn, l'è pègiu de un parto
My God, what tension, it's worse than childbirth
Gh'è in giir i lüsèert che i ciàpen l'infarto"
The lizards around are having a heart attack"
I mànn currèn in prèssa, ma i ciàpen mea la pistòla
Their hands rush, but they don't grab the gun
I tìren tücc düü de culpu el Motorola
They both pull out their Motorola instead
La geent capìss nagòtt, la vàrda scià e là...
The people understand nothing, they look here and there...
Cume mai i pistoleri i henn dree a telefunà?
How come the gunmen are on the phone?
"A l'era la mia dòna, me che g'ho de
"It was my wife, I think I have to go
A l'è incazzàda negra, l'è pruunt de mangià..."
She's mad as hell, she's ready to eat me..."
"El fèmm un'oltra vòlta, anca g'ho de scapà...
"Let's do it another time, I have to run too...
L'è el cumpleànn de quèll penènn, se sun desmentegaa..."
It's that idiot's birthday, I forgot..."

Авторы: Davide Bernasconi

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