Db Mandala - Billionaire - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Db Mandala - Billionaire

Lirik rapper indo udah mulai sugab sugab
The lyrics of Indonesian rappers have started to become awful
Masuk kuping gue ada berita yang ga bagus
I get some bad news that enters my ear
Lirik ditulisin ini bukan jaman sma bor
Lyrics are not written this way in my high school era
Emang kepala kosong
Your head is indeed empty
Un pake cara kotor
You take the dirty way
Beli kunci jawaban
You buy the answer keys
Ga kaget kalo lo curang
No surprise you're cheating
Nulis pengen gampang sana lo tidur di kuburan
You want to write easily, go to the grave and sleep
Nyarin duit susah
Earning money is hard
Nulis lirik juga susah
Writing lyrics is also hard
Terima ajalah ini bukan bidang lo mbah
Just accept this is not your field, ma'am
Sana cepet pergi hiphop banyak yang menjaga
Go away now, hip hop has many guardians
Shout out tuan tigabelas
Shout out to Tuan Tigabelas
Tanpa sayap terbang tinggi
Flying high without wings
Terus bersama hati
Always together with the heart
Tak perlu berhati hati
No need to be careful
Malaikat selalu ada di sisi
Angels are always by your side
Orang orang yang tak suka membenci
People who dislike you out of hate
Kadang harus membenci untuk melawan benci
Sometimes you have to hate to fight hate
I don't give a fuck who you are man
I don't give a fuck who you are, man
Kalo udah ditulisin
If it's already been written
Gua ga tahan si harus luapin
I can't stand it, I have to let it out
Berasa drake oh man gue doain
I feel like Drake, oh man, I pray for you
Billionaire boys club kami alien
Billionaire Boys Club, we are aliens
I got love for my haters
I have love for my haters
Kami datang dengan damai
We come in peace
Billionaire boys club kami alien
Billionaire Boys Club, we are aliens
Tak tahan tinggal di bumi
Can't stand living on Earth
Mereka bodoh dan membenci
They are stupid and hateful
Billionaire boys club kami alien
Billionaire Boys Club, we are aliens
I got love for my haters
I have love for my haters
Kami datang dengan damai
We come in peace
Billionaire boys club kami alien
Billionaire Boys Club, we are aliens
Tak tahan tinggal di bumi
Can't stand living on Earth
Mereka bodoh dan membenci
They are stupid and hateful
Mungkin lo udah usaha
You may have tried
Tapi kok lirik gitu aja
But why are the lyrics like that?
Mulut berbusa
Your mouth is foaming
Otak lo banyak bisa
Your brain is capable of many things
Beracun dan banyak noda
Poisonous and full of stains
Jauh jauh dari indonesia
Stay far away from Indonesia
Kami bermusik hanya atas nama cinta
We only make music in the name of love
Musik pake hati bukan pake otak banci
Music is made with the heart, not the brain, you sissy
Bedain mana artis mana selebriti
Distinguish between artists and celebrities
Sensasi demi statistik
Sensationalism for statistics
Demi mencapai angka yang fantastik
To achieve fantastic numbers
Tiga ratus lagu lo mungkin cuma dua yang layak dikritik
Out of your three hundred songs, perhaps only two are worthy of criticism
Sisanya ga ada yang layak didenger publik
The rest are not worth listening to by the public
Kalo emang genre lo komedi
If your genre is comedy
Makasih man bagus untuk yang lagi depresi
Thank you, man, that's great for those who are depressed
Billionaire boys club kami alien
Billionaire Boys Club, we are aliens
I got love for my haters
I have love for my haters
Kami datang dengan damai
We come in peace
Billionaire boys club kami alien
Billionaire Boys Club, we are aliens
Tak tahan tinggal di bumi
Can't stand living on Earth
Mereka bodoh dan membenci
They are stupid and hateful
Billionaire boys club kami alien
Billionaire Boys Club, we are aliens
I got love for my haters
I have love for my haters
Kami datang dengan damai
We come in peace
Billionaire boys club kami alien
Billionaire Boys Club, we are aliens
Tak tahan tinggal di bumi
Can't stand living on Earth
Mereka bodoh dan membenci
They are stupid and hateful

Авторы: Db Mandala

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