De Killtros - Soy Asi Nomaa Po Oee - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни De Killtros - Soy Asi Nomaa Po Oee

Soy Asi Nomaa Po Oee
That's Just How I Am, Bro
Entro Perros De Mala Raza
Enter Bad Breed Dogs
Sustancia Loca
Crazy substance
Demenusa La Roca
Demolishes The Rock
Hasta que se seque la Boca
Until the Mouth Dries
Vira la foca
Turn the seal
Yo no cambio Loca
I don't change Crazy
(Sigo De Pilsha Suelta)
(I keep Loose Pilsha)
And the Cru KS NOSTRA
Get Demet
Get Demet
Tener el orgullo de segir
Have the pride to follow
Si no te gusta no cambiare por verte
If you don't like it, I won't change to see you
Zorra! Pasamo Noche De Zomorra
Bitch! We spent the night of Zomorra
Y Camorra
And Camorra
My Fuckin Vida
My Fuckin Life
Y el carasho no se borra
And the faces don't erase
(Naaa)las cosas segiran igual
(Naaa) things will stay the same
Luca pal pall mall
Luca for Pall Mall
Pal trocko (y vo vela loco)
For the trocko (and you see crazy)
De que se keja si yo le dige que
What are you complaining about if I told you that
Antes de pensar en ti seria en el raper!
Before thinking about you, it would be the rapper!
Voy a mostrarte quen soy yo
I'm going to show you who I am
Ni hay con tu apoyo
It's nothing with your support
Adicto a fumar moler peazo e' cogoyo
Addicted to smoking, grinding piece of bud
Me gusta la vida si!
I like life, yes!
Y haci es como quero seguir
And that's how I want to continue
Rap mi track smokin fuckin weed YEAH
Rap my track smokin fuckin weed YEAH
De la flower
Of the flower
Ni hay tu pisco sour
It’s nothing, your pisco sour
Estoy con mi vino feliz ni hay con tu answer
I'm with my wine happy there is nothing with your answer
Yo no cambio mi modo mi mambo mi
I don't change my way my mambo my
Hip hop mi vando
Hip hop my band
Yo nica me vendo PUAAA!
I never sell myself PUAAA!
Como te explico si lo especifico
How do I explain to you if I specify
Mientras mas mastico
The more I chew
Mijo mas te ago chico fijo!
Son, I make you a fixed little boy!
Y haci la quiero porros pal perro
And so I want it blunts for the dog
Fuera de casa yo me encierro
Outside the house I shut myself in
Todo los fierros al suelo!.
All the irons on the ground!.
Entre ceja y ceja
Between eyebrows
Tengo mis vicios
I have my vices
Mi oficios no tan limpios
My trades are not so clean
Mis dibujos y mis escritos con sacrificio
My drawings and my writings with sacrifice
Me quedo con los mios en el manicomio
I stay with mine in the asylum
Ayi convivo con mis propios demonios
There I live with my own demons
Es mi epicentro son tiempos lentos
It's my epicenter, it's slow times
Amargos sonidos que se repiten
Bitter sounds that repeat themselves
Que se repiten
That repeat themselves
Toda la Wiken
The whole Weekend
Qe siga la ronda y bomba del fre
Let the round continue and pump the fre
Vivo la vida feliz y felino con vino y kilo de weed
I live life happy and feline with wine and a kilo of weed
(Oh)ya no convido bribon con big box
(Oh) I no longer share, rascal, with a big box
Con amigos caninos del mas minimo vicio no me privo
With canine friends from the slightest vice I don't deprive myself
Ruido agresivo de aqui no se va!
Aggressive noise from here is not going away!
Mi rima gorda colma la tuya
My fat rhyme fills yours
Y vivo mi vola...
And I live my buzz...
AAA Que mirai loco
AAA What are you looking at crazy
Soy haci noma po oee
That's just how I am, bro
Ni mi taita ni mi maima ni una calva me cambia
Neither my old man nor my old lady nor a bald head changes me
Pa que te deesgastaiMientras mas se practica
Why do you waste yourself The more you practice
Mas me afianza mi clicka
The more my clique strengthens me
Es el placer que cada vez se aplica
It is the pleasure that is applied every time
Cada verso me asita a vomi-tar unas fritas
Each verse encourages me to vomit some fries
Bla bla no ilimitan mi infinito
Blah blah they don't limit my infinite
El bombo y clap mi palpitar lo necesito!
The bass drum and clap my heartbeat I need it!
Un dia mas dormi por mi ciudad
One more day I slept for my city
Repestada de anciedad por hacer rap
Full of anxiety for rapping
Ya aun no vasta
It's still not enough
Mas rostros rotos por ropo
More broken faces for clothes
Poco a poco mas loco a voo no te compro
Little by little crazier, I'm not buying you
Loco apaga el foco que
Crazy turn off the light that
Lo que alumbraste sabe a poco
What you lit tastes little
Yo sigo en mis noshes de postre
I continue in my dessert nights
Produciendo en la vola del trocko!
Producing in the buzz of the trocko!
No moriran tampoco el cielo azul nos espera
They won't die either, the blue sky awaits us
Si sigo en esto alo mejor lo toco
If I continue in this, maybe I'll touch it
Chyste Mc:
Chyste Mc:
Shaao maima! hoy no llego
Shaao old lady! I'm not coming today
Se que juego pero me niego a un nuevo diego pero bueno
I know I play but I refuse a new diego but hey
Vuelvo enbuelto en cuerpo muerto Hight
I return wrapped in a dead body Hight
Prendo el blunt de ello belmont light
Light the blunt from that Belmont light
Esto es hight enshulai pelolai no hay pero hay
This is hight enshulai pelolai there is not but there is
Yo in de jaus hight
I in de jaus hight
Pa quear fly
To stay fly
(Me lo day)
(Give it to me)
Porque no me lo besay
Why don't you kiss it to me
(Y si aonde anday)
(And yes where are you going)
Metawai por aya en Hawai
Metawai over there in Hawaii
Agujaaa! a fumar pura basura
Agujaaa! to smoke pure garbage
Pero una luca es una puta aguja
But a luca is a fucking needle
Es una burla culia mula
She's a fucking silly mule
OOOH de kiltros no hay duda
OOOH of kiltros there is no doubt
Y aran que se pudran tus tracks de una!
And they will rot your tracks at once!
AAA Que mirai loco
AAA What are you looking at crazy
Soy haci noma po oee
That's just how I am, bro
Ni mi taita ni mi maima ni una calva me cambia
Neither my old man nor my old lady nor a bald head changes me
Pa que te deesgastai
Why do you waste yourself

Авторы: Angelo Ravazzano, Juan Pablo Cornejo Montenegro, Diego Alberto Raul Torres Rojas, Javier Carcamo Toloza, Victor Ponce Garreton

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