Dear Jane - 深化危機 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Dear Jane - 深化危機

Deepening Crisis
若你有心散心 讓你散心去旅行
If you're in the mood for a distraction, I'll send you on a trip
With an envelope's worth of communication to my soul
若你有心錯失 號碼接通到別人
If you're determined to miss out, a number connects to someone else
就當社交 誰甘心 多心 追蹤 足印
Just socialize. Who cares enough to overthink and follow footprints
即影即有的 驗證你我那衰退
Instant confirmation of our backsliding
在氧化 在氧化 太舊的早變淡
Oxidizing, oxidizing. The old fades quickly.
今天新制式 覓到你那更登對
Today's new styles. I'll find a better match for you
在進化 在進化 但我還未化
Evolving, evolving, but I haven't changed.
講一句無視他 相安已無事嗎
Say something dismissive, is that enough to keep the peace?
同坐一張檯與梳化 纏住手機聲卻啞
Sitting at the same table and sofa, our phones buzz silently.
解釋太無謂嗎 想保個名義嗎
Are explanations pointless? Do you want to keep up appearances?
難道一起為求現代 令你或我學會苦撐
Must we both strive for modernity, to make you or me learn to endure?
We've regressed to close friends, still playing at romance
同住一室分了空間 如此醜化
Sharing a room, but divided by space. It's so ugly.
機開了門在關 中間有誰是嗎
The door is open, then closed. Who's in the middle?
臨睡彼此不再解畫 電子化地愛吧
We no longer decipher at bedtime. Let's love electronically.
別要過於費心 上載軌跡到白雲
Don't bother uploading tracks to the cloud.
讓我廢枕 誰分身 出軌 多麼 興奮
Let me be useless. Who cares if I'm cheating? How exciting.
改不到潔癖 自拍最美滿一對
Can't shake my neatness. Selfies of us, the perfect couple.
習慣化 習慣化 這病好得太慢
Accustoming, accustoming. This disease heals too slowly.
污糟的記憶 大概按掣會粉碎
The dirty memories will probably be crushed with a button.
但我怕 但我怕 沒法同步化
But I'm afraid, I'm afraid I can't keep up.
講一句無視他 相安已無事嗎
Say something dismissive, is that enough to keep the peace?
同坐一張檯與梳化 纏住手機聲卻啞
Sitting at the same table and sofa, our phones buzz silently.
解釋太無謂嗎 想保個名義嗎
Are explanations pointless? Do you want to keep up appearances?
難道一起為求現代 令你或我學會苦撐
Must we both strive for modernity, to make you or me learn to endure?
We've regressed to close friends, still playing at romance
同住一室分了空間 如此醜化
Sharing a room, but divided by space. It's so ugly.
機開了門在關 中間有誰是嗎
The door is open, then closed. Who's in the middle?
臨睡彼此不再解畫 電子化地愛吧
We no longer decipher at bedtime. Let's love electronically.
應說清 你不說清
You should explain, but you won't
偷過境 何樣鎮定
Crossed the line, how composed
這輩子 你失了憶
This life, you've lost your memory
Everything's loud
應發聲 我不發聲
Should speak up, but I won't
當佈景 何樣冷靜
As a backdrop, how composed
該看輕 我不看輕
Should take it lightly, but I won't
Who can bear witness?
關起眼無視它 這麼算盲目嗎
Close your eyes and ignore it. Is that blindness?
留住卡式帶那沙啞 誰料今天聲更沙
Keep the raspy cassette tape. Who knew the sound would be even more distorted today?
根本你還在嗎 根本我存在嗎
Are you even still here? Do I even exist?
難道彼此亦成毒害 令你共我踏上分岔
Perhaps we're both toxic, leading you and me to a fork in the road
We've changed so much we've become static, still telling lies
螢幕中揀一塊餐單 如此僵化
Picking a menu from the screen, so inflexible
心早喪還在撐 這麼算人類嗎
My heart is long gone, but I still hold on. Am I still human?
如若一起但求夢幻 電子化地愛吧
If together we seek only fantasy, let's love electronically.
This is perfect equipment.

Авторы: Howie

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