Agora xa non importa todo o que antes me preocupaba
Now I don't care about what used to worry me before
Encontrei un remedio facil para miña angustia acumulada
I have found an easy remedy for my accumulated angst
Estoupar burbullas de embalaxe
Popping bubble wrap
Estoupar, e que a vida siga
Popping it, and letting life go on
De poca madre
De poca madre
Azkenean utzi nautenere miserien itsumenak
Finally, my miseries have stopped obsessing me
Zilbor biloxka ezda jadanik nere oihan bakarra
The lint in my navel is no longer my only jungle
Orain ez dit axola lehen kezkatzen ninduneak
Now I don't care about what used to worry me before
Badaukat konpobidea nire larrialdientzat
I have found an easy remedy for my accumulated angst
Enbalapen burbuilak lehertzen, eta bizi
Popping bubble wrap, and letting life go on
De poca madre
De poca madre
Ja han deixat d'obsesionar-me les meves miseries el perus del meu omblic no es la meva unica selva ara me la porta molt fluixa el que abans amb preocupava he trobat un remei facil a la meva angoixa acumulada
They have finally stopped obsessing me with my miseries the lint in my navel is no longer my only jungle now I don't care about what used to worry me before I have found an easy remedy for my accumulated anguish
Explotant bombolles d'embalatge
Popping bubble wrap
I que la vida segueixi
And that life goes on
De poca madre
De poca madre
Por fin han dejado de obsesionarve mis miserias
At last my miseries have stopped obsessing me
Las pelusas de mi ombligo ya no son la mi única selva
The lint in my navel is no longer my only jungle
Ahora me la trae muy floja lo que antes preocupaba
Now I don't care about what used to worry me before
He encontrado un remedia facil para mi angustia acumulada
I have found an easy remedy for my accumulated anguish
Explotar burbujas de embalaje, y que la vida siga
Popping bubble wrap, and letting life go on
De poca madre
De poca madre
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