Delia Rus - Noua Eu - перевод текста песни на английский

Noua Eu - Delia Rusперевод на английский

Noua Eu
New Me
M-am interesat
I was curious
De noua eu din viata ta
About the new me in your life
Mi se pare fascinant
I find it fascinating
Cum te-a facut sa uiti deja
How she made you forget me already
Stai putin, nu te agita
Wait, don't get upset
Mi-ai zis sa-mi vad de treaba mea
You told me to mind my own business
Acum nu mai simti asa, nu
Now you don't feel that way anymore, huh
Mi-au ramas inca-n ureche
Your critiques and your perfect opinions
Toate criticile, parerile tale perfecte
Are still ringing in my ears
Si nu-nteleg ce vrei, daca ai ales altceva
And I don't understand what you want, if you chose someone else
Te-am tot rugat, pauza, nu te juca cu mintea mea
I kept begging you to stop, to stop playing with my mind
N-am timp sa-ti gasesc timp
I don't have time to find time for you
Sa-ti faci jocurile tale toate contratimp
To play all your games out of time
Ca mi s-a dus din inocenta cate putin treptat
Because my innocence has been fading away little by little
Nu din vina ta, dar stii ca totusi faptu-i consumat
Not because of you, but you know that the fact remains
Nu esti nici matur, nici stabil
You are not mature, nor stable
Nu stii ce vrei, de asta imi pari copil
You don't know what you want, that's why you seem like a child to me
Nu esti sigur ca e sigur s-o vrei nici pe ea pe bune
You are not sure if it's certain that you want her for real
De asta sincer, prefer singur, sa ramai putin in lume
That's why, honestly, I prefer to be alone, for you to be alone in the world for a while
Ca nu e vina nimanui ca te simti tu al nimanui
Because it's nobody's fault that you feel like nobody's
M-am interesat
I was curious
De noua eu din viata ta
About the new me in your life
Mi se pare fascinant
I find it fascinating
Cum te-a facut sa uiti deja
How she made you forget me already
Am vrut sa stau putin sa m-adun
I wanted to take some time to pull myself together
E vina mea ca doar ma consum
It's my fault that I'm only consuming myself
Da nu stiam incotro sa ma-mping sa pornesc
But I didn't know where to start, to push myself
Te-am vazut cu ea, simteam ca pocnesc
I saw you with her, I felt like I was going to burst
Nu, nu e bine nici asa
No, this isn't right either
Am tot zis ca mi-a trecut deja
I kept saying that I was over it
Esti tipic tiparul de care am fugit
You are the typical pattern that I ran away from
M-am prins mai tarziu, ce bine te-ai lipit
I realized later, how well you stuck
Si nu stii, cum ar trebui sa fii
And you don't know, what you should be like
Cand se amplifica defectele ti-e teama ca devii
When your flaws amplify you are afraid that you will become
Mai rece, mai sumbru, mai detasat
Colder, more somber, more detached
Dar langa mine macar te-ai calmat
But you at least calmed down next to me
Ne haosam separat, ne dadeam cap in cap
We made a mess of things separately, we headbutted each other
Ma certai ca-s femeie, te certam ca esti barbat
I criticized you for being a woman, you criticized me for being a man
Si desi am ezitat si tot am evitat
And although I hesitated and avoided
Pana la urma s-a intamplat si acum
In the end it happened and now
M-am interesat
I was curious
De noua eu din viata ta
About the new me in your life
Mi se pare fascinant
I find it fascinating
Cum te-a facut sa uiti deja
How she made you forget me already

Авторы: Delia Laura Rus, Fabrizio Cardenas Gonzales

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