Delik feat. Gleb - Spiteri A Hajzli - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Delik feat. Gleb - Spiteri A Hajzli

Spiteri A Hajzli
Spitters And Toilets
Delik, môj život je zlava doprava jak tenis,
Delik, my life is left and right like tennis,
Stále hore a dole jak drepy.
Always up and down like squats.
Mŕtvy jak Kenny,
Dead like Kenny,
V sebe mám Chivas Regal, kopu Henny.
I have Chivas Regal in me, a bunch of Henny.
Delik, život je zlava doprava jak tenis,
Delik, life is left and right like tennis,
Stále hore a dole jak drepy.
Always up and down like squats.
Mŕtvy jak Kenny,
Dead like Kenny,
V sebe mám Chivas Regal, kopu Henny.
I have Chivas Regal in me, a bunch of Henny.
Som Glebmajster, peňáze daj sem,
I am Glebmaster, give me the money,
Chcem doma bazén ako Geissen.
I want a pool at home like Geissen.
Spiter a hajzel dávno za vodou,
Spitter and toilet long gone,
Môj ľadový flow Iceberg.
My icy flow Iceberg.
Som Glebmajster, peňáze daj sem,
I am Glebmaster, give me the money,
Chcem doma bazén ako Geissen.
I want a pool at home like Geissen.
Spiter a hajzel dávno za vodou,
Spitter and toilet long gone,
Môj ľadový flow Iceberg.
My icy flow Iceberg.
Tak sa majte, som na inom leveli,
So take care, I'm on a different level,
Môj flow je železný, nikto ti neverí.
My flow is iron, no one will believe you.
Guns N′ Roses,
Guns N′ Roses,
Zadky, kozy.
Asses, tits.
Oži alebo skap,
Revive or die,
Prvý mohykán a chcem tvoj skalp.
First Mohican and I want your scalp.
Chcete sa pohnúť no neviete kam,
You want to move but you don't know where,
Rozbijem tvoj klan, len ďalej klam.
I will break your clan, just keep lying.
Keď hrá DJ Ass a Dalyb,
When DJ Ass and Dalyb play,
Tak to páli jako samopaly, hateri takí malí,
It burns like submachine guns, haters are so small,
Nemajú toľko kvalít, odpálim dynamit s mojími psami,
They don't have that many qualities, I will blow up dynamite with my dogs,
Kážem to jak rapid.
I preach it like rapid.
Nemám stavy ani obavy,
I have no states or fears,
Kľudne záviď a kľudne nenáviť.
Calmly envy and calmly hate.
Náš label je v oblakoch,
Our label is in the clouds,
Oni na zemi také lamy.
They are such lamas on earth.
Nejeb sa s nami, mám gramy, mám plany, mám stavy, mam guny, ja niesom Rakby a ja niesom Bacil.
Don't fuck with us, I have grams, I have plans, I have states, I have guns, I am not Rakby and I am not Bacil.
Niesom žiadny vírus, mám oči jak mínus,
I'm not a virus, my eyes are like minus,
Ty pičus drž piču.
You dickhead, shut the fuck up.
A vypnúť sa musíš sám, ty pustíš svoj beat a ja pustím punk,
And you have to turn off yourself, you let your beat go and I'll let punk go,
Zapustí korene, ja idem ďalej,
It will take root, I'm going further,
Vyjeb sa na mňa,
Fuck off me,
Som chránený, panda.
I'm protected, panda.
Iba moja tupá crew a vodka,
Only my blunt crew and vodka,
Stará babka čumí z okna, môj flow jej zobudil čokla,
The old lady is staring out the window, my flow woke her chocolate,
Policajt chce po mne doklad,
The policeman wants my ID,
Odpál, som iba mestský potkan.
Blast off, I'm just a city rat.
Flaša stráca svoj obsah,
The bottle loses its contents,
Neposielaj na seba odkaz.
Don't send a message about yourself.
Keď si iba skurvený soplák,
If you're just a fucking brat,
V tričku Gramo Rokkaz.
In a Gramo Rokkaz T-shirt.
My sme spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli, sk spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli,
We are spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets, sk spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets,
Čo sme? Spiteri a hajzli, spizeri a hajzli, spite spite spiteri a hajzli. Oni spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli.
What are we? Spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets, sleep sleep spitters and toilets. They are spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets.
Kdo? Spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli, my sme spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli, sk spiteri a hajzli.
Who? Spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets, we are spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets, sk spitters and toilets.
Brká, chlast, v pohári štrngá ľad,
Joints, booze, ice clinking in the glass,
V hlave mi mrdá zas.
It's fucking in my head again.
Na papier mrdám bars,
I shit bars on paper,
Prídte, roztrhám vás.
Come on, I'll tear you apart.
Hodiny robia tik-tak, ostávam fresh jak tik-tak,
The clock is ticking, I stay fresh like a tick-tock,
Svietim jak refraf alebo refref.
I shine like a refrain or a refrain.
Neviem mám v tom mišmaš, papula klik-klak, boom,
I don't know, I'm confused, nipple click-clack, boom,
Posielam kus ku dnu slohy, diktát, horí ti vigvam.
I'm sending verses down, dictation, your wigwam is on fire.
Newschool jak it art, môj štýl je street art,
Newschool like it art, my style is street art,
Prestávaš dýchať, pičky chcú dick tam, tak im tam dick dám,
You stop breathing, bitches want dick there, so I give them dick there,
Som predsa dobrák od kosti,
I'm a good guy after all,
Na majku, len aby som vás obral od kosti.
On the mic, just to rob you to the bone.
Bomba flow horí, bomba top songy,
Bomb flow is burning, bomb top songs,
Slová von, mozgy vypnuté keď spitujeme my,
Words out, brains off when we spit,
Killujeme beat, vybuchneme vždy,
We kill the beat, we always explode,
Tempo hry diktujeme my.
We dictate the tempo of the game.
Pre mna si iba mrdka, ktorá si platí za featy,
To me you're just a cunt who pays for feats,
Chcel by som vedieť ako trapne sa cítiš.
I'd like to know how awkward you feel.
Vráť sa domov ako E.T., ja to pľujem easy,
Go home like E.T., I spit it easy,
Som bastard a rascal jak Deezy.
I'm a bastard and a rascal like Deezy.
Tvoj ksicht je kyslý jak rizling,
Your face is sour like Riesling,
Trhám ten beat ako Griffin tak
I'm ripping that beat like Griffin so
Zmizni do pizdy, netvár sa byť prísny,
Get the fuck out of here, don't pretend to be strict,
Keď ide o byznys žerem to jak cheesi.
When it comes to business, I eat it like cheesi.
Na beatoch tancujem s diablom crip walk,
On the beats I dance with the devil crip walk,
S mikrom nabieham s krikom na kryplov.
With a mic I run with a shout at the crypts.
Psycho ak nikto, flow, víchor, týchto
Psycho like no one, flow, wind, these
Dvoch nechci nasrať, buď ticho.
Don't want to piss off two, shut up.
Jazykom dokážem šialené veci,
I can do crazy things with my tongue,
Spýtaj sa tvojej šialenej devky.
Ask your crazy bitch.
Som MC, majster ceremónie, zase
I'm an MC, master of ceremonies, again
9 promile, pičky jebem v kombine.
9 per mille, I fuck bitches in a combo.
Kým ty ostávaš wack ako telefónny sex,
While you stay wack like phone sex,
Bežte do piče, nikto nevie čo mi je.
Run to the cunt, nobody knows what's wrong with me.
Vlezem dnu po komíne a behám ti po byte,
I climb down the chimney and run around your apartment,
Flašky dopijem a hajzel rozbijem.
I'll finish the bottles and break the toilet.
Keď ty si raper, tak ja som raptor,
If you're a rapper, I'm a raptor,
Nohy na stôl, náš flow robí rachot.
Feet on the table, our flow makes a racket.
Zavrem tých MCs jak laptot, skoro
I close those MCs like a laptop, almost
Ma naplo, dostávam support za nový matroš.
I threw up, I'm getting support for the new shit.
Hustý jak afro, nehraj namňa to divadlo,
Thick like an afro, don't play this theater on me,
Stáva sa zo mňa mizantrop,
I'm becoming a misanthrope,
Ja idem na 100, vyleziem strop,
I'm going to 100, I'll climb the ceiling,
V ruke gulomet, Gleb, idem offroad.
Machine gun in hand, Gleb, I'm going offroad.
Niesi ani spiter, ani hajzel, si skurvený
He's not a spitter, nor a toilet, you're a fucking
Kinder a ne rider, ja som stále street
Kinder and not a rider, I'm still street
Ako fighter, nikdy nebudeš viac
Like a fighter, you'll never be more
Ako majster.
Than a master.
A niesi ani spiter, ani hajzel, si skurvený
And you're not a spitter, nor a toilet, you're a fucking
Kinder a ne rider, ja som stále street
Kinder and not a rider, I'm still street
Ako fighter, nikdy nebudeš viac
Like a fighter, you'll never be more
Ako majster.
Than a master.
Ja som oukey, aj keď mám každé
I'm okay even though I have every
Ráno pocit, že zomriem.
Morning feeling like I'm gonna die.
Dám dole nevestu na svadobnej torte,
I'll take the bride off the wedding cake,
Vypijem farárovi víno a zjem hostie.
Drink the priest's wine and eat the hosts.
Nemám problém, ty máš problém,
I don't have a problem, you have a problem,
Nikto z nich nechce ísť na majk po mne.
None of them want to get on the mic after me.
Jedine Gleb môže ísť na majk po mne,
Only Gleb can go on the mic after me,
Ostávam dope kým nebude po mne.
I stay dope until it's after me.
My nehráme role, pľujeme oheň,
We don't play roles, we spit fire,
Ja a Gleb, Samey proti všetkým, sme vo vojne.
Me and Gleb, Samey against everyone, we're at war.
Plavím sa po dne ak ponorka ready vás odrovnať, púšťam von milión torpéd.
I'm sailing along the bottom like a submarine ready to knock you down, I'm releasing a million torpedoes.
Kým Suve medituje na strome,
While Suve is meditating in the tree,
Ja sa starám o to, nech ženy holé.
I'm making sure the women are naked.
Nech sa točia love, nech je v klube bordel,
Let the love spin, let there be a mess in the club,
Reálny jak bolesť, zničím tvoju povesť.
Real as pain, I will destroy your reputation.
Fičím ako Corvett, flowujem ak more, na majku
I'm racing like Corvett, flowing like the sea, on the mic
Som pojeb, kurva panebože. Režem to ak nože,
I'm a fuck up, holy shit. I cut it like knives,
Horúci ak rožne, vyletím z kože, hádžem to ak koše, môj flow je koks v tvojom skurvenom nose.
Hot as spits, I'll fly out of my skin, I throw it like baskets, my flow is coke in your fucking nose.
My sme spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli, sk spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli,
We are spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets, sk spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets,
Čo sme? Spiteri a hajzli, spizeri a hajzli, spite spite spiteri a hajzli. Oni spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli.
What are we? Spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets, sleep sleep spitters and toilets. They are spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets.
Kdo? Spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli, my sme spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli, spiteri a hajzli, sk spiteri a hajzli.
Who? Spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets, we are spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets, spitters and toilets, sk spitters and toilets.

Авторы: Michal Pastorok

Delik feat. Gleb - Rozlúčka So Slobodou
Rozlúčka So Slobodou
дата релиза

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