Delik - Kazety, kapely, kámoši - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Delik - Kazety, kapely, kámoši

Kazety, kapely, kámoši
Cassettes, Bands, Buddies
OK, Dtonate
OK, Dtonate
Musím to napísať na beat, aby som si to pamätal
I gotta write this on a beat so I can remember it
Svoje prvé rapy mám, niekde na kazetách
My first raps are somewhere on cassettes
Dávno predtým ako prišli svetlá, kamera,
Long before the lights, cameras came,
Foťáky, podpisy, stál som tam len ja a Supa
Photos, signatures, it was just me and Supa
Chceli sme niečo robiť,
We wanted to do something
Niečo iné ako homies
Something other than homies
Nie len chlast a drogy
Not just booze and drugs
Hľadali sme zmysel,
We were looking for meaning
Rap do hlavy jak výstrel,
Rap to the head like a gunshot
Kam to celé zašlo to by nikto nevymyslel
Where it all went, no one could have guessed
Skúšobňa, majk, kapela, kurva nádhera.
Rehearsal room, mic, band, fucking awesome
Pil som vtedy Samberga
I was drinking Samberga back then
Rád spomínam na ten čas.
I like to remember that time
Toto je fresh, toto musíme skúsiť
This is fresh, we gotta try this
Nahrávali sme u mňa doma na magič nejaký bullshit
We recorded at my place on a magic some bullshit
Boli sme hustý, frajeri, parťáci,
We were tight, cool, buddies
Na stage-i sme sa cítili vždy fit, aj pred dvadsiatimi ľuďmi.
We always felt fit on stage, even in front of twenty people
Prvá verzia komplotu,
First version of the plot
Kapoera, Viliam, Záruba, všetko bolo cool
Kapoera, Viliam, Záruba, everything was cool
Všetko čo sme potrebovali bol majk
All we needed was a mic
A nejaký haš, chľast a grass,
And some hash, booze and weed
Však vieš
You know
Potom prišiel Chopok, dali sme tomu nejaký tvar
Then came Chopok, we gave it some shape
Asi v dobe keď sa rozišli môj fotrík a mamina
Probably around the time my pops and mom split up
Všetko čo som napísal, vtedy išlo na demo
Everything I wrote went on the demo
Vlastne nie, vtedy som nepísal, všetko som mal v hlave, bro
Actually, no, I didn't write back then, I had it all in my head, bro
Potom vyšla motivácia, všetko sa rozbehlo
Then came the motivation, everything took off
Zrazu nastal rock and roll
Suddenly it was rock and roll
Bejby bejby ver mi, ver mi ver mi,
Baby baby believe me, believe me, believe me
Som rezistentný, kydol zo steny
I'm resistant, bounced off the wall
Ak sa dobre pamätáte hrával s nami Hasla
If you remember well, Hasla used to play with us
Ali, Ali...
Ali, Ali...
Dobrý deň volám sa Delik...
Hello, my name is Delik...
...ktorý pre mňa najviac stoja paradoxne blízko...,
...which are the closest to me paradoxically stand close...
...robíme čo cítime...
...we do what we feel...
Teraz to majú decká trochu inak
Kids these days do it a little differently
Ak sa dobre pamätáte hrával s nami Hasla Ali,
If you remember well, Hasla Ali used to play with us
Jeden z posledných šéfov čo hudbu hrali z platní,
One of the last bosses who played music from records
Strávil s nami nejaký čas, užili sme si haldy srandy
He spent some time with us, we had a lot of fun
Ali a K, daj to tichšie, toto sa ťažko píše, si išiel
Ali and K, turn it down, this is hard to write, you're gone
čakáš na nás hore, nie si high, si vyššie
you're waiting for us up there, you're not high, you're higher
Raz sa stretneme pri veľkom jointe, to je isté,
We'll meet one day with a big joint, that's for sure
Zdravím ťa v tejto sloke, toto píšem,
I greet you in this verse, I'm writing this
Kým tento svet speje do piče.
While this world is going to hell
správa my roztrhala myseľ
That message tore my mind apart
V hlave mi vybuchla bomba
A bomb exploded in my head
Keď som sa dozvedel že si odišiel od nás
When I learned that you left us
Môj brat, od prvej chvíle čo som ťa spoznal,
My brother, from the moment I met you
je to raz tak, každý ma vymedzený svoj čas
That's the way it is, everyone has their time
Ale prečo tvoj tak, veľmi rýchlo vypršal,
But why yours, it ended so quickly
Zubatá ťa jednoducho vyškrtla
The Grim Reaper simply crossed you out
A mne tým vytrhla, srdce z mojej hrude,
And by doing so, ripped out my heart from my chest
Teraz keď máme show,
Now when we have a show
Posielame dym z našich jointov hore za tebou.
We send smoke from our joints up to you
A trocha z fľaše, zase lejeme na zem bro,
And a little from the bottle, we pour it on the ground again, bro
Nech máš čo piť, pokým dorazíme za tebou
So you have something to drink until we get to you
Dúfam že tam teraz hráš pre Biggyho a Paca,
I hope you're playing for Biggie and Pac now
Kým my sme sa tu ostali potácať v týchto sračkách.
While we're left here to wander around in this shit
Doba je chladná je čoraz ťažšie nájsť brata
Times are cold, it's getting harder to find a brother
Závisť, nenávisť, všade okolo ako kopa blata.
Envy, hatred, everywhere like a pile of mud
Na našich Nike-ách no držíme sa
We're holding on to our Nikes though
Amígo, myslíme na teba každý deň, vidíme sa
Amigo, we think of you every day, see you
Bejby bejby ver mi, ver mi ver mi,
Baby baby believe me, believe me believe me
Som rezistentný, kydol zo steny
I'm resistant, bounced off the wall
Ak sa dobre pamätáte hrával s nami Hasla
If you remember well, Hasla used to play with us
Ali, Ali...
Ali, Ali...
Dobrý deň volám sa Delik...
Hello, my name is Delik...
...ktorý pre mňa najviac stoja paradoxne blízko...,
...which are the closest to me paradoxically stand close...
...robíme čo cítime...
...we do what we feel...
Teraz to majú decká trochu inak
Kids these days do it a little differently

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