Delik - Prievan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Delik - Prievan

Volala sa Jana, mala rada kára
Her name was Jana, she loved to ride
Dávala zabrať polke mesta, iba málokedy spávala sama
She gave half the city a hard time, she rarely slept alone
Plakala sama, papa ju fackal hľadala chlapa
She cried alone, daddy slapped her, she was looking for a man
Čo by s ňou chlastal, čo by sa o ňu staral a dával jej prachy
Who would drink with her, who would take care of her and give her money
Bola zvláštna, šialená, krásna
She was strange, crazy, beautiful
Stvárala zverstvá, niekde pri nej sa vždy minula fľaška
Creating atrocities, there was always a bottle around her somewhere
Vytuhla zhasla, ak vlastný rozum niekedy mala
She passed out, faded away, if she ever had her own mind
Tak po pár rokoch tohto sa porúčal, zamával papa
So after a couple of years of this, he gave up, daddy buried her
Raz ju kamoška našla, ako zaspala keď šťala
One day her friend found her, how she fell asleep when she stole
Pri zastávke MHD bola z toho malá dráma
At the MHD stop, it was a small drama
Jej nevlastná mama, po nej šmarila panák
Her stepmother, she threw a shot glass after her
Hneď jak ju zbadala stáť vo dverách začala ziapať
As soon as she saw her standing in the doorway, she started yelling
Sama chlastala z rána, keď máš takýto základ
She drank from morning herself, if you have such a foundation
Tak sa ti môže stať že sa v tom začneš máličko strácať
Then it can happen to you that you start to get a little lost in it
S maličkou nastal rýchly proces, šikmá plocha, voľný pád
A quick process started with the little one, a slippery slope, a free fall
Možno si myslíš že vieš ako končí táto rovnica
Maybe you think you know how this equation ends
Že začala brať drogy a za floky honiť kár
That she started taking drugs and chasing cars for floks
Že sa hodila pod vlak alebo si to hodila
That she threw herself under a train or threw it
Opitá chodila a chodí doteraz pod obraz
She walked drunk and still walks under the picture
Vypadla z tohto mesta, vstala jak fénix z popola
She got out of this town, she rose like a phoenix from the ashes
V jej ruke neni kofola, stále chodí šukať do pola
She's not holding Kofola, she's still going to the field to fuck
No to neni taká sodoma gomora
But it's not such a Sodom and Gomorrah anymore
Potvora bez domova to zvládla, zdravím ťa
Homeless bitch did it, greetings to you
Každý ma akú takú šancu, asi tak
Everyone has some kind of chance, like that
Možno si myslíš že vieš načo myslí no v jej hlave je stále len
Maybe you think you know what she's thinking, but all that's in her head is still
A možno čakáš že sa vzchopí chopí šance no v jej hlave je len
And maybe you're waiting for her to pull herself together and take a chance, but all that's in her head is
Zbalia ju pándle jeden jej chce niečo vravieť no v jej hlave je len
The cops pick her up, one wants to tell her something, but all that's in her head is
Foter ju vyzdvihne, dohovára jej pri pive v jej hlave je len
Father picks her up, talks to her over a beer, all that's in her head is
Možno si myslíš že vieš načo myslí no v jej hlave je stále len
Maybe you think you know what she's thinking, but all that's in her head is still
A možno čakáš že sa vzchopí chopí šance no v jej hlave je len
And maybe you're waiting for her to pull herself together and take a chance, but all that's in her head is
Zbalia ju pándle jeden jej chce niečo vravieť no v jej hlave je len
The cops pick her up, one wants to tell her something, but all that's in her head is
Foter ju vyzdvihne, dohovára jej pri pive v jej hlave je len
Father picks her up, talks to her over a beer, all that's in her head is
Volajú ho Feris, mňa zas Delik, on je debil, ja som debil
They call him Feris, me Delik, he's an idiot, I'm an idiot
Keď sním sedím štyri, päť pív nejaké klepky, vkľude sem s tým
When I sit with him four, five beers some klepky, I'm fine with that
Prvý deň všetko sedí, druhý deň stále ready
First day everything sits, second day still ready
Bežím k nemu bongo, päť cíg, v bare plno všetko svieti
I run to him bong, five cigs, full bar everything lights up
sme crazy jeblé reči nič moc k veci iba hefty
We're already crazy fucked up speeches nothing much to the point just hefty
Leje, potom sneží idem dole kým ležím
It's pouring, then snowing I'm going down until I'm lying down
Deň tretí a sme veľmi, veľmi na kašu
Day three and we are very, very mush
Nepomôže odriekanie zdravasu
Renouncing the greeting won't help
Ak z toho bude päť dní, tak nás vystre
If it's gonna be five days, shoot us
Ak z toho bude päť dní, tak nás vystrel niekam na mesiac
If it's gonna be five days, shoot us somewhere on the moon
Stále nemáme v pláne sa niekde zamestnať
We still have no plans to get a job anywhere
Máme v pláne ísť sa večer najebať, nádhera
We're planning on going to get fucked up tonight, wonderful
Nevidíme sa dva, tri, mesiace
We don't see each other for two, three months
Nasleduje megadeath, ver mi to grády
Megadeath follows, believe me it has grades
Nasleduje Iron Maiden Lady su Gaga
Iron Maiden Lady follows Lady su Gaga
No my to máme v piči, sústredíme sa na chlast
But we don't give a shit, we focus on booze
A historky zo zadnej lavice
And backseat stories
Oldschool na stole bongo spálené palice
Oldschool on the table bong burnt sticks
Lifestyle kamikaze, nalej ďalší jasné
Lifestyle kamikaze, pour another one, sure
Funky motherfucker Feri, zdravím my man
Funky motherfucker Feri, greetings my man
Možno myslíš že vieš na čo myslíme, no v hlave máme iba
You might think you know what we're thinking, but all we have in our heads is
Stretávka večer dole v Mamute na pive zase pôjdeme jak
Meeting tonight down at the Mamut for a beer, we're gonna go again like
Nemal som dnes niečo dôležité vybaviť? V hlave mám len
Didn't I have something important to do today? All I have in my head is
Žiadny scénar obaja žijeme freestyle-y, v hlave iba
No script, we both live freestyle, only in our heads
Možno myslíš že vieš na čo myslíme, no v hlave máme iba
You might think you know what we're thinking, but all we have in our heads is
Stretávka večer dole v Mamute na pive zase pôjdeme jak
Meeting tonight down at the Mamut for a beer, we're gonna go again like
Nemal som dnes niečo dôležité vybaviť? V hlave mám len
Didn't I have something important to do today? All I have in my head is
Žiadny scénar obaja žijeme freestyle-y, v hlave iba
No script, we both live freestyle, only in our heads

Авторы: Michal Pastorok, Jozef Engerer

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