Delik - Rozlúčka So Slobodou - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Delik - Rozlúčka So Slobodou

Rozlúčka So Slobodou
Farewell to Freedom
Lúčim sa so slobodou baby, počul som,
I'm saying farewell to freedom, baby, I've heard,
že vydržíš dlho pod vodou baby.
That you can hold your breath for a long time underwater, baby.
Mám taký nápad, ty, ja, výrivka
I have an idea, you, me, a hot tub,
A šanpanské, haaa no tak poď somnou baby.
And champagne, haaa, come on, baby.
To je shit pre sexy girls, čo radi
This is shit for sexy girls who like
špúlia pery girls, milujem vás všetky girls.
To pout their lips, girls, I love you all.
Ale len do zajtra, od zajtra ostáva len ona,
But only until tomorrow, from tomorrow only she will remain,
Každý večer doma, žiadne každý večer ideme pokiaľ príde kóma.
Every night at home, no more every night we go until we get a coma.
Blanty, lajny, vodka, a len potopa po nás,
Blunts, lines, vodka, and only a flood after us,
Nazdar brácho čo máš, tu je cash,
Greetings, brother, what do you have, here's cash,
Nasyp to do nás vieš ak, nás poznáš,
Pour it into us, you know how, you know us by now,
Sprav nech nás rany nebolia.
Make sure our wounds don't hurt.
Dnes zase fresh, ready na crash, žiadny jazz, zabal gres,
Today again fresh, ready to crash, no jazz, wrap up the grow,
ženy sem, drogy sem, chcem to hneď.
Women here, drugs here, I want it now.
Party kým bude deň, spijem seba aj svoj tieň,
Party until it's daylight, I'll drink myself and my shadow,
Dnes to musí spraviť bang, velký tresk, dnes som šéf.
Today it has to make a bang, a big bang, today I'm the boss.
Rozkopnem dvere klubu všade dym,
I'll kick open the club door, there's smoke everywhere,
DJ hrá ten party shit, ženy predvádzaju strip.
The DJ plays that party shit, the women show their striptease.
Daj mi čin, všetko je pripravené na exces,
Give me a drink, everything is ready for an excess,
žiarim jak Xerxes, som king.
I'm shining like Xerxes, I'm the king.
Nechcem jednu, pošli 3, flaše, chicks,
I don't want one, send 3, bottles, chicks,
Všetko fit, v mojej kapse plný grip.
Everything is fit, my pocket is full.
Mám ten shit, podaj splif,
I have that shit, pass the spliff,
Mámveľmi v piči VIP haaa.
I don't give a damn about VIP haaa.
Flow jedovatý kyanid haaa,
Flow poisonous cyanide haaa,
Haterom do zadku dynamit haaa.
Dynamite up the haters' asses haaa.
Aww shit. ah. čo sa to deje ty kokos, kolko je hodín.ah... čo ti jebe.fuh
Aww shit. ah. what's going on, what the hell, what time is it.ah... what the fuck.phew
Vidím ju tam stáť v svadobných šatách,
I see her standing there in her wedding dress,
Jej oči žiaria, vybuchne mi hlava.
Her eyes are shining, my head is going to explode.
Neni cesty späť, z tohto neni návrat,
There's no way back, there's no way back from this,
Neviem, či to chcem spáchať, všetky oči na mna.
I don't know if I want to commit it, all eyes on me.
Beriete si tu prítomnú, nie utekám preč,
Do you take this woman, no I'm not running away,
Všetci stres, nikto nevie kde som.
Everyone stress, nobody knows where I am.
Som v bare, lejem to na ex,
I'm at the bar, drinking it on ex,
Volám všetkým svojim ex.
I'm calling all my exes.
Poďte sem, kurva hneď,
Come here, fucking right away,
Budím sa bol to len sen, ah.
I wake up, it was just a dream, ah.

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