Deliric feat. Cello & Redstar - 2020 (feat. Cello & Redstar) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Deliric feat. Cello & Redstar - 2020 (feat. Cello & Redstar)

2020 (feat. Cello & Redstar)
2020 (feat. Cello & Redstar)
Salut, Alex!
Hi, Alex!
Ce mai zici, frate?
What's up, bro?
Stiu ca n-am vorbit de mult,
I know we haven't talked in a while,
Trece timpul peste toate:
Time passes over everything:
Arde clipe peste ziua,
It burns moments over the day,
Parca-ngheata peste noapte,
It seems to freeze over the night,
Ca-i e frig la ala mic, si-n 3 zile face 7.
Like it's cold for the little one, and in 3 days, it makes 7.
Si l-am dat la scoala, macar sa-nvete carte.
And I sent him to school, at least to learn something.
Dimineata e nasoala, cand in fata n-are lapte.
The morning is bad, when there's no milk in front of him.
Si nevasta-mea-i pe boala.
And my wife is sick.
De caldura n-avem parte.
We don't have any heat.
Ne-au taiat si de la gaze, avem credite restante.
They cut off our gas, we have outstanding loans.
Cu ce iau de la munca, abia mi-ajung de rate,
With what I get from work, I barely have enough for the installments,
Dar, pe langa banci si taxe,
But, besides banks and taxes,
Mai sunt toate celelalte.
There are all the other things.
Iar muzica aia... Am lasat-o balta, ce!
And that music... I left it behind, what!
Nu prea veneau bani sa pun vorbele pe foaie.
There wasn't enough money to put words on paper.
Omu' meu Cedry2k a ajuns pe parnaie,
My man Cedry2k ended up in jail,
A-mpuscat un camatar ce venise sa il taie,
He shot a loan shark who came to cut him,
C-avea bani de dat la fraier,
Who had money to give to the sucker,
Cica era o suma mare,
It was said to be a large sum,
Ca, pe vremea cand canta, pierdea multi bani, fratioare!
Because, back when he was singing, he was losing a lot of money, brother!
N-au tinut cont ca-i legitima aparare,
They didn't take into account that it was self-defense,
I-au dat ani grei inchisoare,
They gave him hard time in prison,
Ca-i injura cu voce tare.
Because he was cursing them out loud.
Si omu' meu DOC e fugit prin State,
And my man DOC is on the run in the States,
La casino nu prea i-a mers,
He didn't do so well at the casino,
Acum combina de toate.
Now he's hustling everything.
"Bai, Toto, ai grija, muzica asta o sa te-ngroape,
"Hey, Toto, be careful, this music will bury you,
Ca eu stiu ca ai talent, da' te vad ca tragi pe coate! "
Because I know you have talent, but I see you struggling!"
Asa-mi zicea tata, eu nu l-am ascultat,
That's what my father used to tell me, I didn't listen to him,
Daca ma tineam d-afaceri, poate nu eram in ct
If I had stayed in business, maybe I wouldn't be in ct
Si nu-ti scriam tie, dup-atatia ani,
And wouldn't be writing to you, after all these years,
Ca vreau sa trec p-acolo, ca sa fac si eu un ban.
That I want to come over there, to make some money too.
S-am ce sa pun in ghiozdan, pentru ala micu',
To have something to put in the backpack, for the little one,
Sunt gata sa fac orice, pun mana pe gun,
I'm ready to do anything, I'll put my hand on the gun,
Pe plicuri, pe volan, pe cricuri, pe lopeti, pe stickuri,
On envelopes, on the steering wheel, on jacks, on shovels, on sticks,
Pe orice nimicuri, nu-s in stare sa fac figuri.
On any little thing, I'm not able to make figures.
Si nu-s in stare nici sa mai platesc chirie,
And I'm not able to pay the rent anymore,
D-aia-ti scriu acuma tie,
That's why I'm writing to you now,
Poate-mi trimiti tu 1000.
Maybe you could send me 1000.
Mon frere je t'ecris cette lettre parce que nos jours les assombrissent,
My brother, I'm writing you this letter because our days are getting darker,
J'suis perdu dans ma tête sache que mes rêves s'appauvrissent,
I'm lost in my head, know that my dreams are getting poorer,
J'me dis que c'est toujours mieux la-bas,
I tell myself that it's always better over there,
Mais tout plaquer tout laisser tomber non non je n'peux pas.
But to drop everything, to let everything fall, no no, I can't.
Mon frère j'tecris cette lettre parce que nos journées s'assombrissent,
My brother, I'm writing you this letter because our days are getting darker,
J'suis perdu dans ma tête car mon pays est en crise,
I'm lost in my head because my country is in crisis,
Prends soin de tes proches et prends soin de toi, Moi j'reste ici j'construis mon futur et puis le reste on verra.
Take care of your loved ones and take care of yourself, I stay here, I build my future and then the rest we'll see.
Mon cher toto,
My dear Toto,
Garde la tête droite frérot
Keep your head up, bro
J'voulais gagner le gros lot
I wanted to win the jackpot
Mais j'ai laissé tomber les mots
But I dropped the words
Au pays c'est la faillite
In the country it's bankruptcy
L'argent circule tellement vite
Money circulates so fast
Jamais dans les bonnes poches
Never in the right pockets
J'ai si mal pour mes proches
I feel so bad for my loved ones
En Occident
In the West
Par accident
By accident
Je vis la fin des temps
I live the end of times
Montrer les dents
Show your teeth
Hair les gens
Hate people
On se détruit à quatorze ans
We destroy ourselves at fourteen
Perdus dans le néant
Lost in the void
Abrutis devant l'écran
Dumbfounded in front of the screen
Les regards sont si méfiants
Looks are so suspicious
Qu'on a peur d'faire des enfants
That we are afraid to have children
Ma génération mtv
My MTV generation
Se met à bouffer des pastilles
Starts eating pills
Tire un trait sur ses rêves
Draws a line on its dreams
Et finit défoncée en rave
And ends up stoned at a rave
Une chose est sûr l'amour est mort
One thing is for sure, love is dead
Alors un sourire vaut de l'or
So a smile is worth gold
Pour la plupart déracinés
For the most part uprooted
Avec des parents divorcés
With divorced parents
Regarde dehors il gèle
Look outside it's freezing
On a brûlé tous les modèles
We burned all the models
Elle veux dev'nir top-models
She wants to become a top model
Pour finir dans un bordel
To end up in a brothel
La crise est passé par ici
The crisis has passed here
J'ai pas la force de te mentir
I don't have the strength to lie to you
Toi qui rêves d'une meilleure vie
You who dream of a better life
Mais dans ce coin quel avenir?
But in this corner, what future?
N'oubie jamais d'où tu viens
Never forget where you come from
Et qu'au fond tu es roumain
And that deep down you are Romanian
Tout un pays à construire
A whole country to build
ton fils pourrait grandir
Where your son could grow up
Plus moyen d'boucler les comptes
No way to make ends meet
La conséquence le racisme monte
The consequence is rising racism
2020 année de la honte
2020 year of shame
Oui la terre n'est plus ronde
Yes, the earth is no longer round
Ils veulent construire un mur
They want to build a wall
Séparer l'Europe en deux
Separate Europe in two
Il n'y a plus que ces prières
There are only these prayers left
Que je murmure a Dieu
That I whisper to God
Nan je n'dis pas adieu
No I'm not saying goodbye
Tu es bienvenu frère
You're welcome, brother
Si j'avais une dernière chose à dire
If I had one last thing to say
Avant de devoir partir, j'ai pris le parti
Before I had to leave, I took the side
De la vie car j'voulais pas finir aigri
Of life because I didn't want to end up bitter
J'écris au crayon gris
I'm writing in gray pencil
Tout c'qui compte c'est une famille,
All that matters is a family,
Une protection contre tes ennemis
A protection against your enemies
Donc apprends à faire le tri
So learn to sort
Si tu veux tenter ta chance
If you want to try your luck
N'hésite pas quand tu t'élances
Don't hesitate when you take off
Passe les barrage
Pass the roadblocks
Si tu as d'la force et du courage
If you have the strength and courage
Quelque soit ton combat
Whatever your fight
T'inquiètes je serai la
Don't worry, I'll be there
Ps j' t'ai mis quelques billets
Ps I put you some tickets
Désolé c'est tout c'que j'ai.
Sorry that's all I have.

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