Deliric feat. Silent Strike - Negru (feat. Silent Strike) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Deliric feat. Silent Strike - Negru (feat. Silent Strike)

Negru (feat. Silent Strike)
Black (feat. Silent Strike)
Te-ai pus pe cruce de fraier, Iisuse
You put yourself on the cross for nothing, Jesus,
Ca oamenii-s tot muci, cu febra si tuse,
Because people are still mucus, with fever and coughs,
Cu flegme pe buze, cu temeri si scuze,
With phlegm on their lips, with fears and excuses,
Cu germeni in spuse, cu cer negru-n cuget
With germs in their words, with a black sky in their minds,
El discerne cu fulger, digera cu ulcer
He discerns with lightning, digests with ulcers
Si dispera cand nu e cel ce din sfere sa urce
And despairs when he's not the one to ascend from the spheres,
Da' ingerii au cancer la aripi si acum zboara in jos
But angels have cancer in their wings and now they fly down,
Da' nu-s ingeri, au cange e totu' pe dos
But they're not angels, they have blood, it's all a mess,
Pamantu-i frumos, verde l-a pictat tactu' ca blegu'
The earth is beautiful, your father painted it green like a fool,
Ca daca-l facea gri, poate nu vedeam jegu',
Because if he had made it gray, maybe we wouldn't see the scum,
Poate nu vedeam negru din orice respir,
Maybe I wouldn't see black in every breath I take,
Poate nu-mi lipsea muzica din textu' lu Shakespeare
Maybe I wouldn't miss the music in Shakespeare's text,
Da-s toti surdo-muti, crestini urati
But they're all deaf-mute, ugly Christians
Pasind pe spini desculti, copii nascuti carunti
Stepping on thorns barefoot, children born with gray hair
Cersind cu jind la adulti, scapand suspin sa-i cruti
Begging adults with longing, escaping sighs to spare them
Sa-i uiti, sa nu-i aduci in lumea asta de ciuti
To forget them, not to bring them into this world of bitches,
Suntem deja prea multi.
We're already too many.
Tatal nostru care esti in ceruri
Our Father, who art in heaven
Am uitat numele Tau
We have forgotten your name,
Am ucis imparatia Ta,
We have killed your kingdom,
Fara voia Ta.
Without your will.
Ceru-i negru - asa-i si pe pamant,
The sky is black and so is the earth,
Painea noastra cea toate de zilele
Our daily bread
Ne batem pe ea astazi
We are fighting over it today
Si toti profita de greselile noastre
And everyone takes advantage of our mistakes.
Si nici noi nu iertam gresitilor nostri
And we do not forgive our debtors either
Si ne ducem cu toti in ispita
And we lead everyone into temptation
Caci din noi izvoreste ce-i rau.
For from us springs what is evil.
Ai cuie-n maini de fraier Iisuse,
You have nails in your hands for nothing, Jesus,
Si tu ne gasesti scuze,
And you can't find any excuses,
In curand o sa ploua cu-obuze
Soon it will rain with shells
Cand chipuri de presedinti morti sunt muze
When the faces of dead presidents are museums.
Pamantu-i plin de vampiri cu ventuze
The earth is full of vampires with suction cups
Ce-i sug sangele negru sa-si hraneasca robotii,
Sucking their black blood to feed their robots,
Vii cu vinul, mortii cu mortii lor
Come with the wine, the dead with their dead,
Hotii cu preotii, ne prostesc cu totii,
Thieves with priests, they all fool us,
Ne iau din portii si tu tii sa ne cruti pe toti, stii
They take from our portions and you try to spare us all, you know,
Oamenii-s fiare, caini se bat pe paini cu fiare-n maini
People are beasts, dogs fight over bread with iron in their hands
Ovare poarta orfanii de maine
Ovaries carry the orphans of tomorrow
Tactu' a uitat de noi, atunci noi cui ne inchinam?
Your father has forgotten about us, then who do we bow to?
Si ardem gaz in cer sa-l intoxicam.
And we burn gas in the sky to poison him.
Am 16V, motor de 6 litri, 500 cp,
I have a 16V, 6-liter engine, 500 hp,
Cand trec pe strase piti-poancele pica,
When I pass by on the street, the little whores fall,
Fraierii dau flegme de oftica,
Fools spit phlegm out of spite,
O mana pe volan, una pe sticla,
One hand on the steering wheel, one on the bottle,
Da' nu uit sa ma inchin cand trec pe langa biserica,
But I don't forget to cross myself when I pass by the church,
Un plic de coca-n torpedo langa o icoana mica.
A bag of coke in the glove compartment next to a small icon.
Sunt crestin.
I'm a Christian.

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