Deliric feat. Vlad Dobrescu - Stiu Pe Cineva (feat. Vlad Dobrescu) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Deliric feat. Vlad Dobrescu - Stiu Pe Cineva (feat. Vlad Dobrescu)

Stiu Pe Cineva (feat. Vlad Dobrescu)
I Know Someone (feat. Vlad Dobrescu)
Ei stiu ca eu stiu tot Bucurestiu',
They know that I know all of Bucharest,
De la periferie, pana-n centru,
From the outskirts, to the center,
Tot Bucurestiu'-i stie pe cel putin o mie,
All of Bucharest knows at least a thousand,
Mai toti, din centru, pana la periferie.
Most of them, from the center to the outskirts.
Stiu pe unu', nu mai baga,
I know one guy, don't even try it,
S-a jurat, isi da cuvantu',
He swore, he gives you his word,
Da' ti-ar sparge usa-n graba,
But he'd break down your door in a hurry,
Daca-ncui K inauntru.
If he smells K inside.
Cica: "a... a... a", ii sare gandu',
He stumbles, his mind jumps,
Dar se simte multumit in realitatea lui, ca Vantu.
But he feels satisfied in his reality, like Vantu.
Stiu pe unu' disperat, iti zice frati-tu, bro,
I know a desperate guy, he calls you bro,
Da combinatii mai bune decat Okazii. ro,
He's got better deals than,
Clasicu' 'sto, vrea banii de drog, (da' lasa-l!)
Classic move, he wants drug money (but leave him!),
Si si-ar vinde si rinichii, dar nu-i mai functioneaza.
And he'd sell his kidneys, but they don't work anymore.
Stiu pe unu', ii place Cola, zice c-are-un job infect,
I know one guy, he likes Coke, he says he has a lame job,
Trage linii la birou, ai lui cred ca-i arhitect.
He draws lines at the office, his folks think he's an architect.
Sta cu nasu' in oglinda, toti ii zic ca-i narcisist,
He's staring at his reflection, everyone says he's narcissistic,
Are pudra pe oglinda poate-o fi vreun make up artist.
He's got powder on the mirror maybe he's a makeup artist.
Il stiu pe unu' camuflat in civil,
I know a guy camouflaged as a civilian,
Iti face si film (te-nregistreaza!),
He'll even make a movie (he's recording you!),
Cic-ar vrea sa te cunoasca.
He says he wants to meet you.
Ca unu' din vecinii din bloc a dat din casa,
Because one of the neighbors in the block snitched,
Si te-a facut vedeta, spionand de la fereastra.
And made you a star, spying from the window.
Stiu pe unu' pe strada mea, te combina la dava,
I know one guy on my street, he sets you up with dope,
Sa te bagi jumi-juma' (tre' sa-si traga si el ceva!).
To go half-and-half (he's gotta get something out of it too!).
Sta cinci ani in institutie, daca-l toarna cineva,
He's facing five years in prison, if someone rats him out,
Ca-l baga la distributie, ca in sali de cinema.
They'll put him in distribution, like in movie theaters.
Stiu pe unu' pe care nu-l duce capu', dar vrea si el,
I know one guy who's not too bright, but he wants in too,
Ca-i place sa se sparga (i se pare smecherie!).
Because he likes to get high (he thinks it's cool!).
O ardea prost la telefon si i-am zis: "nu ma mai suna! ",
He was acting stupid on the phone so I told him, "don't call me anymore!",
Si acum ma suna sa ma-ntrebe daca stiu pe-altcineva.
And now he calls me to ask if I know anyone else.
Il mai stiu pe unu' treaz, da' e prea lipsit de haz, '
I know another guy, he's sober, but he's not funny,
Ca, daca te prinde varza, te bate pe obraz.
Because if he catches you in a bind, he'll slap you in the face.
Ca sa traiasca 100 de ani, si la bere zice pas,
He wants to live to be 100, and he says no to beer,
Da' a avut un accident, maine merg la parastas.
But he had an accident, I'm going to his funeral tomorrow.
Ei stiu ca eu stiu tot Bucurestiu',
They know that I know all of Bucharest,
De la periferie, pana-n centru,
From the outskirts, to the center,
Tot Bucurestiu'-i stie pe cel putin o mie,
All of Bucharest knows at least a thousand,
Mai toti, din centru, pana la periferie.
Most of them, from the center to the outskirts.
Stiu pe unu'-n cartier, toti il striga Fat-Frumos, '
I know one guy in the neighborhood, everyone calls him Prince Charming,
Creste cat zece-ntr-un an (si e buna la miros!).
He grows like ten in a year (and it smells good!).
Nu se plange ca-i burtos, ca parcheaza-un mers pzos,
He doesn't complain about being chubby, that he's got a lazy walk,
Si da jos cateva kile, da' nu stratu' adipos.
And he drops a few pounds, but not the adipose layer.
Il stiu si eu, e greu rau, se crede zmeu, zau,
I know him too, he's heavy, thinks he's a dragon, you know,
Strabatand strazile cu ML-ul sau,
Cruising the streets in his ML,
Si pe se-mping sa se dea cu el in serie.
And they're pushing to ride with him in series.
Cu cine face banking? Pitbull Terrier.
Who does he bank with? Pitbull Terrier.
O mai stiu pe una bine, de baga gicon cu mine,
I know a girl, she's good, she used to do blow with me,
2 tripati pe dopamine, de-nvarteau doar blunt-uri fine.
Two trips on dopamine, they only rolled fine blunts.
Acu' arunca bani pe toale si-i ajung doar de legale,
Now she throws money on clothes and can only afford legal stuff,
Mai bine umbla goala si se da iar pe penale.
She might as well go naked and get back to crime.
Il stiu pe unu', fost gabor,
I know one guy, ex-cop,
Ce-o arde prost, matol,
He's a mess, wasted,
La 9 dimineata, in fata la bloc, beat mort.
At 9 in the morning, in front of the building, dead drunk.
Bea tot ce-i alcool (devine Chuck Norris!),
He drinks anything alcoholic (becomes Chuck Norris!),
Iese-afara, in pa goala, si sperie trecatorii.
He goes out, butt naked, and scares the passersby.
Stiu un student la ATF, are filme-n cap ca Hendrix,
I know a student at ATF, he's got movies in his head like Hendrix,
Ca baga-orice substanta, ca-n chimie, la Appendix.
He takes any substance, like in chemistry, in the Appendix.
Memoria-i cam dusa (uneori se crede Matrix!),
His memory's kind of gone (sometimes he thinks he's the Matrix!),
I-au lasat mai multe goluri decat Messi pus pe hat-tricks.
They've left him more gaps than Messi going for hat-tricks.
Ii stim pe toti, da' nu dam nume, la o adica, nu conteaza,
We know them all, but we're not naming names, in the end, it doesn't matter,
Toti suntem o piesa mica, intr-un imens joc de puzzle.
We're all a small piece, in a huge puzzle game.
Zombi care-si devoreaza, incet-incet, propriul creier,
Zombies devouring, slowly, their own brains,
Intr-un trai mizer si baga CTC in player (baga!).
In a miserable life and they play CTC in the player (play it!).

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