Dertli Divani - Nurhak Semahı - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dertli Divani - Nurhak Semahı

Nurhak Semahı
Nurhak Semahı
Bismişah Allah Allah
Bismişah Allah Allah
Allah eyvallah
He Allah He eyvallah
Secde haktır Adem'e
Prostration is the right of Adam
Seyrangahız aleme
We are travelers to the world
El ele el Hakka dedik,
We said hand in hand to God
Geldik bu deme
We have reached this era
Kurbanlar tığlanıp gülbenk çekildi
Victims were slaughtered and incense was pulled
Gaflet uykusundan uyana geldim
I woke up from the sleep of negligence
Dört kapı sancağı anda dikildi
The standard of the four doors was erected there
Üryan büryan olup meydana geldim
I came to the square naked and bare
Evvel eşiğine koydum başımı
I put my head on the threshold first
İçeri aldılar döktüm yaşımı
They took me inside and I shed my tears
Erenler yolunda gör savaşımı
See my battle on the path of the Erenler
Can baş feda edip kurbana geldim
I came to sacrifice by giving up my life and head
Ol deme uyandı batın çerağı
At that moment, the lamp of the heart was awakened
Rehberim boynuma bend etti bağı
My guide put the rope around my neck
Üç adım ileri attım ayağı
I took three steps forward
Koç kurban dediler inana geldim
They said sacrifice the ram, I came to believe
Dört kapı selamın verip aldılar
They welcomed me with the greetings of the four doors
Pirin huzuruna çekip geldiler
They took me to the presence of the Pir
El ele el Hakka olsun dediler
They said let us be hand in hand to God
Henüz masum olup cihana geldim
I came to the world as innocent
Pirim kulağıma eyledi telkin
My Pir whispered to my ear
Şah-ı Vilayete olmuşuz yakın
We have become close to the King of Saints
Mezhebim Ca'fer -i sadık-ül metin
My sect is Ca'fer -i sadık-ül metin
Allah dost eyvallah peymana geldim
Friend of Allah, eyvallah, I have come to the covenant
Yüzüm yerde özüm darda durmuşam
My face is on the ground, my essence is in distress
Muhammed Ali'ye ikrar vermişem
I have confessed to Muhammad Ali
Sekahüm hamrini anda görmüşem
I have seen the wine of their joy there
İçip kana kana kestane geldim
I drank it to my heart's desire and became a chestnut
Yolumuz on iki İmam'a çıkar
Our path leads to the twelve Imams
Mürşidim Muhammed Ahmed-i Muhtar
My guide is Muhammad Ahmed-i Muhtar
Rehberim Ali'dir sahip-Zülfikar
My guide is Ali, the owner of Zulfiqar
Kulundur Şahi'ya divana geldim
I am the servant of Şahi, I have come to the madman
Şah-ı merdan hüruc etti
The king of men has risen
Düldüle oldu süvari
He became a rider on Düldül
Mazlumun carına yetti
He came to the aid of the oppressed
Ali'm saldı zülfikarı
My Ali attacked with Zulfiqar
Bir Hacı Bektaş var idi
There was a Hacı Bektaş
Ali misali yar idi
He was a friend of Ali
Mürkirler görmez kör idi
The sanctimonious could not see, they were blind
Yürüttü cansız duvarı
He moved the lifeless wall
Muhyiddin kaynadı taştı
Muhyiddin boiled and overflowed
Gel beri gel tanrı dostu
Come here, come here, friend of God
Bu idi sözümün kastı
This was the intention of my word
Haktan ayrı görme yari
Do not see the friend separate from God

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