Des-Kontrol - 4 hormen artean - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Des-Kontrol - 4 hormen artean

4 hormen artean
Between the Four Walls
4 hormen artean
Between the four walls
Kanpora irten ezinik
Unable to go outside
Zure bizitza sakrifikatuz
Sacrificing your life
Ideia batzuengatik
For some ideas
Askatasuna galduz
Losing your freedom
Sinisten duzunagatik
For what you believe
Askatasuna galduz
Losing your freedom
Pentsatzen duzunagatik
For what you think
Itxaropena galdu barik
Without losing hope
Galdu barik aurrera segizazu
Keep moving forward without losing it
Senide eta lagun onak
Good relatives and friends
Lagun onak zurekin dituzu
You have good friends with you
Sentimendu triste batek
A sad feeling
Inguratzen zaitu
Surrounds you
Kaleezor guztia
The whole pavement
Kanpoan baidaukazu
Outside is outside
Burua makurtu barik
Without bowing your head
Ibiltzen ikasi duzu
You have learned to walk
Burua makurtu barik
Without bowing your head
Aurrera jarraituko duzu
You will continue forward
Itxaropena galdu barik
Without losing hope
Galdu barik aurrera segizazu
Keep moving forward without losing it
Zu kaleratu arte
Until you are released
Kaleratu arte etsiko ez dugu!
We will not give up until you are released!
Itxaropena galdu barik
Without losing hope
Galdu barik aurrera segi ezazu
Keep moving forward without losing it
Senide eta lagun onak
Good relatives and friends
Lagun onak zurekin dituzu
You have good friends with you
Itxaropena galdu barik
Without losing hope
Galdu barik aurrera segizazu
Keep moving forward without losing it
Zu kaleratu arte
Until you are released
Kaleratu arte etsiko ez dugu!
We will not give up until you are released!

Авторы: Markel Urrutia Larraã‘aga, Hodei Beitia Ibabe, Aritz Unamuno Cortabarria, Iker Lascurain Zabaleta, Oier Beitia Ibabe

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