Desakato - 11. Desakato - Ritual - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Desakato - 11. Desakato - Ritual

11. Desakato - Ritual
11. Desakato - Ritual
Parte 1:
Part 1:
Estaban preparados, para la fugaz resurrección
They were prepared for the fleeting resurrection,
Y solo hayaron un montón de huesos afinados
And only found a pile of sharpened bones.
Ardió toda su euforia sin haber tenido la ocasión
Their euphoria burned without a chance
De constatar que todo había sido un engaño
To verify that it had all been a deception.
Ya no existía su Dios
Their God no longer existed,
El fuego que te envuelve, con su aliento abrasador
The fire that surrounds you, with its scorching breath,
Rompió todos sus sueños, y cumplieron la misión
Shattered all their dreams, and they fulfilled the mission
De replicar piedad, incendiando sus cuerpos desnudos,
Of replicating piety, burning their naked bodies,
Convirtieron su templo frío y oscuro
They turned their cold and dark temple
En una bola de gas
Into a ball of gas.
Amanecieron calcinados, nadie les vino a rescatar
They awoke incinerated, no one came to rescue them,
No contemplaron visos de milagro
They did not contemplate glimpses of a miracle,
Ni las promesas llegaron al mar
Nor did the promises reach the sea.
Vieron sus vidas aferrados
They saw their lives clinging
A una mentira demencial
To an insane lie,
Y sus cenizas se hunden en el barro
And their ashes sink into the mud.
No hubo principio después del final
There was no beginning after the end,
Cada vez más cerca de olvidar
Closer and closer to forgetting
Todos esos crimenes, sois los asesinos
All those crimes, you are the murderers
De intenciones de moral
Of moral intentions,
Presumiendo ser los elejidos
Presuming to be the chosen ones.
Pesen todas esas muertes sobre su conciencia
Let all those deaths weigh on their conscience,
Obliguemosles a presenciar su propia decadencia
Let's force them to witness their own decline.
Es la religión quien construyó sus ataudes
It is religion that built their coffins,
Siglos de opulencia, vidas que se pudren
Centuries of opulence, lives that rot.
No esty dispuesto a negociar
I am not willing to negotiate,
Creyeron ver las señales
They thought they saw the signs
Mirando al humo que les asfixió
Looking at the smoke that suffocated them.
Amanecieron calcinados, nadie les vino a rescatar
They awoke incinerated, no one came to rescue them,
No contemplaron visos de milagro
They did not contemplate glimpses of a miracle,
Ni las promesas llegaron al mar
Nor did the promises reach the sea.
Vieron sus vidas aferrados
They saw their lives clinging
A una mentira demencial
To an insane lie,
Y sus cenizas se hunden en el barro
And their ashes sink into the mud.
No hubo principio después del final
There was no beginning after the end,
Aaaaal, aaaaal, aaaaal
Aaaaal, aaaaal, aaaaal
No hubo principio después del finaaaaal
There was no beginning after the eeeend.
Parte 2:
Part 2:
Nunca seremos los mismos, he tardado en darme cuenta.
We will never be the same, it took me a while to realize.
Hoy recuerdo nuestros días en la casa de madera
Today I remember our days in the wooden house,
Cuando todo era importante y aprendiamos a ciegas,
When everything was important and we learned blindly,
Escribiendo en las paredes y contando las estrellas,
Writing on the walls and counting the stars,
Sólo pensando en vivir
Just thinking about living.
Recordando los secretos de la casa de madera,
Remembering the secrets of the wooden house,
Cuando aún eramos pequeños y existir era una fiesta
When we were still little and existing was a party,
No temiamos al mundo ni adorabamos banderas
We did not fear the world or worship flags,
Eramos como dos luces alumbrando entre la niebla
We were like two lights shining in the fog,
Y jugando a hacernos fuertes, o a decapitar princesas
And playing at being strong, or beheading princesses,
Aprendimos a vivir
We learned to live.
Recordando los secretos de la casa de madera,
Remembering the secrets of the wooden house,
Cuando aún eramos pequeños y existir era una fiesta
When we were still little and existing was a party,
No temiamos al mundo ni adorabamos banderas
We did not fear the world or worship flags,
Eramos como dos luces alumbrando entre la niebla
We were like two lights shining in the fog,
Y jugando a hacernos fuertes, o a decapitar princesas
And playing at being strong, or beheading princesses,
Aprendimos a vivir
We learned to live.

Авторы: pablo martínez pérez

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