Desanto feat. Nicolae Guta & Dani Mocanu - Champions League - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Desanto feat. Nicolae Guta & Dani Mocanu - Champions League

Champions League
Champions League
Asta-i noua, stii ce zic...
This is the new one, you know what I mean...
De la, de la DeSanto Music.
From, from DeSanto Music.
Asta-i pentru smecheri, nu e pentru lautari,
This is for the cool guys, not for the musicians,
Asta-i pentru baietii cu buzunare mari.
This is for the boys with big pockets.
Nicolae Guta regele manelelor
Nicolae Guta the king of manele
Si Dani Mocanu idolul femeilor.
And Dani Mocanu the idol of women.
Eu am bani angro
I have money wholesale
Cum are Abramovic
Like Abramovich
Si fac senzatie mereu ca Ibrahimovic.
And I always make a sensation like Ibrahimovic.
Sa ajung in top
To reach the top
Nu mi-a fost deloc usor
It wasn't easy at all
Am avut ambitie de invingator.
I had the ambition of a winner.
Daca nu iau totul
If I don't take everything
Mai bine nu ma complic
I better not complicate things
Nu sunt de liga a doua
I'm not from the second league
Eu joc in Champions League.
I play in the Champions League.
Sunt celebru la fel ca Ronaldo si Messi
I'm famous just like Ronaldo and Messi
Si-am viteza in toate ca in atac van Persie.
And I've got speed in everything like van Persie in attack.
Cu toti grei Europei ma-ntrec la valore,
I'm better than all the heavyweights of Europe in terms of value,
Dusmanii vor sa pic la retrogradare.
Enemies want me to get relegated.
Sunt celebru la fel ca Ronaldo si Messi
I'm famous just like Ronaldo and Messi
Si-am viteza in toate ca in atac van Persie.
And I've got speed in everything like van Persie in attack.
Cu toti grei Europei ma-ntrec la valore,
I'm better than all the heavyweights of Europe in terms of value,
Dusmanii vor sa ma vada la retrogradare.
Enemies want to see me get relegated.
La fel ca Duckadam sunt o legenda in viata
Like Duckadam I'm a legend in life
Multor, lovituri eu stiu sa le fac fata.
I know how to deal with many blows.
Ca si printu' Cristea eu apar in tabloide
Like Prince Cristea I appear in tabloids
Se scrie despre mine ca am prea multe partide.
They write about me like I have too many games.
Daca nu iau totul
If I don't take everything
Eu nu ma complic
I won't complicate things
Nu sunt de liga a doua
I'm not from the second league
Joc in Champions League.
I play in the Champions League.
Sunt celebru la fel ca Ronaldo si Messi
I'm famous just like Ronaldo and Messi
Si-am viteza in toate ca in atac van Persie.
And I've got speed in everything like van Persie in attack.
Cu toti grei Europei ma-ntrec la valore,
I'm better than all the heavyweights of Europe in terms of value,
Dusmanii vor sa pic la retrogradare.
Enemies want me to get relegated.
Sunt celebru la fel ca Ronaldo si Messi
I'm famous just like Ronaldo and Messi
Si-am viteza in toate ca in atac van Persie.
And I've got speed in everything like van Persie in attack.
Cu toti grei Europei ma-ntrec la valore,
I'm better than all the heavyweights of Europe in terms of value,
Dusmanii vor sa ma vada la retrogradare.
Enemies want to see me get relegated.
Haide, haide, dili, dile...
Come on, come on, dili, dile...
... da, dig, riglie, rile, rele...
... yes, dig, riglie, rile, rele...
Daca nu iau totul
If I don't take everything
Mai bine nu ma complic
I better not complicate things
Nu sunt de liga a doua
I'm not from the second league
Eu joc in Champions League.
I play in the Champions League.
Sunt celebru la fel ca Ronaldo si Messi
I'm famous just like Ronaldo and Messi
Si-am viteza in toate ca in atac van Persie.
And I've got speed in everything like van Persie in attack.
Cu toti grei Europei ma-ntrec la valore,
I'm better than all the heavyweights of Europe in terms of value,
Dusmanii vor sa pic la retrogradare.
Enemies want me to get relegated.
Sunt celebru la fel ca Ronaldo si Messi
I'm famous just like Ronaldo and Messi
Si-am viteza in toate ca in atac van Persie.
And I've got speed in everything like van Persie in attack.
Cu toti grei Europei ma-ntrec la valore,
I'm better than all the heavyweights of Europe in terms of value,
Dusmanii vor sa ma vada la retrogradare.
Enemies want to see me get relegated.
Sunt celebru la fel ca Ronaldo si Messi
I'm famous just like Ronaldo and Messi
Si-am viteza in toate ca in atac van Persie.
And I've got speed in everything like van Persie in attack.
Cu toti grei Europei ma-ntrec la valore,
I'm better than all the heavyweights of Europe in terms of value,
Dusmanii vor sa pic la retrogradare.
Enemies want me to get relegated.
Sunt celebru la fel ca Ronaldo si Messi
I'm famous just like Ronaldo and Messi
Si-am viteza in toate ca in atac van Persie.
And I've got speed in everything like van Persie in attack.
Cu toti grei Europei ma-ntrec la valore,
I'm better than all the heavyweights of Europe in terms of value,
Dusmanii vor sa ma vada la retrogradare.
Enemies want to see me get relegated.

Авторы: Ovidiu Bacila

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