Desmod - Vitajte na konci sveta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Desmod - Vitajte na konci sveta

Vitajte na konci sveta
Welcome to the End of the World
Zastavil sa čas, dnes tu máme súdny deň
Time has stopped, today is our judgment day
I know...
Ako každý z Vás, ani ja mu neujdem
Like each of you, I too won't escape it
I know...
Zastavil sa čas, stíchla celá naša Zem
Time has stopped, our whole Earth has fallen silent
I know...
Ide z toho strach, čo ak len ja prežijem
It's frightening, what if I'm the only one to survive
V písme sľúbili, že tých dobrých čaká raj
In the scriptures they promised, that those who are good will go to paradise
Ak si hriešny bol, tak v záchranu nedúfaj
If you were a sinner, don't hope for salvation
Dnes je to jedno
Today it doesn't matter anymore
Kým si včera bol
Who you were yesterday
Aj tak sa raz všetko
Either way everything will turn
Zmení na popol
Into ashes
Vitajte na konci sveta
Welcome to the end of the world
Doznela posledná veta
The last sentence has sounded
Tak kde je ten raj?
So where is that paradise?
Odpoveď mi daj
Give me the answer
Kto z Vás si cestu pamätá
Who of you remembers the way
Vitajte na konci sveta
Welcome to the end of the world
To bola posledná veta
That was the last sentence
Dobré aj zlé
Good and evil
Stráca sa v hmle
Are lost in the fog
O chvíľu nás to rozmetá
In a moment it will tear us apart
Zastavil sa čas, možno je to len zlý sen
Time has stopped, maybe it's just a bad dream
I know...
Ako každý z nás, naveky tu nebudem
Like each of us, I won't be here forever
I know...
Čo nám sľúbili, dodržať sa nedarí
What they promised us, they failed to keep
Musíme veriť, že nás všetkých očarí
We have to believe, that it will enchant us all

Авторы: mario kollar, riso syncak, riso nagy, jano skorec, dusan minka

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