Dezear - Un te amo en cuarentena - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dezear - Un te amo en cuarentena

Un te amo en cuarentena
A Quarantine "I Love You"
Era un Domingo te visitaba en tu casa
It was a Sunday, I was visiting your place,
Juntos toda la tarde sin pensar lo que pasa
Together all afternoon, not thinking about what's in space.
Te abrazaba te besaba el tiempo no importaba
I hugged you, kissed you, time didn't matter,
Despues de cada despedida siempre habría un mañana
After each goodbye, there would always be a tomorrow, that's what I gather.
Llegue a mi casa despues de verte
I arrived home after seeing you,
Todo normal, dormí y al día siguiente,
Everything was normal, I slept and the next day,
Aparece en las noticias un aviso urgente
An urgent notice appeared in the news,
Cuarentena obligatoria por un virus inminente
Mandatory quarantine due to an imminent virus, it says.
Tomé mi celular para llamarte pues no entiendo
I took my phone to call you, I don't understand,
Me dices que todo el mundo lo esta sufriendo
You tell me that the whole world is suffering from it, hand in hand.
Y aunque duele por dentro ya no podremos vernos
And although it hurts inside, we won't be able to see each other,
Al menos por el momento
At least for the moment, my lover.
Pasan los días y nada mejora,
Days go by and nothing gets better,
No dicen nada bueno, al contrario,conforme avanzan las horas
They don't say anything good, on the contrary, as the hours pass,
Hay más casos de contagio y piden no tener contacto
There are more cases of contagion and they ask not to have contact, alas,
El virus se propaga con el tacto
The virus spreads by touch, that's a fact.
Tan solo por videollamada puedo verte
I can only see you through video calls,
Todos los días en una pantalla despues de las 7
Every day on a screen after 7 o'clock falls.
Han pasado dos semanas y aunque hablamos a diario
Two weeks have passed and although we talk daily,
Nos perdimos de festejar nuestro aniversario
We missed celebrating our anniversary, sadly.
Te extraño, pero no se bien que hacer
I miss you, but I don't know what to do,
Si te veo te pongo riedgo y a mi tambien
If I see you, I put you at risk, and myself too.
No se cuanto durará este encierro pero acabará
I don't know how long this confinement will last, but it will end,
Tu tranquila mi niña que esto es por nuestro bienestar
Don't worry, my girl, this is for our well-being, my friend.
Ya ha pasado más del mes
More than a month has passed,
Me dices que te siente rara que no paras de toser
You tell me you feel strange, you can't stop coughing, it's amassed.
Tienes fiebre pero no sabes porque
You have a fever but you don't know why,
Seguiste las indicaciones porque enfermarte esta vez?
You followed the instructions, why get sick this time? Oh my!
Se que hay miedo aunque no haz hecho nada malo
I know there's fear, even though you haven't done anything wrong,
Y el test para saber del virus es demasiado caro
And the test to know about the virus is too expensive, it's too long.
Te digo ve, no te preocupes yo lo pago
I tell you, go, don't worry, I'll pay for it,
Lo primero es la salud, despues veré que hago
Health comes first, then I'll see what to do with it.
Porque? si nisiquiera haz salido
Why? If you haven't even gone out,
Haz estado sola en tu casa con tus abuelos
You've been home alone with your grandparents, no doubt.
Y si tu diste positivo no se que será de ellos
And if you tested positive, I don't know what will become of them,
Porfavor alguien tenga una solución
Please, someone have a solution, like a gem.
No hay vacuna para esto y me muero e terror
There's no vaccine for this, and I'm dying of terror,
No quiero perderla, la tarde se me hace eterna
I don't want to lose her, the afternoon feels eternal, like an error.
Me mata la impotencia y no se si volvere a verla
Impotence kills me and I don't know if I'll see her again,
Dicen que el virus más se propaga
They say the virus spreads more, like a stain.
En otros paises ya hay quienes no pueden contarla
In other countries, there are already those who can't tell the tale,
Quedate en casa, quedate en casa
Stay home, stay home, don't fail.
Porque si hizo caso siempre es ella quien lo paga
Because if she always listened, she's the one who pays, that's the trail.
Pasan los días y hacemos nuestra videollamada
Days go by and we do our video call,
Te ves triste,enferma veo lagrima derramadas
You look sad, sick, I see tears fall.
La impotencia me acaba no puedo hacer nada
Impotence consumes me, I can't do anything,
Más que pedir al cielo que no haya más noticias mala
But ask heaven that there be no more bad news to bring.
No se si es prudente buscarte y ser valiente
I don't know if it's wise to look for you and be brave,
Salir de esta cuarentena por el miedo a el ya no verte
To leave this quarantine for the fear of not seeing you in the grave.
Por el miedo a ya no poder tomar tu mano
For the fear of not being able to hold your hand,
Y decirte que eres lo mejor que me ha pasado
And tell you that you're the best thing that has happened to me, you understand?
Me dices haz caso quedate ahi
You tell me to listen, stay there,
Es lo mejor para los dos, se que saldré de aqui
It's the best for both of us, I know I'll get out of here, I swear.
Cuidate, tu que estas bien pronto terminará
Take care, you who are well, it will soon be over, I declare.
Porque si ya no estas conmigo talvez yo no pueda más
Because if you're no longer with me, maybe I won't be able to bear.
Mi vida, te prometo estar aqui en el proceso
My life, I promise to be here in the process,
Saldremos y terminando festejaremos
We'll get out and when it's over, we'll celebrate, no less.
Nuestro aniversario atrasado
Our delayed anniversary,
Ya veras, nos reiremos de todo lo que ha pasado
You'll see, we'll laugh at everything that has happened, happily.
Hablamos mañana, descansa, todo va a estar bien
We'll talk tomorrow, rest, everything will be fine,
Buenas noches, yo dormiré tambien
Good night, I'll sleep too, in time.
Esperemos lo mejor
Let's hope for the best,
De una forma u otra nos vemos pronto amor,te amo, adios.
One way or another, we'll see each other soon, love, I love you, rest.

Авторы: Dezear

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