Dharius - La Durango - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dharius - La Durango

La Durango
The Durango
La wuaché afuera de un bar, ya era tarde estaba sola
The chick was outside a bar, it was late, she was alone
Me acerqué y le dije hola, ¿en algo te puedo ayudar?
I approached her and said hello, "Is there anything I can help you with?"
Ella me dijo llorando: "ya nadie puede ayudarme"
She told me crying: "Nobody can help me anymore"
Ahí estaba mi Durango y me la acaban de robar
There was my Durango and they just stole it from me
Se va a enojar mi papá, hoy no me dejo salir
My dad is going to be angry, he didn't let me go out today
Es por eso que a mi casa ahorita no me quiero ir
That's why I don't want to go home right now
Si me invitas a algún lado con gusto me voy contigo
If you invite me somewhere, I'll gladly go with you
Ya que no hubo ni un testigo, creo que le podré mentir
Since there wasn't even a witness, I think I can lie to him
Bonita ya no llores más, y vámonos de una vez
Baby, don't cry anymore, let's go right now
Ella dijo, aquí en cortito hay un motel que es japonés
She said, "Right here, close by, there's a motel that's Japanese"
Yo según nada pendejo acepté en un dos por tres
Me, pretending I'm not stupid, accepted in a heartbeat
Y le dije no estés triste vamos a pasarla bien
And I told her, "Don't be sad, we're going to have a good time"
Y así como se los cuento, exactamente es como fue
And just as I'm telling you, that's exactly how it was
Y no les miento en el momento pensé que la conquiste
And I'm not lying, at that moment, I thought I conquered her
Pero ya después capté, que ella me estaba esperando
But later I realized, she was waiting for me
Y nunca existió la Durango, algo malo estaba pasando
And the Durango never existed, something bad was happening
Me paré en corto a echar gas, dije: "tengo que orinar"
I stopped briefly to get gas, I said: "I have to pee"
Me bajé, me metí al baño y en corto empecé a fildear
I got out, went to the bathroom, and quickly started to scope out the place
Y wuaché las camionetas unas cuadras más atrás
And I saw the trucks a few blocks back
Se me borró la sonrisa, y pensé me quieren quebrar
My smile faded, and I thought, "They want to break me"
Agarré mi celular pa′ marcarle a la bandera
I grabbed my cell phone to call the crew
Les dije: "me andan cazando, aquí ando en corto en la estanzuela"
I told them: "They're hunting me, I'm here in Estanzuela"
Me dijeron que les diera diez minutos nada más
They told me to give them ten minutes, no more
Que no fuera pal' motel que regresará para el bar
Not to go to the motel, that I should go back to the bar
Eso me pasa por andar de cachondo
That's what I get for being horny
Buscando perras por toda la ciudad
Looking for chicks all over the city
Me quieren aventar a un pozo muy hondo
They want to throw me into a very deep well
Pero seguro se la van a pelar
But they're going to regret it
En corto corrí al ranflón y me subí acelerando
I quickly ran to the car and got in, accelerating
Le dije: "mami, perdón, tengo que volver por algo"
I said to her, "Baby, I'm sorry, I have to go back for something"
Agarró el volante y dijo: "yo no puedo regresar
She grabbed the wheel and said: "I can't go back"
Si no vamos pa′l motel por favor déjame bajar"
If we don't go to the motel, please let me get out"
Le dije: "vieja pendeja nadie va a bajar de aquí
I said: "Stupid bitch, nobody is getting out of here
Por poquito y me la aplicas pero ya te descubrí
You almost got me, but I figured you out
Ahora cuéntamelo todo en corto si quieres vivir"
Now tell me everything quickly if you want to live"
Me dijo: "yo no nada me pagaron por venir"
She told me: "I don't know anything, they paid me to come"
¿Qué chingados te pago?
What the fuck did they pay you?
Te lo juro no se quien
I swear I don't know who
Dos señores bien vestidos sólo los miré una vez
Two well-dressed men, I only saw them once
Me asomé al retrovisor y waché las camionetas
I looked in the rearview mirror and saw the trucks
Era una Suburban gris y otra troca bien paleta
It was a gray Suburban and another tricked-out truck
Le metí la pata al fondo directito para el bar
I stepped on the gas, heading straight for the bar
Ya me estaban esperando, dos, tres macizos del clan
They were already waiting for me, two, three tough guys from the clan
Me hablaron al celular: "¿Carnalito dónde estás?"
They called me on my cell phone: "Bro, where are you?"
Les dije: "me van siguiendo en un minuto estoy por ahí"
I told them: "They're following me, I'll be there in a minute"
No te preocupes por nada todo va a salir muy bien
Don't worry about anything, everything is going to be fine
No saben con quién se meten pero ya van a saber
They don't know who they're messing with, but they're about to find out
Ya estamos todos aquí parqueados en el callejón
We're all here now, parked in the alley
te metes hasta el fondo y aquí le damos topón
You go all the way in and here we hit them hard
Voy llegando, ya quedó, deja me meto pa allá
I'm arriving, it's done, let me go in there
Espero que los ojetes tengan huevos para entrar
I hope those assholes have the balls to come in
Tal y como me dijeron entre por atrás al bar
Just as they told me, I entered the bar from the back
Y las trocas en caliente se metieron sin pensar
And the trucks, in hot pursuit, entered without thinking
Eso me pasa por andar de cachondo
That's what I get for being horny
Buscando perras por toda la ciudad
Looking for chicks all over the city
Me quieren aventar a un pozo muy hondo
They want to throw me into a very deep well
Pero seguro se la van a pelar
But they're going to regret it
Cuando bajé del Camaro, ya los tenía rodeados
When I got out of the Camaro, I already had them surrounded
Los bajaron a todos y en corto los desarmaron
They took them all down and quickly disarmed them
Eran seis malandrines, estaban todos culeados
There were six thugs, they were all screwed
Los llevamos al terreno a ver quién los había mandado
We took them to the lot to see who had sent them
Ya que estaban amarrados comenzaron a cantar
Once they were tied up, they started singing
Ellos mismos lo planearon me intentaban levantar
They planned it themselves, they were trying to kidnap me
Por querer dinero fácil de este mundo ya se van
For wanting easy money, they are leaving this world
De la morra y los seis vatos nadie nunca supo más
No one ever heard from the chick and the six dudes again
Eso les pasa por andar de mañosos
That's what they get for being sneaky
Por no fijarse a quien se quieren chingar
For not paying attention to who they want to mess with
Hay pa' la otra fíjense bien, mugrosos
There's another time, pay close attention, morons
Que si me topan ya saben pa'onde van
If you come across me, you already know where you're going

Авторы: Jose Mauricio Garza Garcia, Alan Alejandro Maldonado Tamez

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