Di Noise - Clout Cobain I Clout Co13a1n - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Di Noise - Clout Cobain I Clout Co13a1n

Clout Cobain I Clout Co13a1n
Clout Cobain I Clout Co13a1n
Tu jefa esta bien gorda, callese viejo lesbiano xd
Your boss is really fat, shut up you old lesbian xd
Sparky tiene hambre y la neta me da hueva
Sparky is hungry and I'm really lazy
Darle de comer, eres una vieja piruja >: v
To feed her, you're an old whore >: v
Usas emojis y: v, no mereces usar packman.
You use emojis and: v, you don't deserve to use packman.
Se me antojo un pambazo: V
I'm craving a pambazo: V
Me compre una maroochan y me acorde que no tengo horno: "v
I bought a maroochan and I remembered that I don't have an oven: "v
Ayer me fui por mi barrio a chingarme unas lalitas: v
Yesterday I went to my neighborhood to eat some lalitas: v
Estaba llegando a mi canton y me encontre un baro Bv.
I was getting to my canton and I found a baro Bv.
Tengo guchi feik: v
I have fake guchi: v
Me fui a chingarle a las maquinitas y de regreso me alcanzo el awa: v
I went to play the slot machines and on the way back the water caught up with me: v
Una vez compre una pizza para mis tocayos y no llegaron a mi kasa: "v
Once I bought a pizza for my namesakes and they didn't come to my house: "v
Me quede sin ideas pero me acuerdo que una noche me levante muy
I ran out of ideas but I remember one night I got up very
Emputado por que no estaban mis chanclas y fui
Pissed because my flip-flops were gone and I went
Con mi perro y el las tenias ya bien vergueadas >: v
With my dog and he had them already very embarrassed >: v
En fin guchi gan: v .
Anyway, guchi wins: v .

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Harder Than Ever
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